Chapter 9

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Wen Ziheng has never admired Wen Yuanxian as much as she does now. She has brought the unbeatable Xiaoqiang spirit to the extreme, but the more Wen Yuanxian persistently stalks her, the more Wen Ziheng is afraid of her. less than that.

    Wen Yuanxian naturally has her reasons for being persistent, but this is definitely not a good thing for Wen Ziheng.

    The heating in the office was still blowing, the indoor windows were closed, bright incandescent lights poured down, the air was filled with a hot breath, and the faint scent of perfume wafting from Wen Yuanxian's body.

    Wen Ziheng took off his coat and threw it on the seat, then picked up the remote control to turn off the air conditioner, and turned around to open the small glass window to the right of the floor-to-ceiling window. The cool wind rushed in, instantly driving away the dull temperature in the room.

    After doing this series of actions, Wen Ziheng turned his indifferent eyes to Wen Yuanxian, who had already walked to the desk.

.The neglected Wen Yuanxian's face was not so good-looking, although she was wearing a beautiful plain dress, her well-tended black hair was draped over her shoulders softly, and her oval face with light makeup looked so pitiful, However, when she glared angrily at Wen Ziheng with her arms around her chest, her expression looked fierce and hideous.

    Of course, Wen Yuanxian never showed her appearance in front of outsiders, so Wen Ziheng was fortunate enough to witness her true face.

    "Tell me, what's the matter with me?" Wen Ziheng's gaze slid calmly behind Wen Yuanxian as he spoke, only to see a small cardboard box half arm-width beside the sofa Wen Yuanxian sat on just now.

    "Auntie found a box the day before yesterday when she was packing up the house. Is it your stuff?"

.Wen Ziheng frowned, walked over and glanced at it. The box was open, and it was easy to see the messy little things inside. Wen Ziheng still had some impressions. These are the gadgets he saved when he was a child, and they were worthless. , I asked the servant to throw all these things away before going abroad to study, and I didn't expect it to appear here.

    "No, throw it away." Wen Ziheng said.

    Wen Yuanxian seemed to expect that Wen Ziheng would say this, without being surprised for a long time, instead she burst out laughing, with a bit of sarcasm and contempt: "Then throw it away, what are you telling me about this? I'm not Your nanny, kindly brought things to you, and want me to throw them away?"

    "Let's put it there then." Wen Ziheng walked back to the desk, sat down and was about to turn off the computer to get off work. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Wen Yuanxian walking with high heels, and then stood in front of him.

.Wen Ziheng pretended not to see Wen Yuanxian's movements and continued to turn off the computer.

    In the end, it was Wen Yuanxian who couldn't hold back first, her beautiful face was immediately covered with a layer of dark blue, she gritted her teeth and slapped it next to the computer, leaning slightly.

    "I've worked so hard to bring you something, don't you even invite me to dinner?" said it in a gnashing voice.

    Wen Ziheng raised her eyebrows, slightly surprised. In the past, this younger sister would sometimes throw her face and lose her temper when eating at the same table with him. Unless someone held a gun to her head, she would not take the initiative to say and smell her if she was killed. If Ziheng eats together.

    So what kind of medicine is she selling in the gourd?

    However, Wen Ziheng was not at all interested in what Wen Yuanxian was thinking, he just hoped that this annoying spirit would disappear from his eyes quickly.

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