Chapter 18

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To this day, the experience of breaking up with Wen Ziheng five years ago is still an incurable scar on Wei Qing's heart.

    He couldn't remember when the relationship between him and Wen Ziheng became more and more tense, and the increasingly sharp contradiction became an unbridgeable gap between them. During that time, Wen Ziheng became very emotional for some reason. , and is very insecure, like a vexatious child, who often gets angry with Wei Qing or even uses cold violence over trivial matters.

    Before this, Wen Ziheng had never been so willful. He was very gentle and quiet, sometimes so silent that people around him inadvertently ignored his existence, but he was very careful and considerate, always keeping the small items Wei Qing needed. Prepared at home, the weather was cold and told him to wear more clothes, and he was also polite and caring to his friends and classmates.

.Wen Ziheng's huge disparity in character made Wei Qing unable to adapt for a while. In addition, in the past two years, Mr. Wei was critically ill, and the staff at dawn had changed drastically. Those who were interested were eyeing them, and the entire Wei family was also panicked. At that time, Wei Qing Not only do I have to speed up my studies, but I also have to spend as much time as I can to get started with Dawning’s work. Every day is like a spinning top that can’t stop, which makes the restless lover even more powerless.

    Many times Wei Qing wanted to open up to Wen Ziheng and talk about it, but unfortunately it broke up in the end. Wen Ziheng had a time bomb/bomb buried in his body, Wei Qing didn't know where the bomb/bomb would be. When it exploded, I didn't know the cause of the explosion, so I had to deal with the moody Wen Ziheng all the time.

.The overload pressure made Wei Qing's every step forward, cumbersome and unbearable, and Mr. Wei's condition became more and more serious. Wei Qing was very drunk the night before returning to China to visit, and his nerves paralyzed by alcohol relieved him. In his usual disguise, he hugged Wen Ziheng's waist tightly, and a steady stream of tears poured out of his eyes uncontrollably.

    "I'm so tired, really tired."

    This was the last sentence Wei Qing said before he lost consciousness. When he woke up from the big bed at home after a hangover, it was noon the next day.

    Wen Ziheng was not at home, Wei Qing just thought he was going to school, and immediately rushed to the airport with his packed luggage. On the way, he called Wen Ziheng several times, but the other party never answered, and he didn't answer much. Thinking about it, Wei Qing was very reluctant to broadcast Wen Ziheng's boarding process to Wen Ziheng on WeChat, but she never received a response from her lover.

.It was not until Wei Qing attended Mr. Wei's funeral and booked a flight ticket that night to fly to the United States in a hurry, only to find out that Wen Ziheng, who had been missing for a long time, had completely moved out of their apartment, and had gone through the formalities for suspending school, as if from As if this world had evaporated out of thin air, Wei Qing frantically searched for all the places Wen Ziheng could go to several times.

    However, as China and the United States are so big, it is not easy to find someone in the vast crowd, not to mention that Wen Ziheng is determined to avoid everyone's attention.

    Therefore, for Wei Qing—

    The person with a sudden change in temperament is Wen Ziheng.

    Wen Ziheng was the one who left without telling her.

    The one who has been missing for a year is also Wen Ziheng.

    Even if Wei Qing finally waited for the lover he was thinking about after a year of waiting, their broken relationship could not be restored to the point where they were as good as before.

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