Chapter 31

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Wen Ziheng hung up the phone and just went back to the sofa and sat down when he saw Mrs. Wei looking over vigilantly. After thinking about it, she asked, "Did Wei Qing call you?"

"Yes." Wen Ziheng said, "He is already on his way back, and he will arrive in half an hour."

Mrs. Wei was stunned for a moment, and there was a flash of panic in her expression: "It's only half an hour?"

Wen Ziheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looking at Madam Wei's unpredictable face, he hesitated for a while before saying: "...Maybe he has less work at hand, the way back from the company is not too blocked at this time, so he will walk fast. Some."

"Oh..." Mrs. Wei replied absentmindedly, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she sat side by side with Wen Xi and watched TV restlessly, her eyes erratic and obviously hiding something on her mind.

.Wen Ziheng wanted to ask Mrs. Wei if something was difficult, but before she could say it, she thought that he didn't seem to have the position to ask about these more private matters. Go back to the bedroom and turn on the computer to check the emails that have not been read in the afternoon.

Time always passed quickly when he was concentrating on things. When Wen Ziheng heard the sound outside again, there was a slight knock on the door, and Mrs. Wei's slightly anxious voice: "Xiao Wen, I suddenly I remember that there are still some things at home waiting for me to go back to deal with, then I will go first, and when you have time, bring Xiaoxi to my house as a guest."

.Wen Ziheng hurriedly got up and went to open the door, and saw Mrs. Wei taking small steps and running to the entrance with a blink of an eye. At the same time, her eyes seemed to be stuck with glue and she was still watching the cartoon seriously. On Wen Xi, the strong reluctance in his eyes almost overflowed from his eyes. The original bland farewell was abruptly performed by Mrs. Wei as a feeling of parting from life and death.

With an embarrassed smile on his face, Wen Ziheng calmly shook the goose bumps all over his body, and persuaded: "You should wait for President Wei to come back and have dinner together before leaving, otherwise you won't even have a face for President Wei after waiting for so long. see you."

"No no no no no..." Madam Wei reluctantly took her eyes away from Wen Xi, shook her head like a rattle, leaned on the shoe cabinet, took off the shoe covers, and reached out to open the door, "Family matters are very important, anyway, my son You can see it at any time, and I'm not in a hurry..."

.The moment the voice fell, the door was pulled open.

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure appeared in the sight of Mrs. Wei and Wen Ziheng. The anxious look on Mrs. Wei's face disappeared immediately after seeing the face of the person who came, and was replaced by anxiety and fear, which scared even her. I don't know when the shoe cover I was holding in my hand fell to the ground.


Behind Wei Qing was a dark corridor, and the warm lights in the living room all shone on his face and body. His facial features, which were usually sharp and cold, softened a little under the light. He was carrying a large bag in both hands. Xiaobao's supermarket shopping bag, slowly lowered her eyelids and stared blankly at Mrs. Wei, who was pale and did not dare to move, and then raised one corner of her lips with a smile: "Mom, why didn't you tell me when you came here? Woolen cloth?"

.Mrs. Wei staggered back two steps, and then slammed into the shoe cabinet with a thud. She dared not say that she heard from the secretary that Wei Qing was going to work overtime this afternoon to negotiate the contract, so she came to see Wen Ziheng bravely. With Wenxi, in just a few seconds, Mrs. Wei thought of a hundred kinds of excuses to prevaricate Wei Qing, but she still couldn't bear to say the words.

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