Chapter 73

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For a while, the injured friends thought that there was a problem with their ears, and after repeatedly confirming that Shi Yan really wanted to call duck, the injured friends all had expressions of horror on their faces. They thought that Shi Yan was stimulated during this period, and quickly put the Shi Yan surrounded and offered his comfort and concern.

    Shi Yan looked at the shocked faces of the deceased friends as if they had seen the doomsday, and the delicate and handsome facial features of the fairy could not help but appear in his mind. ...Of course, all that happened, Shi Yan felt that the indifferent character shown by the fairy would definitely not be able to laugh.

    However, Fairy's lips are really soft, and when they are attached, they seem to stick to marshmallows.

.If he could do it all over again, Shi Yan would still choose to jump on the fairy without hesitation, but he didn't want to stand up stupidly and watch the fairy leave his sight. See if those thin lips are really as sweet as marshmallows.

    It's a pity that time can't go back, and Shi Yan's bowels are green with regret at this time.

    The injured friends looked at Shi Yan's face from blue to white, and changed several expressions in just a few seconds, each time more grief and more regretful, the whole person seems to be possessed, this move So frightened that the bad friends didn't dare to ask any further questions, they hurriedly followed Shi Yan's wishes and asked the foreman to select seven or eight good-looking boys in white shirts.

    The young boys lined up in front of Shi Yan, their eyes staring at Shi Yan, the handsome and wealthy big gold master.

.Shi Yan's dazed eyes wandered around the ducks, and finally he waved his hand to signal the foreman to bring these boys in. During the questioning of the injured friends, Shi Yan, who was sitting on the sofa, bent down and covered it with his hands in pain. Holding his head, he murmured, "It's over, it's over..."

    A lost friend asked in confusion: "What's the end?"

    "It's not him." Shi Yan was still talking to himself, "None of them are him..."

    After that, Shi Yan's heart disease became more and more serious, and he also had a cold and fever for three days and three nights, but the elders of Shi's family felt bad, and he quickly invited the most famous doctor in the city to help Shi Yan treat the cold, so the doctor The man with black lines gave Shi Yan a drip and prescribed a few medicines before leaving. Shi Yan's mother and grandmother stayed by the bed day and night to take care of Shi Yan.

.On the fourth day, Shi Yan finally got sick and got out of bed, and the first thing he did when he went out was to find Wei Qing and Wen Ziheng, who had come out of the closet. Now he urgently needs a spiritual mentor to clear his blocked thoughts.

    Shi Yan was still driving his pink Porsche, and the deafening sound of galloping along the way attracted the attention of most passersby. In the past, Shi Yan enjoyed envious glances from others, which is why he chose such a bold sports car. The biggest reason, but today he didn't even want to show off, he just wanted to hurry up to Wei Qing's house.

.There are many vehicles entering and leaving the community on weekends. Shi Yan drove around the community for half a circle, but found that there were several cars lined up at the three parking lot entrances. In desperation, he had to drive to the nearest entrance to line up. The vehicles moved slowly and quickly. When he arrived at the car in front of Shi Yan for security check, Shi Yan was anxiously staring at the rear of the car in front of him, his fingertips quickly tapping on the steering wheel.

    At this moment, Shi Yan's eyes swept across the rearview mirror inadvertently, and then he was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he quickly stuck his head out of the car window to look at the car behind him.

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