Chapter 15

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The meeting that I thought would last for an hour ended hastily after ten minutes. The speed was so fast that the people below were caught off guard. When the secretary announced the end of the meeting, everyone looked at you, me, and you, but only saw the side. The people have the same dumbfounded face.

    Chen Huan, who was already apprehensive, was even more at a loss after the meeting in the clouds. He read the minutes of the meeting recorded by his assistant carefully, but he still didn't understand what Dong Wei wanted to express when he presided over this meeting. what.

    Chen Huan kept reminiscing on the way back to the office. He only remembered that the secretary of the board of directors was talking almost the whole meeting, and director Wei sat next to him and said a few words from time to time, while he was looking at his watch impatiently at other times. .

    After thinking about it, Chen Huan decided to call Wen Ziheng to talk about it.

.Returning to the office in a hurry, Chen Huan, who took out his mobile phone, didn't have time to dial the number when he saw a tall figure sitting on the sofa in the corner of his light.

    "Wei, Director Wei?"

    "When did Manager Wen ask for leave?" Wei Qing spoke in a low voice and a gentle pace, but Chen Huan couldn't breathe because of the low air pressure blowing between the lines.

    Chen Huan subconsciously took two steps back until his back was against the glass door before he answered honestly, "Just this morning."

    Wei Qing moved his lips without laughing. Before he came here, he read Wen Ziheng's work record and attendance record several times. Wen Ziheng is a standard workaholic, and he can't be shaken by wind or rain. go to work on time.

    I didn't ask for leave in the morning, and I didn't ask for leave in the evening, but I went to Qi Chengche's house to stay for one night and then asked for leave.

.You are really good, Wen Ziheng.

    The light and ironic smile on Wei Qing's face was reflected in Chen Huan's eyes, but he felt extremely horrified. He saw that his scalp was numb, and it was the first time in his life that he knew that a handsome guy could still show such a penetrating smile.

    Realizing that Wei Dong might have misunderstood something, Chen Huan hurriedly explained: "Wei Dong, in fact, Manager Wen has something to deal with and has to ask for leave. Maybe you have also heard about the situation in his family. It's easy, and you have to do it yourself, big and small."

    Hearing this, Wei Qing was stunned, and then said coldly, "Do you know the reason for his leave?"

.Chen Huan scratched his hair in embarrassment, and after struggling for a moment, he still said the same thing: "It seems that something happened to Manager Wen's son in the kindergarten. He came to the office in the morning and left after receiving a call from the kindergarten teacher. The personnel department said hello, and the leave request form will be added later."

    After speaking, even Chen Huan himself felt that this reason was a bit reluctant.

    No matter what the reason is, it is always wrong to leave the post without notifying personnel in advance, not to mention that now their boss is Wei Qing, who is known as the King of Yama and is full of ill-will to ask questions. The reason why Wen Ziheng asked for leave...

    At this moment, Chen Huan strongly felt that Brother Heng was about to die.

."So that's how it is—" Wei Qing's gentle voice suddenly sounded, and the depression that had accumulated on his face just now was swept away, he smiled lightly, stepped forward and patted Chen Huan on the shoulder and said, "Remember to let the He made up the leave slip, worked hard, and handed me the marketing plan within a week."

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