Chapter 66

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Qi Chengche guarded Shao Ke all night, and he hardly slept while sitting beside the hospital bed, so that a faint layer of dark circles appeared under his eyes. .

    But seeing Shao Ke wake up, Qi Chengche was obviously relieved, and his frowning brows finally loosened, but left a shallow trace.

    Shao Ke stared directly at Qi Chengche's face without blinking his eyes, as if he wanted to see all the things he hadn't seen these days. Feeling distressed, I said guiltily: "I'm sorry Brother Che, I didn't want to involve you, and I didn't want you to see my side."

    "You didn't involve me, nothing about you can affect me.Qi Chengche sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed. He kept a calm expression from beginning to end, as if it had nothing to do with Shao Ke whether he was awake or not. "And it's not me who you should say sorry to, it's your parents."

    "I..." Shao Ke blushed with embarrassment. After hearing what Qi Chengche said, he guessed that Qi Chengche already knew what happened at his house.

    I just don't know what Qi Chengche will think of him. In the past, the other party thought his behavior was naive. Maybe after this incident, Qi Chengche's fixed impression of him will be greatly deepened.

.The more Shao Ke thought about it, the more flustered he became. He couldn't wait to explain to Qi Chengche, but before he got up from the bed, he was pressed down by Qi Chengche's shoulders. After a splitting headache, Shao Ke opened his eyes and saw Qi Chengche's indifference. His expression and eyes seemed to be looking at a stranger, which made Shao Ke very uncomfortable, and for a moment felt that the distance between himself and Qi Chengche had widened again.

    Shao Ke felt wronged, and when he thought about it carefully, he realized that he was too hypocritical.

    He and Qi Chengche parted ways as early as half a month ago, and they even deleted their contact information for each other. Isn't this relationship a stranger? Qi Chengche was still willing to accompany him here, having taken into account his past affection.

.In just a while, Shao Ke used his big head to think about a lot of messy things on the eighteenth bend of the mountain road. After thinking about it, he suddenly came out of sadness. The sadness after breaking up with Qi Chengche was like a dense fog. Strictly enveloped him, the dull pain still had an extremely strong sense of existence, and he could only force himself to divert his attention.

    "Where are my parents?" Shao Ke asked.

    "They're still looking for you." Qi Chengche got up and poured a glass of cold water, but he didn't mean to serve Shao Ke to drink water, but put the water glass on the bedside table, "We haven't told your parents that we found you, we need me Can you call them?"

    Naturally, Shao Ke didn't dare to call his parents in front of Qi Chengche, God knows what his parents would be like when they recognize Qi Chengche, and he didn't want to hurriedly say: "No, no, I'll contact them when I'm discharged from the hospital. "

.Qi Chengche said lightly: "Then you can report to them now that they are safe."

    "Ah?" Shao Ke was still dreaming of being taken care of by Qi Chengche in the hospital, but his dream was shattered in an instant, and he was frozen on the hospital bed, unable to move, "I'm so injured that I don't need to be hospitalized?"

    Before Qi Chengche could answer, a cold voice came from the sky: "You think too much, the doctor said that you can be discharged directly when you wake up, we have done the discharge procedures for you just now, of course, if you want to continue lying down, you can leave the hospital by yourself. Go for a hospital stay."

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