Chapter 54

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Wei Qing walked to the parking lot, and saw the warm yellow lights in his car from a distance. Wen Ziheng, who got the car key from the service staff, had been sitting in the car waiting for nearly half an hour. Wen Ziheng seemed to be Feeling a little stuffy, he rolled the car window to one-third of the way, and from Wei Qing's angle, he could just see his focused expression with his head down.

    Seeing this scene, Wei Qing's heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help but quicken his steps to walk over. He thought that Wen Ziheng could hear his approaching footsteps, but he was already standing outside the passenger's window. Heng was still staring at the phone screen intently, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, not knowing what interesting things he saw.

    Wei Qing, who was ignored, felt a chill in his heart. His gaze moved down a few minutes, and then landed on Wen Ziheng's mobile phone screen displaying the WeChat chat interface.

.Then Wei Qing saw Qi Chengche's name at a glance.


    Wen Ziheng was all focused on his mobile phone, and the screen of the mobile phone was bright again. For a while, he really didn't notice Wei Qing who was standing outside the car window for a while. When he came in, the somewhat cold hand quickly clamped his chin, and then the light in front of him suddenly dimmed, and Wen Ziheng was forced to raise his head.

    "What are you talking about? Laughing so happily." A low voice sounded in his ears, Wei Qing opened his mouth and gently bit Wen Ziheng's ear by whispering.

.After hearing the familiar voice, Wen Ziheng's tense nerves gradually relaxed. He twisted his neck uncomfortable, but he couldn't free his chin from Wei Qing's hand. He frowned. Turning his head to look at Wei Qing, who was very upset: "What's wrong with you? Be careful to be seen by others."

    "As soon as I see it, I wish everyone would come and watch." Wei Qing's tone was domineering like a three- or four-year-old child, pursing her lips unpleasantly, just like Wen Xi who was getting up, "You don't say a word. Just leave, don't wait for me."

    Wen Ziheng looked up at Wei Qing's childish face, and couldn't help laughing: "Do you think we are elementary school students on an appointment to go to the bathroom? Stop standing stupidly outside, hurry up and drive away , it's stuffy and hot in here."

.Although Wei Qing's face was full of unwillingness, but as soon as Wen Ziheng's voice fell, he slipped into the car with disgusting integrity, and drove the car slowly out of the residential area of ​​Wang's house. In fact, Wei Qing wanted to ask when Wen Ziheng left, and whether he had seen such a cool and arrogant picture of Wang Peini and Qiu Xi.

    Well, everyone wants to be handsome in front of the person they like, just like the male peacock only opens its screen to the female peacock.

    It's a pity that Wen Ziheng didn't seem to care what he did on stage at all. He didn't even ask a question. The whole way, he just chatted with Qi Chengche on WeChat.

.So Wei Qing's unhappy mood fell directly to the bottom. He drove the car expressionlessly, the corners of his mouth drooping slightly. At this moment, it seemed that even the air around him was frozen. Wei Qing never liked wearing a mask. , what he thought in his heart was all displayed on his face. If he didn't think about anything in his heart, he would not show any expression, with a poker face that could be called numbness.

    Over time, everyone who knew Wei Qing thought that expressionless was his normal state, even Wen Ziheng thought so.

    When Wen Ziheng ended the chat, Wei Qing had already driven the car into the parking lot. Wei Qing got out of the car and picked up the small box that Wen Ziheng had placed in the back seat. Wen Ziheng didn't notice anything wrong, and said to Wei Qing while waiting for the elevator, "We're moving tomorrow afternoon, have you packed all your luggage?"

.Wei Qing lowered her eyes and looked at the closed elevator door, and gave a light grace: "I don't have much."

    After being silent for a while, Wen Ziheng said again, "How about we invite you to dinner next weekend?"

    Wei Qing still had an indifferent expression. After the elevator door opened, she walked into the elevator and said, "Yes, you can call the shots."

    This time, Wen Ziheng finally realized that something was wrong with Wei Qing, and immediately followed Wei Qing into the elevator with a somewhat inexplicable expression. He wanted to find some clues on Wei Qing's face, but unfortunately after a long time of searching, except for the condensation on the other's face Nothing was found outside the piece of ice slag. Wen Ziheng pinched Wei Qing's arm helplessly: "If you have any opinions, you can say it directly."

.Wei Qing was stunned for a moment, but he really wanted Wen Ziheng to cut off the connection with Qi Chengche from now on, but unfortunately a big man would seem too petty with this kind of thought, and Qi Chengche was kind to Wen Ziheng once. He shouldn't have made such a willful request.

    However, he clearly knew that Qi Chengche had that kind of thoughts on Wen Ziheng, and he had to watch Qi Chengche chat and laugh with Wen Ziheng as a friend, and the vinegar jar in his heart would be overturned again and again.

    Forget it, out of sight is pure.

    Just after Wei Qing thought about it, she heard Wen Ziheng sigh: "Even if you have an opinion, it's useless. I've already informed them. If you don't want to be at home, you can go out with your friends."

    "They?!" Wei Qing caught the key eye sensitively, "Isn't Chen Huan the only one?"

    "And Qi Chengche.Wen Ziheng said, "But I only invited the two of them."

    Wei Qing was speechless and choked, thinking that he wouldn't leave Wen Ziheng even if he was killed. He wasn't stupid enough to accompany his current predecessor to the hospital to visit his current predecessor like Shao Ke. , I don't know when the former couple Qi Chengche and Wen Ziheng will be revived, and that idiot Shao Ke can't even find a place to cry.

    Of course, it's best to ask Qi Chengche not to come, and don't even see Wen Ziheng's face, this is the safest way to prevent them from breaking the mirror and reuniting.

.That night, Wei Qing tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. All he could think about was the scene of Wen Ziheng and Qi Chengche in love. Even though he tried his best not to think wildly, some thoughts would always be silent when he wasn't paying attention. Digging into his brain, Wei Qing had no confidence in himself. After all, he was absent from the most difficult stage in Wen Ziheng's life. Even if he devotes everything to make up for it, there is no 100% guarantee that Wen Ziheng will be able to get rid of it completely. segment shadow.

    But Qi Chengche was the one who accompanied Wen Ziheng through that difficult period.

    They even dated!

    Whenever he recalled the day Wen Xi disappeared, Qi Chengche's eyes were almost glued to Wen Ziheng in the hospital, Wei Qing's heart cooled a little.


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