Chapter 32

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Originally, Mrs. Wei didn't plan to confess to Wei Qing so quickly, but when Wei Qing and Wen Ziheng were tired in the kitchen just now, she accompanied Wen Xi to watch TV in the living room and received another email from a private detective.

    Originally, she wanted the private detective to confirm the relationship between Wen Ziheng and Wen Xi, but the paternity test was not a trivial matter, and Mrs. Wei was worried that Wei Qing would detect their actions, so in the end, the private detective only sent Wen Ziheng Take Wenxi's life situation in recent years.

    Mrs. Wei was born in a wealthy family. She grew up in brocade clothes and food, and later married her father Wei and gave birth to Wei Qing, and she never suffered any grievances. Therefore, in her worldview, there will never be negative words such as poverty and hardship. When she carefully browses When I finished the content of that email, I was shocked.

.She couldn't imagine the situation where Wen Ziheng, who was isolated and helpless after being abandoned by the Wang family, completed her studies in the United States while working to earn money to support herself and her children. Newborn babies are as fragile as ceramics, not only easy to get sick but also need adult care all the time. , Mrs. Wei didn't know how Wen Ziheng was able to survive at that time.

    She felt distressed about what happened to Wen Ziheng back then, and even more distressed that Wen Xi, her grandson, had been displaced with her father since birth, and even now suffers from mild autism.

    "Xiaoqing, I've thought about some things and I still think I should tell you." Mrs. Wei hesitated, "Is it possible... Wen Xi is actually your child?"

.Wei Qing was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt helpless and funny. Just now, when Mrs. Wei was mysteriously dragged to the bathroom, she thought she would say something unfavorable to Wen Ziheng. Wei Qing is of course more aware than Mrs. Wei about whether Wen Xi is his child or not. Before she went to the United States to meet Wen Ziheng, Wei Qing had never had a relationship with anyone, let alone a relationship, whether it was in the past or in the past. Now, Wen Ziheng is the only person Wei Qing has had close contact with.

    It can't be said that Wen Xi was born by Wen Ziheng, right?

    Although Wei Qing later found out that Wen Xi did look a bit like him when he was a child, but that didn't explain anything.

    "Mom, you think too much." Wei Qing said, "Wenxi is definitely not my son. I know very well whether I will have a child or not."

.Mrs. Wei didn't give up, and anxiously grabbed Wei Qing's arm and said, "What do you know? This child didn't come out of your stomach. The only person who knows is the child's mother. Think about it again, in the summer of 2013. Did something happen when you were still studying abroad, but you just don't remember it, or if you think back to the lesbians who were close to you back then, it's better to know Xiao Wen as well."

    Wei Qing didn't think about it, and didn't bother to think about it. He knew that he would never come up with a reason no matter how long he thought about it.

.But speaking of this, Wei Qing remembered Qiu Xi who was once regarded by Wen Ziheng as their hope of reconciliation. It seemed that only Qiu Xi in his circle of friends knew of Wen Ziheng's existence. They were in a foreign country back then. Wei Qing has not yet taken his current position. For fear that he could not protect Wen Ziheng, he did not announce his lover relationship with Wen Ziheng. Unexpectedly, this incident would become a hurdle for them to get back together, and later due to misunderstanding five years apart.

    Wei Qing has never been a generous person emotionally. He gave Qiu Xi the opportunity to take the initiative to confess and confess, but unfortunately Qiu Xi pretended to be stupid and wanted to fool the past, so he stopped being soft-handed and pretended that he had never made Qiu Xi a friend. Wen Yuanxian, who urged Qiuxi to do so, could not escape.

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