Chapter 21

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Wei Qing said it with sincerity, but Wen Ziheng was dumbfounded.

    On the other end of the phone, Wen Yuanxian was also shocked beyond measure. She never dreamed that Wei Qing would say such merciless words in front of her, but she did not resent Wei Qing, she He would only blame himself for making such low-level mistakes one after another, knowing that Wei Qing and Wen Ziheng could hear her words at any time when they were together, yet he spoke so impulsive without going through his brain.

    At the same time, Wen Yuanxian also hated Wen Ziheng, why didn't he remind her? Purely want to see her embarrassing, right?

    Wen Yuanxian made a hard note to Wen Ziheng in her heart, and softened her voice and explained in a panicked and pitiful voice: "Brother Wei Qing, you misunderstood me, my brother and I were at home before. That's what we said, we were joking..."

.However, before she could finish her words, Wei Qing hung up the phone without hesitation.

    Wen Yuanxian's pretentious loud noises disappeared in the air, and suddenly it became quiet. Only the cartoon sounds from the living room remained. The little guy sitting on the sofa was not affected by them at all. With his hands on his knees, he sat straight and upright, and his big round eyes stared at the TV screen without squinting.

    Although Wen Xi's facial features are not very similar to Wei Qing's, the little old man when he has a serious expression is almost carved out of the same mold as Wei Qing, especially when the corners of the little guy's lips are slightly pursed and his brows are furrowed, Wen Ziheng It seemed that he saw Wei Qing frowning with a stern face, it was too similar.

.It's a pity that Wei Qing didn't find this. He occasionally felt that Wen Xi's appearance was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember that the source of the familiarity was his childhood photos, or that Wei Qing didn't think about that at all. Who would have thought of Wen Xi Ziheng, would a grown man have children by himself?

    So Wei Qing's eyes swept away from Wen Xi, and finally settled on Wen Ziheng's indifferent face, he thought about it and decided to explain: "Little rabbit, listen to me, Wen Yuanxian and I have nothing to do with each other. Relationship, she is the woman Qiu Xi likes, so Qiu Xi often brings her to our private parties. Later, I rarely attended those parties, and I never had contact with Wen Yuanxian. The text she posted in the circle of friends And the pictures are all her own imagination."

    The more Wei Qing said, the more she felt that Wen Yuanxian was a disgusting woman, and she was simply a stumbling block on his path to recovering his lover.

.In fact, Wei Qing had no hope of whether Wen Ziheng could listen to his explanation. They had been separated for five years, and with so many misunderstandings and twists in the middle, Wen Ziheng was still willing to let him step in. This door, Wei Qing has been extremely fortunate, he did not dare to ask for more.

    Just after thinking about it, Wen Ziheng raised the corners of his lips sarcastically, and said with a half-smile, "Really? Then what happened to the photo she posted? Did she force you to take a photo together or take your personal photo? PS?"

    Wei Qing, who was questioned, was surprised and happy, and hurriedly said: "She took that group photo, she sat next to me and suddenly called me, I turned her head and she took a picture, if I knew she was going to If the photo is posted on the Moments, I will never let her leave that photo."

.After the words fell, Wei Qing took a step forward, he lowered his head slightly, and the tip of his nose almost hit Wen Ziheng's forehead.

    Wen Ziheng was frightened by Wei Qing's sudden action, like a frightened rabbit, shrank his shoulders subconsciously to retreat, but Wei Qing quickly grabbed his arms.

    "Little Rabbit, are you jealous?" Wei Qing observed Wen Ziheng's expression for a moment, and asked with extra care, her deep hoarse voice was entwined with subtle joy, and his face was full of hair. Joy from the heart, "I have met Wen Yuanxian a long time ago, and everyone I know likes her, but I think she is more like a noisemaker and a troublemaker. Every time I see her, I will take a detour. I didn't know your relationship with her before, but I didn't know that you have the same father until she came to me to ask about your situation after you disappeared."

.The distance between the two was very close, and Wei Qing's breath all sprayed on Wen Ziheng's ears when he spoke.

    The embarrassed Wen Ziheng couldn't break free from Wei Qing's shackles, so he tilted his head in shame and annoyance to avoid looking at Wei Qing as much as possible, but when the warm air brushed past his ear, it seemed to be Wei Qing. His lips wandered on his skin, and Wen Ziheng's brain began to uncontrollably recall those unintended images, and then inevitably his ears turned red.

    "Got it." Wen Ziheng took a deep breath and said, "Will you let me go first?"

    "If only I could hold you like this forever and never let go, I'm afraid that if I let go, you will suddenly disappear like five years ago. That feeling of struggling in despair, I only try once in my life-- "Wei Qing sighed and slowly put down his hands.

.Wen Ziheng still kept his head tilted. He lowered his eyes and looked at the overlapping shadows of the two on the floor under the light. For some reason, his chest suddenly felt a little tight.

    "The responsibility for that matter is not entirely yours, I am also at fault, I should have found you myself..." Wen Ziheng said in a low voice, just as he was about to say the next sentence, he suddenly felt his shoulders tighten, when he reacted The whole person has been hugged by Wei Qing.


    Wei Qing shouted in a hoarse voice, and bit Wen Ziheng's earlobe lightly. The flexible tip of his tongue slid across his auricle, causing Wen Ziheng to shudder for a while.

    Unexpectedly, Wen Ziheng widened his eyes in horror. He put his hands on Wei Qing's chest and was about to push him away, and then a kiss like a rainstorm fell on his lips.


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