Our New Future

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Takemichi hadn't been living a sad life before he was pushed in front of a train, he actually was happily married and was the owner of a small flower shop with his husband.
Hanagaki Kazutora, that was his dear husband's name and Takemichi thanked every god to have been able to meet him even if for that to happen he had to abandon his friends and ex-girlfriend.
He may feel guilty for abandoning his friends and just sending them a letter once a month but he was finally happy…or he had been until he suddenly found himself in front of a train.
‘What the fuck?!’ Takemichi cursed on his mind when he found himself inside a full train with the younger versions of his friends
“Michi, hurry up!” Takuya says and Takemichi shakes his head and follows Takuya, Makoto, Yamagishi and Akkun
“Ready for today’s fight?” Makoto asks a bit excited and Takemichi looks confused but thankfully his friends didn’t notice
“I need to go to the bathroom, I will be back soon!” Takemichi says and leaves to the bathroom before any of his friends can say they will follow him
Once there Takemichi sighed and looked in the mirror to find himself from when he was fourteen/fifteen looking right back at him. It didn’t make any sense for him since last time he checked he had been 26 and was making his way back home from his flower shop.
‘Did I die and come back to the past?’ Takemichi thinks picking up his phone to see it was the day that him and his friends would become Kiyomasa’s slaves and later that will be the reason why he would leave “Shit! I’m still dating Hina!” he says and that isn’t a good thing because he didn’t like the salmon haired girl anymore
“Hey, Michi! Are you okay?” Akkun asks entering the bathroom “You are taking too long”
“Sorry” Takemichi laughs and Akkun just sighs before they make their way to their other friends
The rest of the day passes just like Takemichi remembered, with him and his friends beaten up at the end of it even if Takemichi was able to give some punches and kicks back but that wasn’t enough for them to win.
“This hurts like hell” Yamagishi groaned as they all were making their way home
“Agreed” Takuya said even if Makoto was carrying him on his back since Takuya wasn’t able to walk for now
“Yeah, they were much stronger than we thought” Akkun sighed
“Hey, guys, I need to go somewhere” Takemichi says and the four friends look at him
“Where?” Makoto asks curious
“...I will tell you tomorrow” was Takemichi’s answer before he left leaving his confused friends behind
“You are here to visit Hanemiya Kazutora?” the receptionist asks looking at Takemichi with a raised eyebrow
“Yes” Takemichi says trying to ignore that the look was because of the injuries he received from the fight with Kiyomasa
"Very well" the woman says "Wait in room 23 and soon Hanemiya will be there" she adds and Takmeichi nods before leaving to said room
Maybe it was stupid of him to come visit his husband especially because Kazutora probably wouldn't remember anything.
But….Takemichi still remembered those late nights when they would talk about their past and how they wished to have met the other sooner and how that meeting would change things so even if Kazutora didn't know him or fell for him, Takemichi would be there for him.
