Chapter 5

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After hesitating for a long time between opening the door and not opening it, finally Wen Ziheng slowly opened the door to the urging doorbell.

    As the gap between the door gradually widened, Wei Qing's face full of impatience also appeared in Wen Ziheng's sight.

    Wei Qing was wearing only an off-white nightgown, and his black hair soaked in water was draped over his forehead. His skin was very white, and his tall and straight features seemed to be shrouded in a hazy mist.

    At this moment, Wei Qing was frowning and looking at Wen Ziheng unhappily, the corners of his mouth pursed into a drooping arc.

    Wen Ziheng's face was also not very good. With one hand on the door handle, he stood upright in the middle of the door, and the bright living room lights poured down from behind him, illuminating half of his handsome face. Bright and transparent, the other half is immersed in shadow.

.Before Wei Qing could speak, Wen Ziheng, who was somewhat collapsed, was the first to speak out: "I said earlier that it was you who pretended not to know when I met you again, and now it is you who came to my door, what do you think? "

    Wei Qing, who was yelled at inexplicably, was slightly startled, and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and laughed, but the smile on the corner of his mouth did not spread to his eyes.


    "Enough, Wei Qing." Wen Ziheng interrupted Wei Qing's words in a deep voice, there seemed to be undercurrents in the dark eyes, and finally they were calm, "What happened between us is to me It's not important anymore, I don't blame you, and I don't want to worry about the past, but can you please give me a quiet living environment? We each go our own way, I won't take the initiative to provoke you, and I hope You can stay away from me..."

.After a two-second pause, Wen Ziheng slowly pulled out a sarcastic smile, "After all, if you ate expired food, even if you spit it out later, the taste still stays in your memory, doesn't it?"

    After ignoring Wei Qing, whose face was suddenly covered with dark clouds, Wen Ziheng quickly returned to his original expressionless face, took two steps back, and closed the door with a bang.

    It was finally quiet.

    "Dad." Wen Xi, who was sitting on the sofa, tilted his head and looked at Wen Ziheng. The little guy seemed to sense his father's depression, jumped off the sofa and ran to hug Wen Ziheng's legs. , raised his head and said, "Dad, let's sleep."

    Wen Ziheng touched his son's soft, dry hair, squinted his eyes and smiled, picked up his son and walked towards the bedroom: "Xiaoxi goes to bed first, Dad will tell Xiaoxi a story after taking a bath, okay?"

.Wen Xi, who was put on the bed, crawled into the bed and lay down, holding Wen Ziheng's face and kissing her seriously: "Dad, hurry up."

    Wen Ziheng found a change of clothes and was going to take a shower in the bathroom. He suddenly remembered Wenxi's abnormality today and thought for a moment. After closing the bedroom door, he picked up his mobile phone and walked to the balcony to call the kindergarten teacher.

    The night wind in March was soaking cold, Wen Ziheng was wearing a thin shirt that had been spilled with coffee during the day, and was shivering from the blow. He couldn't help rubbing his arms. The beep sounded for a long time before the teacher answered the phone.

    "There will be a parent-child competition in the kindergarten next month, and the parents of the children will be invited to participate in the game, but not all parents of children will come. It is possible even if you are not around, and the garden will not make any mandatory requirements.”

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