Chapter 27

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It has to be said that Wei Qing's external condition is very good. He is almost 1.9 meters tall, has the body of a golden ratio model, and is also a walking clothes rack, even if he casually wears an apron for cooking at Wen Ziheng's house It will look too out of grade, but it has the charm of a family man. His facial features are tough and deep, and if you look closely, you can find a small black mole on the tip of the nose, the eyes are very light brown, and the lips are thin and lip color Very pale, at first glance a bit like a half-breed.

    Wen Ziheng said before that he liked Wei Qing's eyes the most. Whenever he was stared at by those eyes, he felt that he belonged to Wei Qing's whole world, because he saw only him reflected in those eyes. figure.

    And now Wen Ziheng thinks so too. When Wei Qing turned his head to look at him, Wen Ziheng suddenly felt his heart beating faster.

    Bang bang, bang bang-

.That fast beating heart seemed to jump out of his throat, five years had passed, and Wei Qing's eyes still had an irresistible attraction to Wen Ziheng.

    "I have something to tell you." Wen Ziheng said in a hoarse voice.

    "What's the matter?" Wei Qing asked.

    "It was five years ago..."

    Wen Ziheng pondered what he said for a long time and just started, when he heard Wen Xi groaning in Wei Qing's arms, it seemed that it was a little uncomfortable to sleep in one position for a long time, he was in Wei Qing's arms Moving around, he wanted to climb up Wei Qing's shoulders.

    "What's wrong?" Wei Qing changed his posture and hugged Wen Xi upright, letting the little guy put his arms around his neck and lay on his shoulders, so that Wen Xi, who was still humming just now, didn't know what to do. It was silent for a long time.

.Wei Qing lightly stroked Wen Xi's back a few times, turned his head and found that the boy was also leaning his head on his shoulder and continued to fall asleep. Wen Xi's face was very sensual, and he squeezed out a small pile of meat. Wei Qing couldn't help but want to reach out and poke the child's face.

    "Your son slept soundly." Wei Qing said warmly with a smile, then thinking of what Wen Ziheng had not finished, she said, "By the way, what did you want to say?"

    "I mean……"

    Before Wen Ziheng could say the next words, the sound of a car whistle suddenly came not far away, which caught Wei Qing's attention. Wen Ziheng fell silent and looked in the direction Wei Qing turned his head in. He saw a car The black Maybach slowly drove towards them while reducing the speed, and then stopped firmly in front of them, the driver hurriedly got out of the car and walked around to open the rear door for them.

.I don't know if God deliberately prevented Wen Ziheng from telling Wei Qing this secret. The two sat in the back seat with Wen Xi in their arms. When Wen Ziheng was thinking about how to talk about Wen Xi's life, Wei Qing's The phone rang suddenly. It was Mrs. Wei who heard some rumors from Uncle Wei Qing and called to inquire. She thought that Wei Qing was in trouble and went to the police station and didn't even want to talk to them as parents.

    "It's just a small matter, don't worry about it, I'm fine." Wei Qing said in a cold and perfunctory tone, he didn't want Mother Wei to know that he found his uncle and used his family connections to help Wen Ziheng settle his personal affairs.

.Wei Qing knows her mother very well. She is a person who likes to investigate everything to the end. Moreover, after Wei Qing and Wen Ziheng broke up five years ago, she was depressed for a long time. She was so scared that Wei mother put down everything at hand and followed him. Take care of him, afraid that he can't think of anything for a while.

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