"Hanemiya Kazutora is entering" Takemichi heard and when he looked up he saw his beautiful husband with complete black hair that reached his shoulders and shining golden eyes that always catches Takemichi's attention
"....Takemichi?" Kazutora whispers surprised and Takemichi feels so relieved that Kazutora is here with him
“Hello, sweetheart” Takemichi says and in seconds he has Kazutora in his arms “Shh, I also missed you” he whispers hugging Kazutora as strong as he could
“Y-you died” Kazutora mumbles into Takemichi’s neck “I…I thought I had also lost you a-and then I woke up here again” he adds and Takemichi sighs
“Sorry, sweetheart, someone pushed me to the train’s trail and I couldn’t leave it before the train came” he kisses Kazutora’s head “But now we can save your friends and my own” he adds making Kazutora look up at him
“P-promise you won’t leave me alone again?” Kazutora asks and Takemichi smiles softly at that
“I promise that I will try, sweetheart” Takemichi says and Kazutora sighs knowing that this was the bets he could ask since neither could guess when and where they would die
"It will take some time for me to get free and from what I know Draken died before I was freed" Kazutora says letting go from Takemichi and sitting in the other chair
"Hmmm, maybe I should try to join Toman? I think I could get some attention from them if I did somewhat well in the fighting ring?" Takemichi hums thinking of all their options
"...Fighting ring?" Kazutora asks surprised
"Yeah. Didn't I tell you about it?" Takemichi says and Kazutora shakes his head so he explains about it to Kazutora
"...Mikey, at least this one, wouldn't permit the existence of fighting rings" Kazutora says serious and Takemichi looks curiously at him "I'm sure he will find out about it soon but to gain their attention maybe go directly to Mikey and Draken to tell them about the fighting ring. If Mikey still wants to follow his brother's footsteps he will help you and….since you look a lot like his late brother you will probably pick his interest" he adds having a bit of a lost and sad look remembering what he had done to end up in juvie
"I will do it tomorrow, once I leave here I will go break up with Hina" Takemichi says holding his husband's hand to make him feel better
"...But won't that break her heart?" Kazutora asks worried because before he and Takemichi fell for each other, he knew that Takemichi had still been in love with Tachibana Hinata
"It probably will but my heart belongs to you and the heartbreak will hurt more if I let the relationship continue for longer" Takemichi says with a sad smile not wanting to hurt Hina but his heart didn't belong to hers anymore
"...Maybe tell her the truth, it will help her understand why your feelings changed out of nowhere" Kazutora hums
"You sure?"
"Yes, we will end up telling someone and Hina plus your old friends seem like the right people"
"Thanks, sweetheart but….what about Baji?"
"...I love Baji but he would end up doing something stupid if we told them so we will not"
"Very well"
The two talked for some more time before Takemichi left for the Tachibana house so he could talk with Hina about everything and end their relationship.
"...You…you wanna break up with me?"
"Yes, Hina-chan"
"Oh….May I ask why?"
"Of course but it will a long explanation"
"A long explanation?"
"Yeah and it may be hard to believe"
"...Please tell me, no matter what I want to know why you suddenly want to break up with me"
"If you are sure…"
"I am!"
*proceeds to explain everything to Hina*
"I'm sorry Hina"
"No, no, it's okay! I knew we probably wouldn't last for much that I loved you…."
"...Still, I'm breaking your heart again"
"But at least you aren't lying to me and I thank you for doing that both times"
"If you say so…"
"Can I meet Kazutora-san? I would like to meet the person who owns your heart"
"Of course! Tora has always wanted to meet you but in the past I was afraid of contacting you since I basically disappeared after I broke up with you"
"Next time you visit him, you should warn me so I can go with you"
"I will try to visit him after tomorrow since I will tell the guys what I just told you…"
"Oh, I see…do you want me to be there?"
"You don't need to but thanks for your offer"
"I may not be your girlfriend anymore but I still am your friend"
"...Thanks Hina, you're the best!"
"You're welcome, Takemichi"
The next day Takemichi told Akkun, Takuya, Yamagishi and Makoto about time travelling and Kazutora. At first they didn't want to believe it since it was something people only saw in stories but they knew Takemichi would never lie like that to them so they accepted it and offered to help Takemichi and Kazutora with whatever they needed.
Yamagishi with his knowledge in gangs was able to find when Toman would have a meeting, only captains and vice-captains, so Takemichi could go there and tell what Kiyomasa was doing while the other three helped Takemichi plan how to tell Toman about that. Hina took over finding a place for Kazutora to stay once he was out of juvie and got him a therapist at the golden eyed boy's request.
"Ready to meet Toman, Takemichi?" Akkun asks his friend who takes a deep breath before answering
"Ready as I can be" Takemichi says and Akkun nods at that
With that the duo makes their way up to the meeting spot where Toman should be. Toman was a big gang but surprisingly it only had five divisions so when they arrived there were only twelve teens present which took immediate notice of them.
