Chapter 11

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Wen Ziheng's ten fingers on the steering wheel kept tightening, he stared straight ahead without squinting, his face turned pale and the corners of his lips pursed, until the car slowly stopped at the warning of the red light, and then he said in a tight voice: " friend."

    In fact, he didn't want to pay attention to Wei Qing's apparently unreasonable question, but after thinking about it, he was really afraid that Wei Qing would make trouble in the car according to his previous temperament, so he reluctantly answered.

    Unfortunately, this perfunctory answer didn't make Wei Qingxiao stop. He turned his head and stared at Wen Ziheng's tense profile, his eyes slowly cruising on Wen Ziheng's facial features.

    "Friend?" Wei Qing raised her lips and smiled, but a glacier still condensed in the dark brown eyes, "What friend? A new boyfriend?"

    Wei Qing's eyes were straight, and Wen Ziheng's scalp was numb.

.But what made Wen Ziheng angry were the three interrogative sentences that Wei Qing slammed into him. Wei Qing had a sarcastic smile on his face in the corner of the light, and his blatant eyes were like a bucket of gasoline. on fire.

    "What if he's my new boyfriend? Wei Dong, everyone is an adult, don't play those childish tricks that only children have, you know it's cheap?" Wen Ziheng sneered, holding a gun and a stick. Say.

    The fake smile on Wei Qing's face froze for a moment: "Really?"

    Wen Ziheng held the steering wheel expressionlessly, pretending not to hear Wei Qing's words that seemed to be muttering to himself, and started the car without a word after the red light turned green.

    Wei Qing was still stunned at the moment, all kinds of negative emotions such as shock and anger intertwined into a huge net in his mind, falling from the sky, covering him tightly.

.Wei Qing looked very calm on the surface, but only he knew that the moment he heard Wen Ziheng's words just now, he even had the idea of ​​making that person disappear completely.

    Wen Ziheng has a new boyfriend.

    When did this happen? Why didn't he have any news at all?

    Wei Qing suddenly wanted to call Li Yu immediately and ask him why he didn't tell him that Wen Ziheng had dated a new boyfriend. He poured money into Li Yu's bank card every quarter as if he was taking advantage of him, not to wait for Wen Zi Heng told him about it himself, but he was dumbfounded and didn't even know how to deal with it.


    After a thousand rounds of thoughts, Wei Qing tugged at her tie irritably, closed her eyes and leaned back. When she opened her eyes again, Wen Ziheng had already driven the car into a community and parked in a residential building. Next to the flower bed downstairs.

."I'm going to pick up my son, please wait in the car for a while." Wen Ziheng didn't even bother to look at Wei Qing, so he left such a sentence indifferently, and without waiting for Wei Qing's response, he got out of the car and went upstairs walk in.

    After watching Wen Ziheng's figure disappear into the corner of the corridor, Wei Qing picked up her mobile phone and dialed someone's phone, her voice was so cold that the air around her seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

    "Li Yu, let me ask you something—"

    Wen Ziheng took the elevator to the twelfth floor familiarly. He used to come here often to pick up Wen Xi home. This is the place that Wen Ziheng is most familiar with apart from his home and company.

.After ringing the doorbell and waiting for a while, Qi Chengche, who was wearing an apron with a spatula in his hand, hurried to open the door. He was wearing a light gray home uniform under his apron, which had no shape or style, but it was worn on him Inexplicably, he looked very good-looking, and his skin was particularly fair.

    Qi Chengche is quite tall, a little taller than Wen Ziheng, who is 1.8 meters tall. When he looked at Wen Ziheng, his eyes drooped slightly, his eyes narrowed into a half-moon shape, he grinned, and there were light spots on both sides of his cheeks. pear vortex.

    "Xiaoxi." Qi Chengche waved his hand behind him and said gently, "Come and see who is coming."

    As soon as he finished speaking, there was a clatter of slippers stepping on the wooden floor, and then Wen Xi's little head stuck out from behind the door like a bean sprout bursting out of the ground, and it was clear that the person outside the door was his old man. After Dad, Wen Xi's wide eyes flashed with ecstasy.

.Wen Ziheng's numb face finally showed a smile, squatted down and embraced Wen Xi: "Xiaoxi, Dad is here to pick you up and go home."

    If it was normal, Wen Xi would have rushed into Wen Ziheng's arms like a bird, but at this time, he was nervously clinging to the door frame without making any movement. A layer of indifference.

    After staring at Wen Ziheng silently for a long time, Wen Xi suddenly turned and ran towards the house, the da da sound gradually getting farther away.

    Wen Ziheng: "..."

    "It may be that something happened in the kindergarten that affected the child a little." Qi Chengche sighed, his face full of sorrow, "After all, Xiaoxi is different from other children, you as a parent still have to communicate with the teacher more. , ask Xiaoxi what happened in kindergarten."

    Wen Ziheng said sourly, "Is that what you were like when you received him?"

.Qi Chengche nodded: "At that time, his clothes were full of dirty things. I asked the teacher, and the two teachers said that they didn't know anything, so I brought Xiaoxi back. He was in his mood when I wiped his body just now. It wasn't bad, and then somehow it became like that again."

    That's because Wenxi likes to take a bath, and only a bath can make him happy.

    "Xiaoxi likes you very much. He usually doesn't allow me to help when he takes a bath." Wen Ziheng felt sour in his heart.

    Qi Chengche smiled and said, "I've already prepared the meal. Let's go after dinner."

    Originally, Wen Ziheng didn't plan to eat at Qi Chengche's house. First, considering that he had already promised Wei Qing to have dinner at the restaurant outside, and second, he did not want Wei Qing and Qi Chengche to have any interaction, although he and Qi Chengche had a relationship. The relationship is pure and innocent, just ordinary friends, but Wei Qing likes to think wildly.

.Right now, it is impossible for Wen Ziheng to leave Wen Xi alone and go out to dinner with Wei Qing, and it is even more impossible to forcibly take Wen Xi away from Qi Chengche's house.

    Then there is only one option left.

    After obtaining Qi Chengche's consent, Wen Ziheng called Wei Qing who was still waiting downstairs. Then Qi Chengche continued to work in the kitchen, Wen Xi hid in the bedroom and refused to come out. Wen Ziheng was the only one who was very busy. Sitting on the sofa and waiting.

    After the doorbell rang, Wen Ziheng walked to open the door, and outside stood Wei Qing with the same ugly face.

    "Didn't you say it's good to go out to eat?" Wei Qing asked when he opened his mouth. At the same time, his eyes swept around Wen Ziheng's face and body like a searchlight.

    After confirming that there were no suspicious strawberries or other traces on Wen Ziheng's skin, Wei Qing's heart, which had been hanging on the wire for almost half an hour, finally landed slowly.

."..." Wen Ziheng was speechless, what the hell was Wei Qing's obviously relieved expression, "Something happened, so let's eat here tonight, and I'll take you home after eating."

    Wei Qing pouted without a smile: "Bring your ex to the current house for dinner, you're really slippery."

    Wen Ziheng's expression sank: "If you don't want to, I can take you home now."

    Hearing that, Wei Qing immediately shut up and followed Wen Ziheng into the room obediently.

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