Chapter 37

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Today is not the first time Wen Ziheng has heard of Uncle Wei.

    As early as when he and Sun Jingyi and others entered the police station because of the kindergarten beating incident, he knew that Wei Qing had an uncle who was the deputy chief. From the chats of several police officers behind, Wen Ziheng learned about Wei Xiaoshuquan. The name is Wei Qi. Although Wei Qi never showed his face during the incident, Wen Ziheng knew very well that it was because of Wei Qi's phone call that he solved the trouble for him so quickly.

    At this time, Wei Qi was wearing a dark uniform with a police cap in hand. His square face and straight and straight facial features made him show an air of arrogance and dignity, even if he just stopped in a random place, it would make him The people around you can't help but feel oppressed.

.However, Wei Qi's appearance is not very similar to Wei Qing's, although they are both high-ranking people who are so powerful that they can put pressure on others, or it should be said that Wei Qing looks more like Mrs. Wei - her appearance is more delicate and Aggressive.

    When Wen Ziheng looked at Wei Qi, Wei Qi's searched eyes swept over Wen Ziheng several times, his usual sharp gaze made Wen Ziheng feel his scalp numb, as if he was the one who was checking out in the mall commodity.

    Then the two reached out their hands at the same time.

    "Hello, I'm Wen Ziheng."

    "Hello, I'm Wei Qing's uncle Wei Qi."

.After the words were spoken, both of them were stunned for a moment. Wen Ziheng briefly shook hands with Wei Qi, then withdrew his hand and said with a smile, "Last time, I would like to thank the Deputy Bureau for helping out. If it wasn't for your help, I would have My son can't get out of the police station so quickly, I should have come to the door to thank you in person, but I was worried about disturbing your work, so I have delayed it until now, and if you have time, please treat me to have a meal together."

    In fact, it's not that Wen Ziheng didn't want to thank Wei Xi in person, but Wei Xi was in a high position, and he didn't even show his face at that time. Naturally, Wen Ziheng didn't dare to bother others in the name of thanking him, so he could only ask Wei Qing helped convey his thanks.

    However, speaking of this, if Wei Qi knew what Wen Ziheng thought in his heart, he would be so angry that he would spit out old blood.

.He has always been serious about gossip, and he is so curious to die that this Wen Ziheng is so sacred that he can make Wei Qing, who is as stubborn as a stone, cross his bottom line. You must know that Wei Qing never took the initiative to call and ask him before. Doing any favors made Wei Qi excited at the time, and immediately completed the work at hand as quickly as possible. As a result, when he was excited to rush to the police station, he received a call from Wei Qing, asking him to pretend that nothing happened. Well, what to do.

    Wei Qi, who was poured cold water from the beginning, had to be aggrieved and helplessly continued to squat in the office. He pinned all his hopes on Wen Ziheng's initiative, but it was a pity that after waiting for so long, he couldn't wait for a fart.

.Wei Qi, who had been sitting on the cold bench for more than a month, was full of resentment. Not long ago, on the way to find Wen Xi, he made up his mind to give Wen Ziheng a look. The look of joy spread over the serious face of the Chinese character, and for a while, he even forgot to put on the shelf that he had planned, turned his head to look at Mrs. Wei in surprise and joy, nodded and replied, "Since you said so. Well, let's set a time first? How about tomorrow night?"

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