Chapter 36

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Wen Ziheng listened to the whole process of Wen Xi's disappearance with a numb expression. Facing Mrs. Wei, who had never stopped crying from beginning to end, he really didn't even have the mood to comfort her.

    Wen Ziheng's ears finally calmed down until the heavy-looking Wei Qing came to persuade Mrs. Wei, who was crying and wiping her tears away. He was sitting on a park bench surrounded by uniformed police officers and bodyguards. .

    The noisy voices merged into a huge net unconsciously, covering almost Wen Ziheng's entire world.

    He slowly bent down and covered his ears, looking very painful.

.In the first time after Wenxi disappeared, Mrs. Wei, who was in a panic, contacted Uncle Wei and Father Wei, who was still on a business trip abroad. Half an hour later, Uncle Wei came in a hurry with two carts of well-armed police teams and blocked them directly. The scene was emptied, and then twenty bodyguards sent by Wei's father also rushed to the park to cooperate with the police to find Wen Xi, but after a carpet-like search for two hours, they could not find Wen Xi.

    Wen Ziheng and Wei Qing walked seven or eight laps in the park together, shouting hoarse, but got no response.

.The sky gradually darkened, the huge park was shrouded in the orange circle of lights intertwined by the street lights, and bright white flashlights swept past Wen Ziheng from time to time. Wen Ziheng was extremely tired, physically and mentally. The double pressure made him breathless. Even though Wei Qing forced him to sit on the bench and rested for more than half an hour, his beating heart was still not relieved in the slightest.

    There had been a heavy rain two days ago, and at this time, I could feel the coolness soaking into the bone marrow at night.

    After an unknown amount of time, Wen Ziheng heard the footsteps of someone approaching him. He thought it was the police who came to announce the good news. Wen Ziheng raised his head happily, but only saw Wei Qing's tall figure standing in the backlight. He seemed to be holding something in his hand. Wen Ziheng had no interest in things other than Wenxi, and his joyful expression was instantly replaced by a strong disappointment. He lowered his head again and fell into contemplation.

.Wei Qing was stunned for a while before slowly and carefully sitting beside Wen Ziheng, handed the coffee cup in his hand to Wen Ziheng, and said in a hoarse voice, "Now this day will cool down at night, drink some Coffee bar, it's also good to warm your hands."

    Wen Ziheng hadn't eaten anything from noon to night, only drank half a bottle of mineral water. He was so hungry that his chest was on his back, and even just sitting, he could feel his hungry stomach devouring his body bit by bit. With the remaining energy, Wen Ziheng couldn't eat a single bite of the food Wei Qing and Mrs. Wei asked the bodyguards to buy from the convenience store.

    Originally, Wen Ziheng didn't want to drink the coffee that Wei Qing bought, but when he heard Wei Qing's careful and ingratiating voice, he moved in his heart and reached out to take the hot cup of coffee, lifted the lid and took a sip. The warm liquid slid down the throat and into the stomach, at least it wasn't as uncomfortable as before.

."Thank you." Wen Ziheng said.

    Wei Qing approached Wen Ziheng calmly, and summoned up a lot of courage to hold Wen Ziheng's other hand and intertwined with it. Wen Ziheng's hand was blown very cold by the night wind. It dipped into Wei Qing's heart along the skin. If it wasn't for the poor lighting at night, Wen Ziheng could clearly see that Wei Qing's bitter face was full of distress.

    "I'm sorry, I apologize to you for my mother." Wei Qing clenched Wen Ziheng's hand, trying to warm him up in this way, "I told my mother just now that she won't be casual in the future. Get close to Wenxi, if she wants to talk to Wenxi, it must be when you are by your side, I didn't say these words to ask you to forgive her, I know Wenxi is the most important person in your life..."

    Having said this, Wei Qing suddenly paused for a moment, his hoarse voice full of bitterness.

