Chapter 58

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Why is Wei Dong here?

    Did Brother Heng also invite Director Wei?

    In a few seconds, countless thoughts flashed in Chen Huan's mind, but when he thought about the relationship between Wen Ziheng and Wei Qing, he was relieved quickly, and he hurriedly put a flattering smile on his face, like After saying hello to Wei Qing like an ancestor, he followed Wei Qing tremblingly into this house that exudes the smell of RMB everywhere.

    Whether it is from the geographical environment of the community or the interior decoration, there is definitely a lot of money to spend, but based on Chen Huan's understanding of Wen Ziheng's economic situation, it is absolutely impossible for Wen Ziheng to have so much money to buy this place. House.

.Of course, if it was the legendary rich woman who gave Wen Ziheng the money, then everything would make sense, but that rich woman bought a house for Wen Ziheng and his son in such an inch of land and let them move in , whose intentions can be guessed with her toes, whether the rich woman is married or not, what is the difference between her behavior and hiding a pampered little white face in a golden house? !

    But what made Chen Huan even more unbelievable was that Wen Ziheng came in in a grand manner.

    Thinking of this, Chen Huan's mood became heavier. He didn't even think about why Wei Qing appeared at Wen Ziheng's house wearing an apron. He searched around the living room and didn't see Wen Ziheng's figure. I had to ask Wei Qing.

    Wei Qing, who was about to go back to the kitchen, pointed in the direction: "He is in the study, go upstairs and turn left for the second room."

    "Thank you, Director Wei.Chen Huan scratched his hair and said with a smile. Only then did he notice that Wei Qing was wearing an apron in front of him, and he said casually, "Dong Wei, why are you wearing an apron? But you are wearing this apron. It's very good-looking, and as expected, good-looking people look good in everything."

    Wei Qing asked calmly, "What should I wear without an apron when I cook?"

    "Ah?!" At first, Chen Huan thought he had heard it wrong. He repeated Wei Qing's words in shock. Seeing that Wei Qing didn't respond, his chin was about to fall to the ground. Chen Huan quickly put away his own. His chin was covered with cold sweat and he rolled up his sleeves, "Brother Heng is true, how can you let Director Wei cook at his house? Director Wei, go and rest first, and leave the rest to Brother Heng and me."

    As a result, Wei Qing was not happy when he heard this, and thought bitterly that this Chen Huan really didn't treat himself as an outsider, what did he mean to him and Wen Ziheng? .Is their relationship so close? Can you get closer than the negative distance between yourself and Wen Ziheng?

    So Wei Qing said: "There's no reason to let the guests do it, you can do what you want, and I'll call you after dinner."

    Hearing this, Chen Huan was so frightened that he hurriedly said: "Yes, there is no reason to let the guests do it. Wei Dong, you are our VIP, how can we let you do these rough work yourself? Brother Heng is really busy, so I will tell him now. Let him come over and cook."

    Chen Huan watched Wei Qing's expression from the corner of his eye when he spoke. Seeing that the other party's handsome face was so black that ink dripped from his face, he immediately complained to Wen Ziheng in his heart. Fortunately, he found the problem in time, otherwise he would have waited for Wei If Qing cooks a meal for them, he and Wen Ziheng won't have to hang out at dawn in the future. It's time for Wen Ziheng to come down and see how ugly Wei Qing's face is!

    When Wei Qing saw Chen Huan pulling his legs and walking away, he couldn't bear it any longer and said, "Stop!"

.Chen Huan was so frightened that he stopped moving reflexively, not even daring to move.

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