Chapter 34

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Seeing Qiu Xi's sudden action, the onlookers were also a little stunned, and they turned their heads and looked at Wen Ziheng.

    Seeing Qiu Xi getting closer and closer, Wen Ziheng's complaint gradually turned into anxiety. He didn't know if Qiu Xi had revealed that he was the one who called back then, but judging from Qiu Xi's eyes and actions, at this time, At this moment, he was definitely walking towards Wen Ziheng. Even the four colleagues in the marketing department noticed the difference and couldn't help asking Wen Ziheng if he knew Qiu Xi.

    Although Wen Ziheng had accumulated a lot of grievances in his chest, it was difficult for him to bring his personal grievances to the stage to let passersby laugh in public, not to mention that he was still holding his son in his arms. After thinking about it, Wen Ziheng shook his head and said: "do not know."

    The female colleague next to him was a little uneasy: "But his goal seems to be our place..."

.In just a few words, Qiu Xi had already walked in three steps and two steps to a position only a few meters away from Wen Ziheng. Wen Ziheng didn't want to be too entangled with Qiu Xi here, so he turned to his colleagues around him. After saying this, he was about to leave, but when Qiu Xi saw this, he sped up and walked over. He opened his mouth and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, you just smelled..."

    Before he could finish speaking, he was cut off abruptly, only to hear a subwoofer male voice with a slightly darker tone coming from the sky.

    "What are you doing standing here if you don't go to dinner at noon? The security office hasn't reached such a shortage of people, and it's not your turn to guard the post." Wei Qing appeared behind the revolving door at some point, the volume was low but enough Hearing by everyone present, he was followed by the silent secretary holding the folder, and the two walked slowly to Wen Ziheng's side.

.Wei Qing's image in the hearts of employees has always been terrifying and intimidating, otherwise he would not have given him the title "Yam Luo Wang" behind his back for no reason, just as he didn't seem to have much expression on the surface at this time. , However, those beautiful eyes are like knives covered with frost, and those who are swept by that line of sight will shiver involuntarily.

    Before Wei Qing could continue to speak, a group of melon-eating crowds rushed to disperse, fearing that they would be caught and beheaded by Wei Qing if they ran too slowly. The four colleagues along with Wen Ziheng also wanted to leave, but they After walking a few steps, they found that Wen Ziheng was still standing motionless, and they went back again.

.Of course, it wasn't that Wen Ziheng didn't want to leave, but when Wei Qing saw that he raised his foot, he immediately grabbed the corner of his clothes, so Wen Ziheng was pulled abruptly, just looking at him from the perspective of others It's like standing still and not moving.

    "Let go." Wen Ziheng with a numb expression moved his lips while pretending to look at the scenery.

    Wei Qing asked generously, "Where is Manager Wen going to eat?"

    Wen Ziheng pursed his lips and was silent, but after a two-second interval, a colleague from the marketing department next to him answered with help: "A new Japanese restaurant has opened in the nearby Kaidan Plaza, and it is noon on weekdays. 50% off, we are planning to go over and take a look, will Director Mu come with you?"

.In fact, this colleague just wanted a polite invitation. He didn't expect to have the opportunity to have lunch with Chairman Wei. He never expected that just after he finished speaking, he saw Wei Qing nodded and said, "Okay, then Excuse me." Then Wei Qing turned around and said to the secretary, "Go eat first, and we'll talk about that later."

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