"Who are you?" asked a tall blonde man was in the front beside a shorter blonde
"I'm Hanagaki Takemichi and I would like to talk with Toman's leader" Takemichi said trying to not show that he was anxious since everyone was looking at him and Akkun
"And why should we let you do that?" a long black haired boy, which Takemichi knew that was Baji, growled while glaring at them
"We have a friend that knows a lot about gangs and he says Toman doesn't permit fighting rings and things like that" Akkun said and that made some raise an eyebrow
"And?" the short blonde haired boy asks
"One of your members are made a fighting ring in Toman's name at our school" Takemichi says hoping that his lover had been right about how Toman is
"A fighting ring in our name?" A lilac haired boy said
"Yes" Akkun and Takemichi say
"I see, tell us your school name and one of us will go verify if you are telling the truth" the short blond haired boy says
With that they tell them what school they go to and then leave, hoping that this will resolve their problem with Kiyomasa.
"Those boys are interesting"
"I'm saying the truth, Kenchin. How many people do you know that would come to us to tell us this?"
"....Okay, you are right. And stop calling me that!"
"The meeting is over! Tomorrow Kenchin and I will go see this fighting ring!"
"Don't ignore me, Mikey!"
"Yes, commander!"
The next day Draken and Mikey went to Mizo Middle School and as Takemichi and Akkun had said, Kiyomasa had created a fighting ring in Toman's name even if it was well known that Toman would never permit this.
"You and your friends are out of Toman!" Mikey said glaring at Kiyomasa "Toman is a gang made to protect people and not to hurt or subjugate anyone! And you all better keep that in mind!" he added glaring at the others even if he wasn't sure who were helping Kiyomasa with this fighting ring
After that Mikey and Draken started to leave the school until they saw Takemichi talking with a salmon haired girl and Mikey being who he is, went there.
"Hey Takemitchy!" Mikey says and the other duo jumps in surprise since they didn't expect anyone to appear out of nowhere
"Oh, Mikey" Takemichi says
"Thanks for what you told us before, we closed the fighting ring and dealt with Kiyomasa" Draken says and Takemichi smiles
"You're welcome, I mostly did it so my friends wouldn't suffer" Takemichi says
"And because your boyfriend gave you the solution that wouldn't end with you beaten up" the girls hums and Takemichi blushes
"Hina-chan!" Takemichi says pouting at Hina
"Oh, right! It is your husband since you call him that" she teased him and Takemichi glared at her
"So you have a lover, Takemitchy?" Mikey asks curious
"They are practically married" Hina answers for Takemichi "I only was able to meet his boyfriend recently and if you saw them, you would think they have been married since forever" she adds to tease her ex a bit
"Hina-chan! Stop!" Takemichi whined while the two blonde boys observed this amused
"Neh, Takemitchy, you are really interesting! Let's play today!" Mikey says grinning while Draken sighs but doesn't look disappointed of annoyed by what Mikey said
"Sorry, I can't!" Takemichi apologized
"Why?" Draken asks before Mikey tries to force Takemichi to go with them
"I promised my boyfriend to not miss school and to visit him after it if I could" Takemichi said and Mikey felt like he was intentionally not saying his boyfriend's name but didn't comment on it
"That's sad" Mikey pouts "Then we will hang out another time!" he adds smiling before dragging Draken away leaving the two exes behind a bit curious about the way Mikey acts
Things were going great despite Draken almost dying during the festival which the Mizo Middle Gang and Hina were able to prevent and soon Kazutora would be leaving juvie and he would be living with the Tachibanas.