.Then Wei Qing continued, "The police said that Wen Xi might be hiding in a corner of the park out of fear, as long as we continue to look for him, we will be able to find him, don't worry too much, don't find Wen Xi at that time. What's wrong with you."

    "I know." Wen Ziheng replied softly, he turned his head and saw Wei Qing's handsome face close at hand.

    Wei Qing stared at Wen Ziheng for a moment, his eyes were full of pain and sadness. After seeing Wen Ziheng suddenly turning his head, he was stunned for a while, opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but in the end he was hesitant to say anything. did not say.

    "It's not your mother's fault. I know that she brought Xiaoxi out for the sake of Xiaoxi. It's just that she didn't know the character of the child until she came into contact with Xiaoxi soon.Wen Ziheng sighed silently. He really didn't like Wei Qing being so careful. When they were still in love, Wen Ziheng was attracted by Wei Qing's high-spirited and confident appearance to the point where he couldn't help himself. , he likes Wei Qing, who is smart and capable in a high position without putting on airs at will.

    I have to admit that Wei Qing has changed a lot in the past five years.

    After thinking about it for a long time, Wen Ziheng decided to call Qi Chengche. Although he was not sure that after Qi Chengche came, Wen Xi would definitely respond to his call, but Wen Xi was so dependent on Qi Chengche, there was always some hope.

    The beep on the phone rang for a long time before Qi Chengche answered the call. His voice sounded a little strange: "A-Heng, what's the matter?"

.Wen Ziheng didn't have the energy to pay attention to other things, so he calmed down and told Qi Chengche about Wenxi's disappearance in the park in a few words. Qi Chengche hurriedly said that he would rush over immediately and hung up the phone, but before he hung up, Wen Ziheng Ziheng could vaguely hear the voices of other men.

    Shortly after the call ended, the crowd not far away suddenly became noisy.

    "Wait here, I'll go take a look." Wei Qing quickly stood up and said, before he could walk in that direction, the two saw Mrs. Wei staggering and trotting over surrounded by two bodyguards.

    "Xiao Wen!" Mrs. Wei's voice was still full of strong crying, her voice trembled, she said nervously and excitedly, "I found Xiao Xi's whereabouts, he was hit by a battery car on the side of the road, now They have been sent to the hospital by good-hearted people."

.When Wen Ziheng heard the words, he only felt darkness in front of him, and when he got up, he almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, Wei Qing next to him quickly supported him with his eyes and hands.

    The group came to the hospital in a hurry, Wen Ziheng didn't know what kind of mood he was in when he pushed open the closed door of the ward, until he saw Wen Xi lying on the hospital bed unscathed and fell asleep. The heart that had been hanging high all afternoon slowly landed on the ground. Still worried, Wen Ziheng checked Wen Xi's body lightly. After confirming that the little guy only had some scratches on his arm, he finally relaxed. tone.

    After sitting by the hospital bed for nearly an hour, Wen Xi hadn't woken up yet, and Wen Ziheng also remembered Mrs. Wei and Wei Qing who had just stopped outside the door.

.When he walked out of the ward, he saw Wei Qing and Mrs. Wei and an older man who claimed to be Wei Qing's uncle sitting side by side on the bench outside. There was a depressing breath in the air. Mrs. Wei covered her mouth with a tissue to use the battery The strong battery life was crying softly, tears crisscrossing her face with makeup.

    After hearing the door open, the three people sitting in the chairs turned to look at Wen Ziheng.

    Wei Qing got up and said, "How is the child?"

    "No problem." Wen Ziheng said.

    Wei Qing didn't speak. From the expression, it seemed that the tight strings in his mind had relaxed a lot. Mrs. Wei and Uncle Wei who were behind also gathered around, and you asked me each question with concern for a while.

.This was the first time Wen Ziheng looked at Uncle Wei so carefully. In the afternoon, he had a few conversations with Uncle Wei. At that time, he was so frightened by the disappearance of Wen Xi that he didn't even hear what Uncle Wei was saying

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