Chapter 57

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The unpleasant words kept popping out of Qiu Xi's mouth. His complexion was as pale as a vampire in the West. Even from a distance, his eyes soaked in venom corroded Wen Yuanxian's heart at a speed visible to the naked eye. For a moment, Wen Yuanxian's face turned ugly, and Wen Liren, who was standing in front of her and Wang Peini, also trembled with anger.

    It's a pity that Wen Liren is a soft-hearted man. He usually obeys Wang Peini at home and doesn't dare to disobey any of her orders. At this time, seeing Wang Peini's face, he was frightened into a pig liver salad and pulled his daughter to hide behind him. He didn't even dare to fart. One, he didn't even dare to take a breath.

    "How can you swear at people!" God knows how Wen Liren mustered up the courage to squeeze out these words, he tremblingly pointed at Qiu Xi who was going crazy and said, "Are you young man educated? Didn't Mom teach you how to talk to people! . You are the broken shoes, your whole family is broken shoes! "

    The bystander Shi Yan showed an indescribable expression, thinking that this man is as weak and incompetent as the legend, and his daughter was scolded so badly by Qiu Xi pointing at her head, and she was also timid and did not dare to reply, if it weren't for Wang Peini Pushing and shoving him from behind, I'm afraid he will just pull his wife and daughter away.

    However, as if Qiu Xi hadn't heard Wen Liren's rebuttal, he was still scolding mechanically: "My relationship with Wei Qing for so many years has been destroyed by you and that stupid man, none of your surnames are Wen. Good thing, I think you two brothers and sisters are the same thing, even the man you seduced is the same..."

.Speaking of which, Qiu Xi seemed to think these words were funny, and suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly, "Hahahahaha if I were you, I would definitely not be reconciled. The man I liked for so long ended up with..."

    Shi Yan was startled when he heard this, and quickly covered Qiu Xi's mouth to stop what he was going to say next.

    Seeing this, Qiu Mu threw Wen Yuanxian's family of three out. Both Wang Peini and Wen Liren were frightened by Qiu Xi's madness. Unconscious Wen Yuanxian left the ward in a daze. The three of them rushed out of the hospital in the elevator in one breath. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they got into the car.

.Wen Liren was sitting in the back seat, looking at Wen Yuanxian, who seemed to have his soul taken away from the passenger seat, and thinking that Qiu Xi had hardly heard him, an adult who felt humiliating, his heart suddenly became cold. Halfway through, he frowned and reminded Wen Yuanxian to fasten his seat belt. After Wang Peini turned the steering wheel and drove the car out of the hospital parking lot, he said angrily, "Yuanxian, tell me the bottom line. what's going on!"

    Wang Peini was frightened by Wen Liren's loud voice, cursing a few words with a dark face, but Wen Yuanxian did not react at all, staring blankly ahead, Wen Liren endured her anger and shouted many times before she slowed down. She turned her head around, tears streaming down her face.

    "Yuan Xian?" .Wen Liren was startled by Wen Yuanxian's tears, stammered, and all her anger disappeared in an instant, "Don't cry, my dear girl, I just asked casually, I heard Qiu Xi say it so ugly. , I just want to ask what happened to you guys, and what happened to Wei Qing he said..."

    When the names of Qiu Xi and Wei Qing were mentioned, Wen Yuanxian's tears flowed even more violently. She shook her shoulders and couldn't stop choking. In the end, she couldn't suppress the strong sadness and cried out of breath. This was her first time. Hearing Qiu Xi insulting her with such disgusting words was the first time she knew that her image in Qiu Xi's heart had become so unbearable, maybe it was because she was used to being held by Qiu Xi before, which made her unacceptable for a while. such a reality.

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