"When will we meet your boyfriend, Mitchy?" Mikey asks curious when Takemichi visits Draken in the hospital
"Hmmm, when he is ready to meet you" Takemichi says offering a small smile because he wouldn't force Kazutora to talk with anyone in Toman unless he was ready for it
"I hope it is soon" Mikey hums
"Me too, he sounds like an amazing person" Draken says because from what they heard Takemichi's boyfriend was one of the sweetest people you could ever met but then again Takemichi's friends could be a bit bias when it comes to him
"He is for me" Takemichi says with a soft smile thinking of Kazutora
"What are you guys talking about?" a female voice says from the door
"Emma!" Mikey and Draken said with the first one happy and the second one a bit surprised
"Emma-chan" Takemichi says smiling at the girl who he knew was Hina's new friend and that Kazutora always talked good things about her
"Hey" Emma says giving a small bag to Draken which contained some food for him
"Thanks, Emma" Draken says smiling to the younger girl who smiles back and Takemichi is slightly surprised since he hadn't really believe Kazutora when he had told him about how obvious it was to see that Draken and Emma loved each other
"You didn't answer me" Emma says after a few minutes in silence
"We were talking about Mitchy's boyfriend" Mikey says as he steals a bit of food from Draken who hits him for that
"You have a boyfriend?!" Emma says looking surprised to Takemichi who laughs softly
"Yeah, he is the love of my life" Takemichi says even if he is sure that Hina told Emma that he and her had dated before
"I see" Emma hums "Is he the reason why you broke up with Hina?" she asks serious and Takemichi sighs
"Yes and no" Takemichi says deciding to be honest "I started to lose my feelings for her but I still tried for her since I knew she still loved me but then I met my now boyfriend and fell for him and decided to break up with Hina and tell her why I wanted to break up with her" he explains and Emma nods her head in understanding
"That explains why Hina never talked bad about you" Emma says having a better understanding on why Hina was still close to her ex
"You were dating Hina before?" Draken asks since neither he or Mikey would have thought that with the way Hina and Takmeichi act as siblings
"Yeah, I was" Takemichi says looking at Draken and Mikey before looking at Emma "It also helps that when Hina met my boyfriend for the first time, she adored him and proclaimed him her sweet and pretty brother" he says still amused with how those two got quickly along and Kazutora's reaction to when Hina called him her brother
"Most people don't want their ex and their new lover to meet" Draken comments
"None are dirty little secrets and if they want to meet I will not be the one to deny them that" Takemichi says because he respected Hina and Kazutora a lot
They continued to talk for a bit before Hina appeared looking for Takemichi since they had something to do, so both said their goodbyes and left.
"Mitchy reminds me slightly of Shin-nii" Mikey says after the two exes leave and Emma nods her head in agreement with that
"Tora!" Takemichi says once Kazutora is out of juvie
"Michi!" Kazutora says and runs to hug his boyfriend "I missed you so much!"
"Me too" Takemichi hums before giving a quick kiss to Kazutora
"You saw each other two days ago" Hina says slightly amused by this
"We did live together before" Kazutora says and Hina has to accept that because from living together to just being able to see each some days it must be a difficult thing to get used to
"Ready to meet your temporary house until you probably move in with Takemichi?" Hina asks and Kazutora nods at that
With that the trio makes their way to the Tachibana house where Naoto and Nori, Hina and Naoto's mom, are waiting to meet Kazutora and make him feel welcome to their house.
Since that day, everything was going even better for the couple and whenever they weren't hanging out with their friends or trying to save their precious people they would be on dates or just enjoying time in each other's arms.
It was on one of their dates that Kazutora and Mikey accidentally met again when Kazutora still wasn't ready to talk with his old friend.
"Kazutora…" Mikey says not expecting to see his brother's killer in the same park as he had been in
"Mikey" Kazutora says trying not to have a panic attack since he still wasn't ready to talk with the shorter boy
Both were there just staring at each other, neither sure of what they should do or say next.
