Chapter 7

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There is no deep hatred between Wen Ziheng and Wen Yuanxian, but Wen Ziheng's disgust for Wen Yuanxian is like the continuous drizzle that quietly flows into his heart. Layers of negative emotions will only build up like a fortress.

    So much so that now when Wen Ziheng sees Wen Yuanxian's name, he will have a physiological nausea reaction.

    Wen Ziheng didn't know the existence of a half-sister like Wen Yuanxian until he was seven years old, but this sister was not a beautiful stroke in Wen Ziheng's life.

    She is like a ubiquitous thorn, hiding in her clothes and piercing Wen Ziheng's skin all the time, but she has not caused any substantial damage to Wen Ziheng. The trauma she caused to Wen Ziheng is invisible. ——The pranks, mental ridicule and oppression that arise at any time in childhood, inciting others to isolate Wen Ziheng and even cold violence against him.

.Bit by bit, interspersed in Wen Ziheng's life from childhood to adulthood.

    Five years ago, if Wen Yuanxian hadn't racked his brains to sow discord in the middle, Wen Ziheng would not have ruthlessly cut off his relationship with Wen Liren, his only relative in this world.

    Wen Ziheng held the phone for a while, until Wen Xi, who was woken up by the ringing of the phone, hummed in his arms, and he realized it later, pressed the mute button, put the phone on the bedside table, and held it in his arms. Wen Xi buried himself in the bed.

    It's a pity that Wen Yuanxian has never been a person who gives up easily. If the first call is not connected, then continue to call the second one until Wen Ziheng is connected.

    Even if Wen Ziheng dragged her cell phone number to the blacklist, she could find another cell phone immediately and make a call. This perseverance was amazing.

.However, Wen Ziheng didn't want to have any communication with Wen Yuanxian. In his perception, this vicious little sister went to the Three Treasures Palace without incident. Once she took the initiative to find the door, it was either a temptation or a trap, and it was definitely not a good thing. After Wen Ziheng broke contact with that "home", he and Wen Yuanxian had not spoken to each other for more than five years.

    The impatient Wen Ziheng turned off the phone directly. Wen Ziheng glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and then hugged the sleepy Wen Xi to get up and get dressed and washed.

    First put on a small shirt for Wen Xi, a one-piece vest and jeans, and smiled at the little guy who stepped on Pikachu's slippers and opened the door and ran to the bathroom. Then Wen Ziheng picked out an ordinary suit from the closet and put it on. , I just put on my coat, and I heard a rush of footsteps.

.I saw the little guy running in from the outside, his numb face was expressionless, and his beautiful brown eyes were full of panic.

    "Dad!" Wen Xi rushed into Wen Ziheng's arms, with his small head buried on his chest, like a little camel that shivered and sought blessings when he encountered an enemy.

    "Son, what's the matter?" Wen Ziheng thought that Wenxi wanted him to help wash up, patted his son on the back in a funny way, comforted him softly for a while, and then picked him up and walked out after his reaction was less intense.

    As soon as she walked into the living room, she saw Wei Qing in an apron leaning against the kitchen door frame, holding a broken eggshell in one hand and a spatula in the other, raising one eyebrow and staring at him with a smile. Wen Ziheng - no, to be precise, his eyes should fall on Wen Xi who was hiding in Wen Ziheng's arms.

    "You're so timid, it's like a motherfucker, isn't it?"

.Wei Qing snorted mockingly and approached with her long legs. Wen Ziheng suddenly felt that Wen Xi's small body was shaking even more, and her hands were tightly wrapped around his neck.

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