Our Queen

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Suzuki Makomo is the youngest daughter of King Ranma and Queen Kai of Mizo. She had four older brothers and one older sister Crown Prince Atsumu, Prince Takeo, Prince Takuto, Prince Kazumi and Princess Hajiko. Makomo was adored by her family and kingdom but sadly she was forced to get married to King Izaya and King Kakuyo of Tenjiku to keep the peace between both kingdoms, at least the two kings were near her age and not twice her age.

"Makomo, are you ready?" Hajiko asked looking sadly at her sister because if she hadn't been already engaged to Prince Seiji of Black Dragons, she would take her baby sister's place without thinking twice

"Yes, Nee-san" Makomo said with a sigh and getting up "Don't worry, I will be fine" she said with a small smile before hugging Hajiko

"If they hurt you just tell one of us and we will come and immediately take you with us" Hajiko whispered and Makomo just nodded her head in agreement

With that the two sisters made their way to the castle's entry where the rest of their family said their goodbyes with her brother promising to rescue her if needed or to give a lesson to her future husbands if needed.

"I'm going to miss you" Makomo smiled sadly to her family because she had the feeling she would never see them again "Love you!"

With that Makomo entered the carriage that would take her to Tenjiku where she would wed the two kings and live a sad life without her family.




Makomo lived her days with only her handmaiden as company, she hoped that soon she would bear a child as the kingdom wanted an heir and also because she always dreamed of being a mother.

"My queen" the royal doctor said seeing Makomo enter his office

"Kanto-san" Makomo smiled at the doctor

"Came to see if you and the kings were finally able to conceive an heir?" Kanto asked and Makomo nodded at that "You already know the process, my queen" he said

With that Makomo followed the same process as the other three times before she sat in a chair waiting for Kanto to give her the results. Ten minutes later Kanto appeared and gave the results to his queen.

"I'm sure the results will make you happy, my queen" he said and Makomo looked confused at him before she looked at the results

"I'm pregnant!" the woman said with a big happy grin in her face making Kanto smile softly watching this

"You can go back to your room, my queen, I will inform the kings of the pregnancy" Kanto said

"Thanks you, Kanto-san" Makomo said and left the office, still with a happy grin in her face

"Ahhh, if only they could see how amazing your are, my queen" Kanto sighed before he left to inform Izaya and Kakuyo that in nine months an heir to the throne would be born




Makomo was trying to keep calm and not shout at her husbands and handmaiden to shut up because the pain of giving birth was horrible, she had thought there would never be a more powerful pain than the one she felt in her days but here she was.

"Just a bit more, my queen, and this child will be born" Kanto warned and Makomo took a very deep breath at that

"You are doing well, my queen" Hinami, her precious handmaiden, said softly while cleaning the sweat falling down Makomo's face

"He will be here soon" Kakuyo whispered holding Makomo's left hand while Izaya hummed and held her right hand

A few minutes later Makomo had her baby son, Kurokawa Takato, in her arms and couldn't stop herself from smiling softly at him.

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