Meeting The Sano Triplets

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The tension was big between Izana and Mikey so of course Emma didn't want to leave her two brothers alone but Draken and Takemichi didn't give her much choice. When she was making her way out with Takemichi, suddenly someone stopped them.

"Excuse me, could you tell me what date it is?" asked a very pretty boy that seemed familiar to the two but they couldn't put their finger on it

"Ah, it's..." before Emma could answer another person talked

"Isn't this the cemetery?" asked a girl who was Emma's copy paste except she had shorter hair

"Oh! It's the one from that time" said a boy who looked just like Izana but with golden eyes and longer hair(they have the same hairstyle Izana had when he visited Inui in juvie)

"Really? Makes sense" hummed the pretty boy who Takemichi suddenly realized who it was

"Kazutora-san?!" Takemichi said surprised because he didn't expect to see the other boy who should be in prison

"Either we are back in that timeline or we are in another universe" the other Emma said

"You are me?" asked Emma and the other one nodded her head in agreement

"For not confusions call me Em and the other two call them Iza and Tora" Em said so it wouldn't get confusing to know who they were talking to

"To find which of the option it is, we need the other me" Iza said since he had been the one to remember the photo with the three babies

"Lead the way" Tora said because he didn't know what place the confrontation between both brothers happened

"Yeah, make the fucked up lead the way" Iza said rolling his eyes

"The only one mentally okay is me" Em said because really her brothers hadn't been really okay during their previous timeline

"True" her twins agreed

"What is happening?" murmured Emma confused and making the triplets remember there is more people with them

"Ah, sorry for this" Tora apologized "We are also not sure what happened but we are either your future selves or an alternate universe self" he explained

"But why do you need Izana to find which one it is?" asked Takemichi and the triplets looked at each other

"We will explain once we know which it is" was Iza's answer and the two teens let it be still trying to digest that they were seeing the future selves of Emma, Kazutora and Izana(Takemichi may time travel but nothing like this had ever happened)

The group formed by the five of them made their way back to where Draken, Mikey and Izana were talking which thankfully wasn't far from where they had been.

"Emma? Takemichi, we told you to take her away from here!" Draken said when he noticed them

"How did I fall for him?" whispered Em to Tora who gave her a deadpan look basically saying 'how should I know?' before he looked back to the Izana he never met

"Because of them" Takemichi said pointing to the triplets

"I like Iza with longer hair" Tora declared making Em laugh and Iza roll his eyes

"Fuck you, Tora" Iza said and Tora just laughed

"Sorry, I'm not into that" Tora hummed and Em and Iza made a disgusting face

"Who are you?" asked Mikey because he was sure they didn't have anyone in their family beside their grandpa(and Karen for Emma) just like Kazutora had no siblings

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