Chapter 46

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As soon as Mr. Wang's words came out, everyone turned their heads and looked at Wei Qing in unison. There was a bit of gossip among them. It is almost known that Wei Dong has no object. Not long ago, a certain family When the authoritative magazine summarized the top ten golden bachelors voted by women, it also took Wei Dong's photo as the cover of the magazine. I didn't expect Wei Qing to have a target? !

    Of course, it doesn't matter whether there is an object or not. What everyone is more curious about is who is the woman standing behind King Yama, and what kind of immortal looks can she grow into to be favored by a diamond king like Wei Dong who is above the top.

    And such a big news has not been exposed by the media!

.Although the melon eaters present tried their best to suppress their eager hearts, their uncontrollable gazes were like dazzling searchlights swept over Wei Qing intentionally or unintentionally. They were fully expecting Wei Qing to take the initiative to reveal A little bit of gossip came, but after waiting for a long time, Wei Qing raised an eyebrow meaningfully, and said in a flat tone: "If President Wang wants to know so much, why don't you come to my office after the meeting, and I will tell you how it is in private. ?"

    President Wang suddenly sweated, clenched his fists against his lips and coughed dryly and said, "Since the joke is over, let's get back to the point now."

.The people who had been expecting Mr. Wang to ask something were suddenly disappointed, and their disappointment was evident, but Wei Dong had already made the words so clearly, they naturally did not have the position and courage to ask more, so they had to continue the boring meeting, despite the Some people do not agree with the marketing concept put forward by Chen Huan, but in the end they retracted their objections under the circumstance that the minority obeyed the majority.

    An hour and a half later, when the meeting ended, Chen Huan stayed to record the opinions of the people who raised objections just now, and the others left the conference room one after another.

    Wen Ziheng walked behind the crowd, followed by Secretary Zhang who had packed up the documents and was holding a small box. It was not until he got some distance from the people in front that Wen Ziheng stopped and turned to look at Secretary Zhang, who had an embarrassed expression. , said in a low voice, "Secretary Zhang, please don't tell me about my relationship with him."

."No, no..." Secretary Zhang immediately shook his head into a rattle, "Manager Wen, don't worry, I'm very strict, and Director Wei trusted me to let me help you with your personal affairs, and I will definitely not disappoint Director Wei. trust.”

    Wen Ziheng smiled and said, "Thank you."

    Before returning to the office, Wen Ziheng stopped by the public toilet in the corridor, and in the cubicle, he happened to hear a few people who had attended the meeting discussing about Wei Qing.

    "By the way, do you know Wen Yuanxian? She's the daughter of the Wang family, and seems to be Manager Wen's sister, but they're not born by the same mother."

    "Who doesn't know a woman as famous as Wen Yuanxian?When she came to the company to find Director Wei several times, she was blocked by the guards several times. I heard that Qiu Shao, a friend of Dong Wei's friend, brought her in. She relied on someone's support to enter and leave the company like a vegetable market. As a result, not long ago, she and Qiu Shao were stopped at the gate together. It is estimated that Wei Dong and the two of them broke up. "

    "So I'm wondering if the lover Wei Dong said is Wen Yuanxian. It seems that the only woman who has appeared by Wei Dong's side for so long is Wen Yuanxian."

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