"Tora? Why are you just standing there?" Takemichi says when he comes back from buying a drink for them and sees his boyfriend just standing in the middle of the way instead of sitting in one of the free banks as he said he was going to do
"Mitchy?" Mikey asks surprised not expecting that Takemichi knew Kazutora
"Mikey-kun!" Takemichi says surprised since he hadn't noticed the shorter boy but also understanding why Kazutora was just standing there
"What are you doing here?" Mikey asks trying to ignore Kazutora's presence
"I'm on a date with my boyfriend!" Takemichi says and Mikey looks slightly confused at that since Takemichi just called Kazutora but Takemichi just smiled at that "Meet my boyfriend, Hanagaki Kazutora!" Takemichi adds proudly not noticing his mistake and making Kazutora blush and Mikey look at them in shock
"Michi!" Kazutora says and Takemichi looks confused at him "It's Hanemiya not Hanagaki!" he explains and Takemichi just laughs embarrassed
"Sorry" Takemichi says because he just couldn't let go of the habit of calling Kazutora his husband or that his last name was Hanagaki since they had been married before coming to the past
"...He is your boyfriend?" Mikey finally says something after a few minutes in silence
"Yes, is there any problem with that?" Takemichi asks, hoping Mikey wouldn't say anything that would hurt Kazutora
"How did you meet or even start dating?" Mikey decides to ask because the timelines just don't match in his mind
"...We met a bit before the accident but I never told Baji about him" Kazutora answers looking at the ground since it was still a but hard to talk about when he accidentally killed Shinichiro
"And we started dating this year" Takemichi adds which wasn't completely wrong because for those who knew Takemichi and Kazutora, they had just started dating this year since only five people knew about them coming from the future
"I see…." Mikey comments still not sure how to feel about all of this but he also knew that he couldn't hold a grudge against Kazutora forever when what happened before had been an accident "...We should talk someday" he says looking at Kazutora who looks surprised before giving Mikey a tiny smile
"I would like that" Kazutora agrees
With that the couple and Mikey say their goodbyes before Mikey leaves to continue his walk but this time with his mind full of thoughts about Takemichi and Kazutora.
"....I think I will welcome Kazutora back to the gang if he wishes to come back" Mikey says one time when the captains are hanging out
"Kazutora?" Mucho and Smiley ask confused since they didn't know who Kazutora is
"...Really, Mikey?!" Baji asks hopeful because he missed Kazutora a lot
"Yeah" Mikey says ignoring the surprised look from the other founders
"If you are sure, I have no problem with it" Draken says not wanting to admit that he also missed his golden eyes friend
"It would be good to have Tora back" Pah-chin comments
"Yeah, it would" Mitsuya agrees with a tiny smile
"Who is Kazutora?" Smiley asks because he was really curious who the boy was and what was his connection to Toman
"He is the second captain of the 1st division" Baji answered with a grin but doesn't say anything else despite Mucho and Smiley still not having a concrete answer about who Kazutora was
"What?!" Kazutora says in shock after what Takemichi just told him
"Why is it so surprising that he wants you back on Toman?" Hina asks as she pats Yamagishi's head who was whining about not having known there were 6 Toman founders and that Kazutora was one of them
"I killed Mikey's brother, accidentally but I did, and we still haven't talked dto resolve the issues between us" Kazutora says softly and with that they all give understanding looks to Kazutora
"Hmmm, maybe it is his way to say that he is on his way to forgive you?" Takuya says because that is the only things that makes sense to him
"Maybe…" Kazutora hums
"Will you join them again?" Akkun asks curious
"...After me and Mikey have talked" is Kazutora answer and the other wonky nod in agreement and change the topic of conversation
"...So you wanna talk before coming back to Toman?"
