Chapter 61

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Wen Ziheng looked at Shao Ke without saying a word, he was eight or nine years older than Shao Ke, and he had also experienced Shao Ke's rebellious period. It stands to reason that he knew very well what boys of this age were thinking, but Wen Ziheng found that he could not see through Shao Ke at all. He felt that Shao Ke's behavior was so strange that there was no cause and effect or logic at all.

    I heard that Shao Ke’s parents had contacted a certain foreign school before his college entrance examination, and planned to send Shao Ke to Canada to study. Shao Ke was unwilling to follow the life trajectory arranged by his parents, and insisted on staying in the school to prepare for the college entrance examination, and his goal It was a second university in the city. This decision annoyed his parents, and the two sides had a fierce dispute, so that after the conflict broke out, Shao Ke missed the college entrance examination in June.

    Now Shao Ke is staying at the school as a repeater, waiting for the college entrance examination in June next year.

.Wen Ziheng heard these gossip from Wei Qing. He couldn't understand Shao Ke's inexplicable behavior, but as an outsider, he had no position to ask Shao Ke why he did it. Since Shao Ke said so, he He shrugged and said, "Since you said so, then I won't ask, let's go back to the classroom."

    "Wait!" Shao Ke suddenly stopped Wen Ziheng, who was about to leave, his face suddenly turned red and then ashen, like a traffic light, he held back a sentence for a long time, "Don't tell Qi Chengche what you saw at school today. ."

    "I won't take the initiative to tell." Wen Ziheng said, "If he asks, I can't lie."

    Shao Ke was anxious: "Then you can't say it!"

    Wen Ziheng was amused by Shao Ke's reaction and wanted to laugh: "...As long as he doesn't ask me, he won't tell."

    "Then what if he asks!"

.Wen Ziheng answered honestly: "If he really wants to ask me about this topic, he must know something. Even if I lied to him, it will be exposed sooner or later... If you don't mind, you can tell me about you. What happened in between, maybe I can help."

    "Mind!" Shao Ke replied without hesitation, then he was stunned for a moment, and his whole body collapsed like a deflated ball. He scratched his hair irritably, as if talking to himself He said quite a bit of self-defeating, "Forget it, you can do whatever you want. He won't ask you anyway. As long as there is news about me, he can't wait to sew up his ears with a needle."

.The conversation ended. Wen Ziheng and Shao Ke returned to the classroom one after the other. Chen Huan had already arranged the seats for the students with Mr. Li. Mr. Li asked the other students to go back to the classroom for self-study first. He sat on the chair in front of the door. The superior was waiting for Shao Ke, and seeing that Shao Ke followed Wen Ziheng into the multimedia classroom full of anger, Teacher Li couldn't help but stay on Wen Ziheng for a few more seconds.

    Wen Ziheng nodded and nodded to Teacher Li, then went to find Chen Huan who was still talking to the staff. When he turned to look at Teacher Li and Shao Ke, there was no one in front of the door.

    At 7:30 in the afternoon, Wen Ziheng told everyone to rest for an hour, and asked Chen Huan to distribute the canteen meal coupons donated by the vice-principal to the staff. At this time, the students had already started their first evening self-study, and there were few people in the canteen. .

.This is a private school. Both the teaching environment and the teachers are far superior to several reputable public schools in the city. The only downside is that the school charges high fees. Students who can study here will be rich or not. Expensive, or the academic performance is among the best in the province.

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