Chapter 43

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At this time, the leaders had not come yet, and everyone in the hall whispered about the content of this temporary meeting. Unfortunately, everyone was confused. When the secretary office notified the meeting, it only stated the time and place and who should be present. Not much else to say.

    Wen Ziheng was sitting in a corner, with people from the marketing department sitting on both sides of him. He was jumping over the middle and chatting casually.

    "I heard that Director Wei presided over the meeting this time?"

    "That's what I said. I haven't seen Director Wei in person for a long time. I don't know what important things he will say later."

    "Could it be that the department was mobilized a while ago... Director Wei said before that he would conduct an assessment of each department, but until now he has not heard any news, which has made people panic in the company and doesn't know what will happen next. Who is going to go?" . . The man said that intentionally or not, he glanced in the direction of Wen Ziheng.

    At first Wen Ziheng thought that the colleague was insinuatingly complaining about him, but the next second he heard the sound of high heels stepping on the floor behind him, and then he immediately realized that the colleague was looking at someone behind him. In this place, even several people sitting in this area gradually stopped talking, and turned their heads to look at Wen Ziheng as if beating a drum to spread flowers.

    Wen Ziheng was also about to turn his head to see what was going on behind him. Just after thinking about it, he felt the footsteps approaching him, followed by Zu Qian's melodious voice: "I'm sorry Manager Yang, we can change it. Take your seat? I have something to say to Manager Wen, my seat is not far from here—"

.After speaking, Zu Qian raised her finger and pointed in the direction. The empty seat was indeed only five or six meters away from here, and sitting next to Wen Ziheng was a man in his thirties. Naturally, the request of such a beautiful woman as Zu Qian was not acceptable. Will refuse, but also very attentive to give up the seat.

    Wen Ziheng knew the meaning of the words "the visitor is not good". He was not so simple that he thought that Zu Qian took a lot of time to change his seat to sit over, and he really just wanted to say something irrelevant to him. Since Sun Jingyi left After the company, Zu Qian put her hostility towards him directly on the table. It was already an open matter in the company that the two did not deal with him, otherwise there would not be so many people watching the fun staring at them.

    So Wen Ziheng stood still, and continued to lower his head and look at the phone, pretending not to know that Zu Qian was sitting beside him.

.After a long stalemate, Zu Qian couldn't help but speak first: "Guess what Director Wei wants to say in such a hurry to come to us?"

    Wen Ziheng looked up at Zu Qian, who had a troubled expression on his face. The expression on his face was still indifferent. After a while, he asked back, "What do you think?"

    "I'm going to tell you something-" Zu Qian lowered her voice suddenly, with a malicious smile on the corner of her mouth, she covered half of her mouth with her hand and slowly brought it to Wen Ziheng's ear, her joyful voice contained gloating in misfortune "The notice of dismantling some departments has come down, don't you know this? Of course, it's useless if you know it, Jingyi's second sales department is on the list, and your festival department is in the second sales department. next to the Ministry's name."

.Wen Yan Wen Ziheng frowned slightly, and then suddenly saw several figures walking in from the glass door of the main entrance in the corner of the light, he leaned to the side subconsciously, and silently widened the distance between himself and Zu Qian. At the same time, the originally noisy conference room instantly became silent.

    Zu Qian also saw Wei Qing who was walking in front of him in a suit and leather shoes. At this moment, his face was not so good-looking. His stern eyes quickly swept away from the crowd below, and then fixed on Zu Qian and Wen Ziheng. Two seconds later, Wei Qing abruptly looked away, but Zu Qian could still feel the murderous aura from it.

    Wen Ziheng was finished.

    He is completely finished.

.Zu Qian thought about it, this was the gossip she overheard from the vice president not long ago. At that time, the vice president was talking on the phone with other people in the corridor. Zu Qian, who was passing by, eavesdropped on one or two people in the corridor. Come and go, Zu Qian didn't dare to stand on the edge of the corridor for too long for fear of causing suspicion, but in the end she managed to hear some key passages, such as Wei Dong's decision to dismantle two departments, one of which was the second sales department, And Wei Dong terminated the project of the Jieda department to continue to produce the second generation of robots.

    In addition, the recent changes in the Jieda department have been really big, and it has become the focus of the entire company. Not to mention the people in other departments, even the members of the Jieda department are uneasy and think that they have become the primary change targets for Wei Dong. .

.The more Zu Qian thought about it, the more happy she felt. She couldn't remember when she became so disgusted with Wen Ziheng. It seemed that two years ago, Mr. Zhang vigorously cultivated the Jieda department and neglected other departments. The seed called jealousy It was planted quietly in the depths of her heart. It has been two years. The performance created by Wen Ziheng and his subordinate departments has been at the bottom. They should have left the company two years ago.

    Zu Qian covered her mouth and sneered, then slowly approached Wen Ziheng and said, "Since you and I both know the final result, let's enjoy the process. I want to see with my own eyes how you were fired by the company."

.Wen Ziheng slid two drops of cold sweat on his forehead: "..." Actually, he didn't listen to what Zu Qian was saying at all. At this time, Zu Qian was like an annoying fly, buzzing in his ear constantly. However, no matter how he swayed his face, he couldn't drive him away. Instead, the gloomy gaze of Wei Qing on the stage made him sit like a needle. Look here.

    "Zu Qian." Wei Qiong shouted coldly, his voice was neither light nor heavy, but it was especially loud and clear in Zu Qian's ears in the environment where the needle could be heard.

    Zu Qian, who was still biting her ears with Wen Ziheng in her wishful thinking, was like a primary school student named by the teacher, she almost couldn't help bouncing off the chair, she quickly held the armrest to stabilize her body, and in front of the eyes of the public, she used a dry The voice embarrassed: "What's wrong, Wei Dong?"

.Wei Qing leaned slightly and sat on a chair on the podium, his slender legs folded at will, and he turned a signature pen between his fingers, but his entire face was expressionless, even the curvature of the corners of his mouth was moving. Pulling down, those eyes that exuded indifference looked at Zu Qian for a moment, until she saw goose bumps all over her body, and then she slowly said: "I'm talking on stage, you're talking off-stage, I Just wanted to ask if my voice bothers you? Why don't you come to the stage and say it, just to let all of us hear what you are saying."

    Although Wei Qing's tone didn't fluctuate much when he spoke, it scared Zu Qian enough. Her originally delicate face turned white with a swipe. He moved his lips and whispered like a mosquito: "I'm sorry..."

    "It's okay, just be careful next time.Wei Qing seemed to see the shape of Zu Qian's mouth clearly, and after speaking a great deal, she brought the topic back to where it was just now. Her head was buried in her collar, and the shame of being ridiculed by the leader in front of so many people deeply stimulated her nerves.

    Next, three or four leaders took turns speaking on the stage. If it wasn't for the fact that Wen Ziheng's Festival Department was announced to be disbanded, Zu Qian would have sneaked out silently, and in the next two hours It was especially difficult for her. The mocking glances from her colleagues from time to time were like slender whips hitting her. As time passed, she gradually became numb.

    So much so when Wei Qing officially announced the disbandment of the second department of sales and the third department of culture and tourism and the integration and adjustment with other departments, Zu Qian was completely stunned.

    The third department of cultural tourism is her department.


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