"Yes, it would be for the best if we talked before that happens…"
"Very well, let's go to my house and then we we will talk"
"Today I have an announcement!" Mikey said once Toman was reunited in the sanctuary
'An announcement?' was the common thought of every member including the captains and Draken since Mikey hadn't told them what this meeting was about
"We will be welcoming someone to the gang!" he says and everyone looks even more curious "More like welcoming them back!" he adds grinning towards the forest at the same time as someone, very familiar to the founders, appeared
"TORA?!" the founders shouted in shock while the rest looked confused at them since no one ever remembered someone like Kazutora being part of Toman
"Yoh" Kazutora says grinning and in seconds he was being hugged by his friends
"As I said before, we are welcoming Hanagaki Kazutora back to Toman where he will go back to being the second captain of the 1st Division with Baji!" he says smirking especially because if how he said Kazutora's name
"Hanagaki?" Pah-chin says confused since that was the last name of the guy that warned them about Kiyomasa's fighting ring and that had been part of Mitsuya's division for some time
"Mikey!" Kazutora shouted blushing
"Ah, sorry about that. I thought of when I first saw you after you left juvie" Mikey teases and Kazutora pouting before glaring towards Takemichi who was smiling nervously at him
"Were you adopted by Takemichi's parents?" asked Hakkai curious which made Mikey and the Mizo Middle Gang, who had followed Takemichi and joined Toman, start laughing
"I-imagine arriving home" Takuya starts between laughs "A-and see the parents you haven't seen in years" he took a deep breath to calm down from laughing "Just for them to present you an adoptive sibling that is actually your boyfriend" he finishes before going back to laughing again
"Takuya!" Takemichi whined embarrassed and already having the feeling he might die once Baji digest that he was saying Kazutora
"You two are dating?!" Chifuyu asks in shock looking from Takemichi to Kazutora
"P-pratically married" Makoto says as he calms down from laughing
"You guys are the worst!" Kazutora whines while pouting since he wanted to tell about his relationship to Baji first before they told the rest of the gang
Baji was in shock, he never expected his best friend to get a lover while he was in juvie and that he wasn't the first one to know about it.
"Congrats, Kazutora!" Pah-chin says happy for his friend even if he was confused about how Takemichi and Kazutora met
"Thanks, Pah" Kazutora thanks him before he turns to Baji "I will tell you everything, including how I met Michi, later" he promised his best friend who came out of his shock and nodded at that
With that everyone went to their places and they continued the reunion where Mikey just talked about a new gang starting to form and for everyone to be careful since they might try to target them.
With Kazutora back in Toman everyone could notice that the air around the gang was different but not in a bad way, because it was like things were happier and calmer than before.
Of course that they were still a gang and got into fights but the founders fighting spirit seemed to have become stronger once the missing founder came back and everyone thanked for that especially when they had to fight Valhalla and the Black Dragons.
But soon they would have to fight a new gang that might bring back some sad memories.
"He is my older brother" Emma says looking to all of them and most were shocked since they didn't know that Mikey had another brother
"You have another brother?" Baji asks surprised and Sanzu sighs
"Emma had mentioned having another brother before, you idiots" Sanzu says looking at both Baji and Mikey since he also noticed that Mikey looked surprised
"But why isn't he here and why does he want to fight Mikey?" Mitsuya asks ignoring the three childhood friends
"....I'm not sure" Emma says looking at the ground
"But you have an idea of why, right?" Kazutora asks softly and Emma nods
"Izana isn't my blood brother and I think that he thinks that because of that he isn't as important to me and Shin as Mikey is beside I think that mom abandoning him may have affected him a lot together that he went to juvie too" she says sad and Kazutora hums at that understanding completely what she meant but also how Izana may feel since he had been in that position in the past
"We will bring him back, Emma-chan!" Hina says looking at Emma who can only offer Hina a smile at those words
After that they continued to talk on how to deal with Izana especially since the older boy had asked to meet Mikey and Emma in the cemetery so they could visit Shinichiro together, in the end it was decided that Kazutora would dress up as Emma and go in her place.
"Be careful, Tora" Takemichi whispers as he kisses his husband one last time before they have to go to the cemetery
"I promise" Kazutora says since he knows Takemichi fears that he may lose him with whatever Izana, or whoever his behind him, may have planned
Kazutora ended up in the hospital after being hit in the head but thankfully it wasn't a mortal injury but it would take him some time to heal and he would need to go to physical therapy.
