Chapter 19

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At this moment, Wen Ziheng's brain was chaotic, like a tangle of woolen threads. He was holding on to the ends and ends of the threads.

    Can't figure it out, can't make sense.

    Even those memories that had been deliberately ignored appeared unconsciously at this time, and they flashed one by one in Wen Ziheng's mind as if watching the flowers.

    Maybe he should have summoned the courage to go back to the apartment or stop him in the classroom where Wei Qing often goes, instead of placing his last hope on Wei Qing's friend after calling and looking for WeChat to no avail, and that Qiu Xi was just Wen Ziheng had only heard Wei Qing mention it a few times. He knew that that person and Wei Qing were good classmates, and that there was a goddess whom he liked and pursued fervently.

.As for Qiu Xi's phone number, I also got it from my senior brother.

    "June 23rd, 2013, do you remember what you were doing at that time? I went back to Manhattan from California and kept in touch with you, but all my communication methods have been blocked by you, I can only ask your friend to contact you You relayed the news that I was waiting for you at the cafe, I waited for a week and you didn't come..."

    Wei Qing was at a loss, he could only ease his inner anxiety and distress by kissing Wen Ziheng on the cheek constantly.

    Ever since Wen Ziheng disappeared, the string in Wei Qing's heart has always been tight, until this moment, it snapped suddenly.

    "Sorry, I really didn't get any news, and I didn't know you were waiting for me at the cafe."  Wei Qing's hands around Wen Ziheng's waist were shaking. After being forced to break up with Wen Ziheng, he lived like a corpse for five years. He was calm for so long that he even forgot what it was like when his emotions fluctuated strongly.

    At this moment, it seemed that a bomb exploded in Wei Qingxin Lake, and the splashing water blocked his entire vision.

    However, in the chaos, Wei Qing still grasped the key question sensitively: "Who did you tell me about waiting for me in the cafe back then?"

    "Qiu Xi." Wen Ziheng managed to recover from the sad mudslide. He said the name without hesitation, staring straight at Wei Qing who was both surprised and angry, and finally added, "You Among my friends, I have only heard of Qiu Xi, but I don't have any contact information for him, even his phone number is from my brother."

.Wei Qing looked down at Wen Ziheng pretending to be nothing, and for a while it hurt as if his whole heart was twisted into a ball.

    It was actually Qiu Xi.

    It will only be Qiuxi.

    In addition to being annoyed, Wei Qing seemed to have figured out something. His expression was grim and gloomy for a while, and he changed several terrifying appearances in just a few seconds. In the end, the focus of his eyes was on Wen Ziheng, and there was still a little sadness left. As his face gradually gathered up, the hostility surrounding him disappeared instantly, as if the stormy expression just now was just an illusion.

    "Little Rabbit, it's all my fault, I should have found you sooner..." Wei Qing sighed silently, then wrapped his arms around Wen Ziheng's waist even tighter, he buried his head in the other's neck. Taking a deep breath, the familiar breath lingering on the tip of his nose brought tears to his eyes, "Let's go back to the past, shall we? . . Let's not break up, okay? US……"

    Halfway through the words, Wei Qing suddenly felt that his trouser legs were being grabbed by a brute force.

    It was the little guy Wenxi.

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