Chapter 28

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However, after being separated for only five years, Wen Ziheng deeply felt that Wei Qing was really coming back as he lived.

    Facing Wei Qing's cowardly smile, Wen Ziheng couldn't even get angry. He drank half a cup of tea that was almost cold in one breath. He got up and was about to leave the office. Before walking a few steps, Wei Ziheng rushed over. Qing blocked the way, looked up and saw Wei Qing's eyes half-squinted with a smile on his face, a gentle subwoofer voice sounded in Wen Ziheng's ears: "Let's have dinner together at night, I'll take you home and it's delicious. Dinning room."

    At the end, he added dejectedly, "By the way, bring that small light bulb with you."

    Wen Ziheng refused without thinking: "It's not convenient to go to those public places with Wen Xi's words."

.Wei Qing immediately turned around: "Then we can cook at home by ourselves. After get off work, we go to the supermarket to buy some ingredients. It happened that I learned a new craft some time ago. How about going back and showing my hands to you and the children?"

    The domineering tone that can't be rejected and the serious expression on his face full of expectation, how to think Wei Qing's usual aloof and stern image is a little broken, Wen Ziheng suddenly thinks of Chen Huan and other colleagues when they mention Wei Qing, he can't stop shivering. The fearful expression suddenly felt particularly funny, Wei Qing actually had two faces.

    What about the terrifying King Yama in the rumored rumor?

    After thinking about it, Wen Ziheng still agreed, "Okay."

.When he came out of Wei Qing's office, Wen Ziheng happened to see the high-level executives who were holding Wei Qing's conversation waiting outside with some documents, just like children in a kindergarten waiting for the teacher to hand out candy. After Wen Ziheng's footsteps, several people turned their heads in unison as if beating drums to pass flowers, and looked at Wen Ziheng with inexplicable sorrow in their eyes, and they saw Wen Ziheng sweating coldly.

    After Wen Ziheng nodded to greet the leaders, he quickened his pace and left the floor.

.Taking the elevator back to the tenth floor, the corridor was so quiet that he could hear wisps of air flowing, so that when Wen Ziheng passed by Sales Department No. 2, the noise from the inside was particularly obvious. The frosted glass in the office area of ​​Sales Department No. 2 The door was open, and Wen Ziheng glanced inside as he passed by, and all of a sudden he saw Sun Jingyi who was snotting and walking out with a cardboard box and Zu Qian who kept comforting her next to her.

    There were other colleagues around, all of whom were members of the department working under Sun Jingyi. At this time, they were scattered in various positions in the office area. They stared coldly at Sun Jingyi, who was crying with red eyes and left with Zu Qian. One person stands up and speaks.

    Their faces were full of disgust and contempt for Sun Jingyi, without any cover up, their indifferent eyes were like a dagger shining with cold light on Sun Jingyi's heart.

.Sun Jingyi cried so much that her face and neck were red, and she looked haggard without any cosmetic decoration. Her thin body seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the large cardboard box in her hand. She fell, but fortunately, Zu Qian next to her supported her in time.

    In fact, Sun Jingyi is very attractive in both appearance and figure. If she cried so pitifully as usual, someone would have jumped out to fight her injustice. Unfortunately, her tears are useless now, and the tears crisscrossed her face. The embarrassed look has completely lost its previous beauty. Everyone's eyes are like looking at a clown jumping on the beam, mixed with complaints, disgust and irritability, and no one sympathizes with her.

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