Chapter 70

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As soon as Qiu Xi approached, he reached out and hugged Sun Jingyi's waist, the two were like conjoined twins who could not be separated.

    Fortunately, Qiu Xi is quite handsome. Compared with the greasy and disgusting pig face of the male boss, Sun Jingyi felt a lot more at ease. After a long time, Sun Jingyi took Qiu Xi's arm and walked to the box.

    In fact, Sun Jingyi has already eaten, and Qiu Xi, who spends all day in the clubhouse eating, drinking and having fun, is naturally not hungry, but after all, it is a civilized society now, and it is not like primitive people who would take off their clothes and go into the hole to dry as long as two people looked at each other. , they need an opportunity to sublimate their feelings, so Sun Jingyi took the initiative to create this opportunity.

.They sat in front of the dining table in the box with their own thoughts. Qiu Xi spoke seriously with yellow paint, and his explicit eyes seemed to be burning with a flame, so hot that he wanted to burn Sun Jingyi's clothes on the spot. , Sun Jingyi was caught by Qiu Xi's straight eyes and her cheeks were hot, she hurriedly picked up the cup and took a sip, but unfortunately the heat on her face did not dissipate, instead it became more and more hot.

    Then she thought that there were two other people in the small room with the door slightly open. Sun Jingyi was even more restless, and quickly interrupted Qiu Xi's increasingly bold words, deliberately extending the topic to Wen Ziheng.

    "By the way, I suddenly remembered that the Wen Ziheng you mentioned last time was from Shuguang, right?Recently, I was having dinner with my former colleague and found out that Wen Ziheng and I were colleagues, but unfortunately we didn't get to know him, and missed the wonderful gossip you mentioned. "

    Hearing this, Qiu Xi was stunned for a moment. He had already sat on the chair beside Sun Jingyi, with both hands on Sun Jingyi's waist. He was about to lift up his clothes and look inside. When he heard the name, he almost recoiled. For a moment, it was like the reaction of an animal when it smelled the breath of a natural enemy, but he quickly recovered, stroking Sun Jingyi's body while pretending to say nothing, "Why did you mention him again?"

    Sun Jingyi snuggled in Qiu Xi's arms obediently, and said sullenly: "Isn't this just when I had a dinner with my colleagues and just talked about him, I heard that his reputation in the company is not very good, and people who hate him can line up two floors. I have already resigned, and I don't know if the news is true or not, so please satisfy my curiosity!"

.Qiu Xi sneered and said sarcastically: "Wen Ziheng is a man who is guarded by Wei Qing, and he is afraid that he will not hate him even if he is a man of Dawn, but then again, Wen Ziheng is a big man who lives like this. It's really sad to be so useless, and you really think of yourself as the Princess Pea, it's fucking disgusting!"

    "Didn't you also say that Wen Ziheng's family plagiarized Shuguang's works? Now his parents have been sued by Shuguang's legal department." Sun Jingyi deliberately made her voice louder to ensure that every word could be read The people in the small room heard clearly, "Maybe Wen Ziheng also participated in this matter. He works in Shuguang, and he has access to some more important and private documents. Apart from him, his family can't find any more suitable documents. chosen."

.Qiu Xi absentmindedly listened to Sun Jingyi's highly instructive words, and he was already impatient, rubbing against Sun Jingyi's waist with hunger and thirst, and his eagerness was vividly expressed in his expression, he said, "What do you keep saying that that useless person is doing? It's very disappointing, I want to vomit when I see his face, and there is no other ability except to seduce people with some rude means."

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