Broken Promises, Broken Hearts

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No one noticed when a gun was pointed at Sanzu and much less when Takeomi put himself in front of him until Takeomi's body fell to the ground leaving the whole place in silence trying to process what happened, especially Takeomi's baby siblings.




Akashi Takeomi was the oldest kid of Akashi Bunko and Akashi Masako and they held a lot of pride for their oldest son. He tried to always be the best for his parents and when the twins were born he tried to be the best older sibling for them too.

Everything was going well in Takeomi's life, he even had found a best friend in a classmate named Shinichiro, until one day his parents started fighting out of nowhere and it continued happening so much that at some point Takeomi had to pick his baby siblings and take them to Shinichiro's house where they stayed while grandpa Sano talked to Masako and Bunko since the fights scared the two three years old and put a lot of stress and worry on Takeomi which wasn't a good thing for a little kid.

After that day things calmed down in the Akashi household until six months later Bunko brought a woman to their house and told Masako that the woman was pregnant with his kid. That was the biggest fight his parents had but also the shortest which ended with Bunko and that woman locked outside their house and with Masako throwing Bunko's things out of the window. Takeomi never saw his father again but he was never really missed since even if he was proud of Takeomi he always kept himself distant from him.

Takeomi cherished his siblings even more and raised them since their mother needed to work more to keep them in a warm house and with money to spend on everything they would need. Creating the BD's with Shinichiro, Wakasa and Benkei also helped Takeomi ti bring some money to their house and thanks to that Masako could take more free days to be with her kids.

When the twins turned ten their father came back and demanded to take one of his children with him and their mother couldn't deny him that and Sanzu, who was always protective of Senju and bit mature for his age, offered himself but before Bubko left with Sanzu, Takeomi promised that one day he would take Sanzu back and would try his best to keep in contact with him.

He broke his promise against his own wishes because Bunko made sure that Masako, Takeomi and Senju could never again contact or see Sanzu and they found out Masako had cancer. The following years were the worst and Takeomi had gotten lost in his mind especially after Masako died and the 1st Gen of the BD dissolved.




Takeomi didn't expect that Sanzu would agree to meet him when he finally saw his baby brother again, he had grown so much since the last time he saw him and he looked so much like their mother with bits of their grandmother. The talk was long and involved a lot of shouting but Takeomi was happy that even if Sanzu didn't have the best life, those two scars on his mouth showed it and made Takeomi want to kill Bunko more than anything, he found happiness by following Mikey. It would be their secret how Sanzu broke out in tears when they had resolved their issues and that when Takeomi hugged he relaxed and calmed down slowly just like he did when they were kids.

"When we are done with the fight, no matter who is the winner, let's live together once more, okay Haru?" whispered Takeomi only receiving a hum in agreement "I love you Haruchiyo"

"Love you too, Takeomi-nii" mumbled Sanzu hiding his face on his brother's neck who just smiled softly and patted his head




Sanzu and Senju didn't want to believe what had just happened, their older brother couldn't have been shot, right? He promised them that he would be there and that after this fight they would finally get back together and reconnect.

They wanted to deny what they saw and just say it was just a really scary nightmare.

But their brother was lying on the ground right in front of Sanzu.

With a gunshot wound right in his heart.

And a sad smile on his face because he wouldn't be able to keep his promises

Or say his goodbyes to his siblings and friends

Akashi Takeomi died in the fight of the 3 Deities and no gang came out as a winner even if Kantou Manji made sure South wouldn't try to do anything.

The funeral happened two weeks after the fight and anyone who looked at the two surviving siblings could see how broken they were but thankfully they still had people who were by their side to make sure they would continue living for Takeomi as he would certainly have wished for.




"Another year as passe, right Haru?" asked a beautiful woman with long white hair and crystal blue eyes to a man with long pink hair held in a ponytail and same eyes as the woman

The man only nodded his head before both sat in front of the grave of their older brother and paid their respects. No sounds were made by any of them for a long time until the woman decided to talk as she always did since the death of their brother.

"Twelves years have passed since you left this world, Takeomi-nii" mumbled Senju "Anyway, Hina and Michi got married yesterday! The wedding was so beautiful even if I was surprised Hina let Michi invite everyone in Bonten to the wedding" she giggled a bit "You won't guess what happened! When Hina threw the bouquet it ended in Haru's hands who had just been watching me and the others try to get it" Sanzu hit her in the head making her pout and show her tongue to him before continuing to talk "My relationship with Kakuchou is going well and we are thinking of having a kid in the future" she hummed softly remembering her boyfriend "Haru and Mikey are still the same but thankfully Koko is there as a balance for them and I may heard some interesting things last night that may involve Koko and Mikey finally asking Haru to marry them" she giggled at that even when a blushing Sanzu hit her "I'm happy that neither of them mind that Haru hasn't talked once since your funeral and are there for him just like Kakuchou is there for me" Sanzu hugged his sister who smiled softly "It is time for us to leave" the two siblings prayed one last time before getting up but while they walked away Sanzu turned to Takeomi's grave moving his mouth before leaving with his sister

"Broken promises and broken hearts hurt but I hope that in another life we will all have our happy ending" where the words mouthed by Sanzu and Takeomi's ghost who was always there waiting for his siblings and friends to visit him could only smile and hope for the same

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