Chapter 8

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At ten o'clock in the morning, Wen Ziheng, who has been rated as "the most diligent employee" for four consecutive years, went to work on time every day without a hitch. He was late for the first time. The whole department eagerly watched him approach the office from the door. Just sat down and received instructions from the public Chen Huan rubbed his hands together and walked in silently.

    "Brother Heng, do you think we should take the initiative to find Wei Dong?"

    "How do you say this?" Wen Ziheng couldn't help but have a headache when he thought of the cold war with Wei Qing only in the morning. After all, this is a special period. No matter what kind of grievances they had in the past, they should endure what they can.

    "Director Wei came to the company at 8:00 this morning, and asked the secretary to notify each department of the meeting time, but our department was not notified. I always felt that Director Wei's approach seemed to imply something to everyone..." Chen Huan scratched his head dejectedly, and there was frustration written all over his face.

.Wen Ziheng was stunned for a moment before saying, "Just wait and see. If there is still no news tomorrow, we will go to him again."

    Chen Huan hesitated: "I'm afraid that tomorrow will be the news of the dissolution of our department."

    The speaker had no intention of the listener, and Chen Huan's words stuck in Wen Ziheng's heart like a needle. He carefully recalled all the interactions between him and Wei Qing from last night to this morning. Get any clues from Wei Qing's words and deeds.

    Wei Qing is acting too normal——

    Like most people who met their ex, they couldn't hold back their hatred and disgust, and they couldn't control their curiosity to ask about their ex's incumbent. I wonder if Wei Qing would see his life in such a bad and chaotic way with his own eyes. schadenfreude laughing at him behind his back.

    Although the life or death of the department is uncertain, but one day on the job, one still has to work one day.
.In the morning, Wen Ziheng and two employees went to the factory to see the model of the second-generation sweeping robot. The factory has made changes according to the suggestion made by Chen Huan half a month ago. If there is no problem with the model this time, it can be put into production directly. .

    Wen Ziheng couldn't make up his mind on this matter. He had to hand over the model to his superiors, and only after the superiors' review and approval could he give the factory a specific answer.

    At present, this superior has changed from President Zhang to Director Wei.

    After having a simple meal outside, Wen Ziheng and two employees returned to the company with the model of the second-generation sweeping robot. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon. The employees who were watching TV and playing with their mobile phones during work hours changed their minds. Lazy attitude, actively involved in work.

    - Except for the employees of the economization department.

.They really don't know what to do. The production of the second generation of the sweeping robot is coming to an end, and other projects were announced to be stopped by President Zhang on the day Haohan was acquired. They can only do nothing and wait for news.

    At half past four, Wen Ziheng and Secretary Wei Qing made an appointment. He and Chen Huan took the robot and watched as the secretary knocked on the door of Wei Qing's office.

    Wei Qing, who was only wearing a white shirt, was sitting in front of the huge black desk with an ultra-thin laptop in front of him. He tapped on the keyboard with his long fingers, and heard the footsteps of Wen Ziheng and Chen Huan walking in. , He didn't even raise his brows, his indifferent gaze was still glued to the computer screen.

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