Chapter 40

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To be honest, if it wasn't for Wen Liren's sudden and inexplicable phone call, Wen Ziheng would have long forgotten that he still has such a father.

    It's a pity that Wen Liren's active concern beyond the normal range at this time did not bring any emotion to Wen Ziheng, but made him feel extremely disgusting. This familiar voice in the depths of his memory is like a bridge leading to a dark abyss. It will make Wen Ziheng recall those unbearably painful past events.

    Therefore, when Wen Liren hesitated and did not speak, Wen Ziheng hung up the phone decisively. Since the relationship between them has regressed from relatives to strangers, there is no need to go down the steps to each other.

    It's just that Wen Liren's phone called again after only two or three seconds.

.And this time, Wen Liren, who had learned the lesson just now, did not dare to hesitate too much. He didn't even say a few words of greeting, and directly cut the topic to the point he had been brewing for a long time: "By the way, Xiaoheng, next Saturday will be me. It's your fifty-year-old birthday, you were busy with work a few years ago, and your mother and I didn't dare to disturb your work, so I didn't call you to come back for a get-together, but this year's meaning is different, you'd better come back and have a look."

    I don't know if it was Wen Ziheng's illusion, he seemed to capture a few humble pleas from Wen Liren's words, but this was something that would never happen even if the sun rose in the west.

    As a biological father, Wen Liren would not humiliate Wen Ziheng with cold violence and mental torture like Wang Peini and Wen Yuanxian did, but his attitude towards Wen Ziheng was almost the same as cold violence.

.As long as Wen Ziheng is still alive and healthy, Wen Liren will not ask him anything, even this son is a dispensable existence. As for group activities such as family gatherings and family outings, Wen Ziheng will go wherever he wants. , If you don't want to go, don't go, Wen Liren never feels lost or any discomfort because his only son is not around.

    Therefore, today's Wen Liren is very strange.

    Wen Ziheng didn't believe that Wen Liren didn't realize the importance of having both children until he was middle-aged, but he didn't know what was in him worthy of this always indifferent father's willingness to lower his profile and take the initiative to please him.

    Wen Ziheng's thoughts were flying in his mind, but his face was frosty, and he spoke without any emotion: "Then I wish you a happy birthday in advance, and then I will send the congratulations to your house. As for your family next Saturday, I won't go there alone as an outsider."

."Look at what you said, what are outsiders not outsiders." Wen Liren's voice quickly fell, and then he pretended to reprimand, "We are all family, don't you have a surname Wen?"

    Wen Ziheng sneered: "But my surname is not Wang."

    "..." Wen Liren couldn't utter a word for a moment, his face turned blue and then white, then turned to look at Wang Peini, who was sitting on the opposite sofa staring at him, and shrugged helplessly. He shrugged and prepared to hang up.

    It's just that Wang Peini seemed to have sensed his next move, stood up suddenly and strode forward, raised her hand to hold Wen Liren's shoulder, and her slightly narrowed eyes contained a hint of coercion.

.Wen Liren hesitated for a second, hurriedly cheered up, took a stance of twelve points and said solemnly to Wen Ziheng: "No matter what your surname is, you are my son, and I am also your father. I worked hard after your mother left. Pulling you up and raising you, and now I just want you to come back to see me on my birthday, is it so difficult? Even if you raise a dog, it will wag its tail when it sees its owner, and what will you do?"

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