Chapter 52

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Wen Ziheng subconsciously reached out to touch his face, but was grabbed by Wei Qing and then buckled behind him.

    Wei Qing touched Wen Ziheng's head with the other hand, and inserted all his five slender fingers into his hair. His kiss was as violent and strong as a storm, as if he would use action to stop Wen Ziheng's tears from continuing to flow down. Yes, but still hot tears continued to pour out of Wen Ziheng's eyes. With red eyes, he stared at Wei Qing with misty eyes.

    "Don't cry." Wei Qing finally stopped kissing deeply. He lowered his head against Wen Ziheng's cold forehead, rubbing his fingers against the other person's red and hot ears.

.Wen Ziheng didn't know what was wrong with him. He was fine just now, but when he saw the picture of his mother in the pages of the book, his mood that had no turbulence suddenly collapsed. At the age of 30, he was standing in front of the wooden board with tigers painted outside the zoo door, holding him when he was still a baby, Wen mother's beautiful face was full of kind and beautiful smiles, she lowered her eyes and quietly stared at her arms. Wen Ziheng of the camera.

    In the past, Wen Ziheng had no photo album, so he developed the habit of putting photos in the book. Now, when he opened it, he found that there were 20 or 30 photos in the pages, which recorded in detail the family of three before his mother died. happy time.

    Too bad those times are long gone.

    "If only my mother hadn't died.Wen Ziheng took a deep breath, stood up holding the box and looked at Wei Qing calmly, with tears crisscrossing his cheeks, he said in a very light tone, "Anyway, I will not forgive my dad, he is with me. Mom cheated on me when she was pregnant with me, and when my mom was seriously ill in the hospital, he was still dealing with women, and I will never forget these things in my life."

    Wei Qing stroked Wen Ziheng's face, and suddenly his heart was so distressed that his whole heart clenched, and he said, "Then I won't forgive you."

    Saying that, Wei Qing took the small box in Wen Ziheng's hand and put it on the table, then took out a wet tissue and tore the package and carefully wiped Wen Ziheng's dirty hands, so serious that every finger was taken care of, as if Treating a finely crafted work of art.

.Wen Ziheng pursed his lips and looked at Wei Qing's face numbly. His tall and straight facial features, as well as his frowning eyebrows from time to time, were exactly the same as when they parted five or six years ago. Time can change some people and people. Things, but it can also keep it unchanged. Although Wei Qing's aura and appearance have faded from the youth of his student days, he is Wei Qing. , he can recognize Wei Qing.

    Wen Ziheng let Wei Qing take out the second wet tissue to continue wiping his other hand, and simply sat on the corner of the bed just now, staring intently at Wei Qing's slightly labored appearance while holding his hand, bending slightly at the waist. Tears broke into a smile: "Don't you think I'm childish?"

    "You are not naive at all." Wei Qing flattered reflexively, "You are very mature, more mature than me."

.Wen Yan Wen Ziheng put his foot on Wei Qing's calf, his strength is not heavy, but on the surface he blows his beard and stares fiercely: "I'm serious with you, who made you poor?"

    "It's really not childish." Wei Qing finally wiped Wen Ziheng's hands clean, lowered his head and smack on the back of his hands, leaned over and nibbled on Wen Ziheng's face, and then leaned into his ear Pan chuckled and said, "Even if you are naive, I will accompany you to be naive."

    Wen Ziheng's ears were heated by Wei Qing's warm breathing, and he barely kept his composure and said with a smile that was not a smile, "Director Wei, it seems that during the few years I was away, your ability to tell love words really improved at a rocket-like speed. "

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