Chapter 75

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Shi Yan has been bubbling with happiness recently. Since his first date with Li Xun, he has become more energetic and motivated at work. Even his voice to greet his parents and grandparents after returning home is much louder than before. The elders were so frightened that they thought that Shi Yan had been stimulated again.

    It's just that Shi Yan was ill for several days when he was stimulated last time, but this time it was as if he had been stimulated.

    Shi Yan's mother and grandma completely regarded this old man as the lifeblood of Shi Yan's family. Seeing Shi Yan so worried and unsure, also felt extremely uneasy. The two women got together to discuss for a long time, and finally decided to send Shi Yan to talk to Shi Yan. Yan communicate, it is best to ask something.

.Shi Yan, who was in a good mood, had just gone out and returned from dinner with Li Xun. He walked briskly and hummed an unfinished tune. When he passed the living room, he saw his mother sitting on the sofa in the living room with a sad face. He couldn't help but stop and sit next to his wife. Ask what happened.

    After thinking about it, the mother decided to say it directly, then grabbed Shi Yan's hand and said worriedly: "My dear son, have you encountered any difficulties recently? If you have anything that you can't think of, you must tell your parents and grandparents. , we will always be your backing."

    Hearing that, Master Yan chuckled and patted his mother's hand: "What can I have trouble thinking about? I'm fine!"

    "Isn't it that you are too good and abnormal recently? We all think something is wrong with you."

    "Speaking of which, I did encounter one thing." . Shi Yan's mind couldn't help but see Li Xun's beautiful face, the smile at the corner of his mouth could not help spreading to the whole face, he narrowed his eyes with a smile, and whispered in his mother's ear, "It shouldn't be long before I I can bring a boyfriend back to show you guys."

    With a happy expression, the mother patted her son's shoulder excitedly: "Oh, he's very promising! My good son has been single for nearly 30 years and finally learned to find a partner. Then you have to hurry up, we are all waiting for you to get your girlfriend..." Talking and talking, the mistress, who realized something later, was stunned for a moment. The surprise just now disappeared without a trace. She stared at Shi Yan in disbelief, "What? Boyfriend?"

    Shi Yan smiled and kissed his mother's face: "Yeah, boyfriend, he's handsome and handsome, and he's still a super student, didn't you dislike my poor academic performance before? . . Are you happy to see that I didn't bring you a schoolboy boyfriend back? ! "

    "..." Mistress didn't even know how she squeezed out these two words, "Happy..."

    "Seeing that you're so happy, then I'm happy too." Shi Yan slapped his wife's cheek again, and flew up the second floor like a butterfly back to the bedroom.

    He threw himself on the big bed that the nanny had only changed to a four-piece suit, buried his head in the pillow and sniffed a few times, the smell of sunlight lingered on the tip of his nose, and the surging happiness in Shi Yan's heart almost overflowed with his breath. Come on, he rolled on the bed like a little girl holding the quilt four or five times, then took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and turned to the WeChat interface. There were two chat boxes on the top, except for their teacher's family group. Li Xun's WeChat.

.Shi Yan thought about it, hesitantly typed and deleted a lot of words, and finally sent a sentence: "I am very happy today, come to my house for dinner when you have time."

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