Chapter 24

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In the face of Zu Qian's complaint, the vice president looked at the document without even lifting his eyelids.

    "I said Xiaozu, this kind of thing is not within the scope of my management. What's the use of you complaining to me here? It's better to do your own work with peace of mind. If you really feel that Manager Wen's behavior disturbs you. When it comes to your job, I suggest you either go to the staff of the administrative department to communicate, or directly report this matter to President Wei, now that the company has been reorganized, Wei Qing is directly responsible for many big and small matters."

    "Mr. Chen..." Zu Qian's pretty face was ashen, she gritted her teeth and looked like she hated iron, but she still managed to squeeze a reluctant smile, "How could I be so embarrassed to tell President Wei about such a small thing ?"

    The vice president asked back: "Then you are willing to disturb me for such a small matter?"

    Zu Qian quickly waved her hand: "Mr. Chen, I didn't mean that..."

."Okay, don't talk about it." The vice president interrupted Zu Qian's explanation impatiently. He took time out of his busy schedule to glance at Zu Qian, who was not very good-looking, and said earnestly, "You think I don't know you. What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd? Don't think that if you catch Manager Wen's braids, you can push him out as a standout. There is no certainty about who will leave and who will stay in this company, but I can tell you clearly, stay in the company and rely on It's about excellent ability and performance, not by stepping on other people's shoulders."

    The little abacus in her heart was pointed out by the vice president. Zu Qian was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole to burrow in. The redness on her cheeks almost turned into a real drip, but she had to admit that this was the real purpose of her small report.

    If Wen Ziheng and his department could be squeezed out of the company, then other departments would be much safer.

.Angrily, she walked out of the vice president's office. Zu Qian took a lot of effort to suppress her anger, but in the corridor back to the office, she happened to meet Chen Huan leading Wen Ziheng's son towards the stairs. The little boy As Sun Jingyi said, the expression on her face seemed to be frozen by time, her unfocused eyes stared at the front, and she was led by Chen Huan as she drifted forward, her whole person was like a small Wooden stakes.

    All in all, this kid is very unlikable.

    Zu Qian looked at Wenxi back and forth, and then asked ill-spokenly, "Are you going to eat? Where is Manager Wen? He brought his children to the company to take care of others?"

.At this time, there was no one else in the corridor. The so-called first flirt is cheap. Since Zu Qian took the initiative to say such bitter and mean words, Chen Huan had no polite plans and said with a sneer: "Why are you asking this? Do you still want to go? The vice president made a small report saying that Brother Heng, as a father, does not take care of the children himself? The Pacific Police are not as good as you.

    Zu Qian choked at once, and said sternly after reacting, "What do you mean by that?"

    "It literally means." Chen Huan looked coldly at Zu Qian, who had a slightly grim expression with horizontal eyebrows and vertical eyes, his eyes were full of sarcasm, "In the past, Sun Jingyi often brought her niece to the company, why didn't you see you jumping and beating at that time? Small report? Manager Zu, you can't be so double-standard as a person."

.Zu Qian was so angry that her body was trembling, her face was blue and white, and what was even more frustrating was that she couldn't find the right words to refute Chen Huan, until Chen Huan took the little boy and walked away from her. The angry Zu Qian lifted her foot and kicked the trash can next to her, but her feet slipped, and she was caught off guard and sat on the ground, her posture extremely embarrassed.

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