Housewife Taiju + Three Deities War

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The three leaders were looking at each other waiting for one of them to finally start the fight(it would have been four but the Black Dragons choose to not join) but neither of them did which made the members of Bonten(Toman and Tenjiku disbanded to be united under a new gang leadered by Mikey and Izana but Mikey was the only leader they let people know about) look at all sides or their watches(some of their rivals were looking at them in disbelief trying to think who would bring watches to a fight) as if waiting for something or someone to appear out of nowhere.

“Why so nervous?” asked South, smirking at Mikey “Do you fear losing?” he asked again

“As if” glared Mikey but looked at all the sides “You aren’t even one of my fears” he added once he didn’t see anything or in this case anyone

“So why look around so much?” questioned Senju because really even she was getting nervous especially because out of everyone it was her twin who was looking at both sides smirking and not looking nervous

“Because we can” said Mikey not wanting to answer but right then Mochi noticed that Sanzu was smirking

“Haru, why are you smirking?” asked Mochi making everyone in Bonten freeze and look at a smirking Sanzu who didn’t answer Mochi

“Please tell me you didn't do it again!” whined Hakkai fearing that Sanzu had informed Taiju about their fight with Rokuhara Tandai and Braham

“So I won’t” hummed Sanzu and some of Bonten member started to groan or whine that he was a little shit and he was just trying to be the favorite “I won’t mind if I became his favorites but it is mostly for revenge against my blood” he said and Hakkai opened his eyes and shock and took a careful look at the members of the other two gangs until his eyes laid down on Takeomi

“May you rest in peace” mumbled Hakkai looking at Takeomi while the rest of his siblings(he wouldn’t call them nephes for sure because he was too young to have nephews his own age or older) were confused but it was normal since Sanzu still didn’t feel comfortable to tell them his whole story

“So we  just wait?” asked Izana looking at Mikey who just nodded his head

“Wait for what?” asked Wakasa because whatever it was that they were waiting for must be strong or have a imposing figure

“You will now in a few seconds” answered a voice no one knew was present and when they looked they saw Inui wearing one of the onesies Taiju had sent to be made for them(each one of them was of their favorite animal with their gang’s symbol) and a umbrella

“Inui?” asked Benkei surprised because it had been a long time since him and the other two had seen him

“Is Money-nii here too?” asked Smiley making some laugh and Inui roll his eyes

“Yeah, they paused to buy Tora a milkshake” he answered before looking at the three founders of Black Dragon present “I would say it was nice to meet you but one of you is totally fucked up” he said with a smile making everyone look at them curious about what oen of them may have done

“Will there be a fight or not?” asked South who just wanted to fight someone

“Maybe but not with you” answered Angry because if Hakkai’s action before meant something the person he was looking at before will be murdered by their momma/mama/mom(Angry still hasn’t decided what to call Taiju but thankfully the taller boy doesn’t mind what they call him)

“Uh?” was the conjunt everyone outside of Bonten and Inui made not understanding what going to happen

“Wait!” said Baji and then looked at Inui “Taiju paid to get Tora out?!” he asked surprised and all the founders looked at Inui with hopeful eyes

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