Chapter 62

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Wen Ziheng quickly introduced the identities of Li Xun and Wei Qing to each other. Li Xun said that he could not contact Shao Ke's parents, so he asked Wei Qing to make a phone call. It was answered in seconds. The person who answered the phone was Shao Ke's father, who said in a warm voice, "Hey Aqing, do you have anything to do with me?"

    Wei Qing asked, "Do you have time now?"

    "Yes." Father Shao couldn't help but get nervous, "What's wrong?"

    "Class teacher Shao Ke is looking for you." Wei Qing said and handed the phone to Li Xun who was waiting beside him.

.Li Xun's heart was solemn, and he sighed silently. His face remained unchanged. He took over the phone and briefly explained Shao Ke's recent performance to Shao's father. Although Li Xun tried his best to describe Shao Ke from an objective and fair point of view His behavior, and the serious consequences such as entering the police station four times were omitted, but these words still made Father Shao angry, and the crackling of things falling over there could be heard through the phone, as well as mother Shao scolding him. sound.

    The furious father Shao's voice was trembling, he questioned Li Xun: "Why didn't you tell me these things earlier!"

    Li Xunyun replied calmly: "The premise is that your phone can be connected."

.Shao's father was silent for a while, and then he remembered that he and Shao's mother were busy with work. Many times when Li Xun called them, they were either in a meeting or busy with other work, and they had no time to answer Li Xun's phone calls. Later, they had time but completely. Forgetting the phone call to Li Xun, thinking of these Shao fathers suddenly felt guilty, ask Li Xun and Wei Qing to help find Shao Ke, and he will arrange someone to look for him together, and if necessary, you can call the police.

    Hanging up the phone, the staff who brought Li Xun in just now went out without a sound. Suddenly, only Wen Ziheng, Wei Qing and Li Xun were left in the silent space. They stared at big eyes with solemn expressions After a long while, Wen Ziheng suddenly spoke up to break the silence: "Mr. Li, do you know where Shao Ke often goes when he is absent from class?"

    "knowledge.".Li Xun nodded, "I've searched everywhere I can. In fact, it's not that Shao Ke hasn't been missing for two or three days, but he's a measured child, he won't go missing when he knows there's something important, and There are only a few places he often goes, and even if I don't find him in those places, his mobile phone can still get through, and now his mobile phone has been turned off."

    Wen Ziheng frowned. He wondered if Shao Ke had offended someone, so he told Chen Huan the scene he saw.

    At this time, a staff member hurried over to call Wen Ziheng to take the stage. Wen Ziheng was thinking of Shao Ke, and suddenly felt a burst of guilt. He shouldn't have been clever and kept it from Wei Qing a few days ago. We should tell Wei Qing about that.

    "Go." .Wei Qing took Wen Ziheng's hand to the door, and then kissed him on the cheek while the staff outside was not paying attention, "Don't worry, I will find Shao Ke."

    After Wen Ziheng followed the staff, Wei Qing turned his head to meet Li Xun's inquiring gaze.

    The presence of this head teacher is too low. He just turned around and ignored his presence. It's not Wei Qing's fault. It's just that Li Xun likes to keep a calm face but doesn't like to talk, and his dislike of socializing makes him want to put himself Turned into a weed on the side of the road, even if he has a face that is astonishing as it is, it will not stop everyone from subconsciously treating him as air.

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