Toman was furious about what Tenjiku had planned to do to Emma and did to Kazutora so they no one backed down from fighting the other gang and gave them their best at the same time as Mikey tried his hardest to bring Izana back with Takemichi and Kakuchou's help.
Thankfully they were able to do it and stopped Kisaki and Hanma from trying to kill anyone, that was thanks to Hina who had a bad feeling so she and Emma came to fight and knocked the duo out when they noticed what they planned to do, and so everything ended well.
"Sorry for what happened to you" Izana says and Kazutora just shakes his head
"It's okay, you weren't well mentally and I also did accidentally hurt you" Kazutora says with a sad smile because Emma later told him that Izana had idolized Shinichiro a lot
"Right…." Izana says and silence feels the room since he still wasn't ready to talk about Shinichiro's death especially with the one who accidentally killed him
"When you are ready, we can talk" Kazutora says softly "It also took me a long time to be able to talk about everything that happened so take your time" he adds and Izana just nods before getting up and leaving
"Hi?" Kazutora said looking confused to the pretty man in front of him
"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself, did I?" the man says "I'm Imaushi Wakasa and I was one of Shin-chan's best friend" he says and Kazutora looks surprised at him but also a little cautious since he didn't know why the man came to the Tachibana house to see him
"And what do you want?" Kazutora asked
"You and your boyfriend are from the future, right?" Wakasa asks and Kazutora freezes since no one outside of the Mizo Gang and Hina knows about it and he knows they would never tell anyone about it without his or Takemichi's authorization
"How-" Kazutora was about to ask but was interrupted
"Shin-chan could time travel, he started doing it to save Mikey who had ended up in a vegetable state after an accident as a kid" Wakasa starts talking with a lost look "He was able to save him but someone always ended up suffering an accident in Mikey's place" he sighs "I don't know if you accidentally killing him made you and your boyfriend get his powers or if they work in the same way with you but be careful" he offers before leaving
Kazutora didn't even say anything as Wakasa left as he digested what he had just been told before called Takemichi to tell him about it.
"I apologise for what I did to you" Kazutora says as he for the first time visits Shinichiro, the one he came in Emma's place does not count "Your last thoughts were probably for Mikey to be safe and happy or how would you save him if you died" he mumbles sad because he really didn't want to destroy the Sano family or stop Shinichiro from saving his baby brother but he could do nothing about it now "Me and Michi will try to be there for Mikey so you can rest in peace" he promises before he leaves to meet Takemichi outside the cemetery
"I'm so happy that we still don't have kids" Hina says as she watches Kazutora and Emma stop their kids from fighting
"Yeah, me too" Mikey agreed while eating some dorayakis that Hina was sure were made specifically for the kids but she wouldn't be the one to tell on her husband
"Sometimes I think they act more like Mikey and Iza-nii than any of us" Emma says as she and Kazutora make their way back to Hina and Mikey after they made sure their kids wouldn't be fighting again so soon
"I know, right?" Kazutora says because he loves his child but how much he fought Emma's kid was getting in his nerves "Either they have a crush on each other or they will just be like Izana and Mikey" he adds and Emma hums in agreement
Once back with Hina and Mikey, they started talking about how Hina and Emma's bakery was going and other things until Takemichi, Draken, Izana and Kakuchou came back with their food.
"I hope we didn't take long" Takemichi said before kissing Kazutora softly
"Just enough time for Mirio and Kanato to fight at least two times" Kazutora says and both Takemichi and Draken sigh knowing how annoying that is
"Maybe they like each other" Kakuchou says but he only says that because he knows how whiny Izana will be if he adds that the two kids are like him and Mikey
"Who knows" Draken sighs
"I'm going to call the kids to eat" Hina says and the two pair of parents thank her as they go to out the food in the table
"I like this future a lot" Kazutora whispers to Takemichi as they watch their family and friends start eating with Mikey and Kakuchou talking with the kids or annoying them in Mikey's case
"Me too" Takemichi agrees with a smile before either start eating too

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