Her sons

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Baji Aoi was a strong woman who raised her son alone after her boyfriend died in a car crash when she was pregnant. She only cried three times for him: when he died, in his funeral and lastly the day their son was born because he wasn't there to see and meet him. Aoi thought nothing could break her as much as those three moments did but she was wrong and those painful and sad moments arrived too fast in her life.


Aoi was just arriving home when she got a call from the police which obviously made her worried. She stopped the car to the side and accepted the call.

Her heart broke when she heard the words the policeman said to her. Her babies, because Kazutora was also her baby even if she couldn't do anything to help him, had killed someone accidentally and were going to juvie, away from her and anyone they know and adore.

She didn't wait another second before she turned her car on and made her way to the police station to see her kids and seeing they were at least physically alright. The lost look on their eyes made her want to cry and scream for them but she could only held their hands and say she would try her best to be there for them as she couldn't offer much more.



"Keisuke doesn't deserve to go there, Aoi-san"

"And neither do you, Kazutora!"

"I deserve it! It was my fault that everything happened!"


"Just remember that no matter here me and Kei will always be there for you"

"I will try my bes to remember that, Aoi-san"

"I love you, Kazutora. You are like second son to me"

Aoi didn't know why but once she left the room she felt like she would be losing him too soon to the darkness in his mind but she still held hope that he will be able to survive juvie alone and come back to her and Keisuke.


Two years had passed and Baji slowly had returned to be the person who he had been even if his friendship with Mikey would never be the same anymore. Aoi was thankful to see her son's eyes shine again and even more when the day of Kazutora finally leaving the juvie came.

The day came and passed but Aoi never saw her second soon again but knew he wasn't okay with how worried Baji was and later when she heard from Chifuyu that he had left Toman for Valhalla. Everything that she was watching showed her a variety of outcomes so when the day of Halloween came she knew something would happen.

Baji Aoi was a mother above everything and her instincts never lied to her.

She knew deep down that she probably wouldn't see her son anymore from that day onwards.

Maybe that was the reason why she forced Baji to bring Kazutora to sleep at their apartment the night before that day.

Once morning arrived and both boys were ready to go she said her last goodbye to one of them and the word that he would always be welcomed to her home no matter what to the other.


"Oh...." mumbled Aoi once she arrived in the hospital and she was told her son had died in the way to the hospital

She knew what would probably happen but that didn't stop her heart from breaking and her crying for the son she had lost that day.

Baji Aoi was broken but even after knowing how her son died she would still be strong for her second son who would one day be free and she would have her arms open to forgive him.

The funeral of Baji Keisuke was sad but in the end everyone present knew that he would have wanted them to continue living and be strong for him and so they did.


"Why forgive me?! I killed your son!"

"Because you are also my son even if I didn't give birth to you. I knew you wouldn't be completely mentally stable once you got out and felt that I would lose one of you so I can't hate you especially when I was the one who told Keisuke to cherish his friends above anything in the past"

"I...don't deserve to be called your son..."

"Kazutora, my son would want me to forgive you and I do so in ten years I will be here with open arms for you because you are and will always be one of my sons and Keisuke's brother"

Baji Aoi left the room, she still remembered the last conversation she had with Kazutora in the same room in the past, with hope to see at least one of her sons grow up to be an amazing man and watch him find love.

As long as she still held someone connecting him to earth even despite their past mistakes she would still be here and not leave until she was sure they were in safe arms and happy with the life they lead.


Aoi was so happy to see her last son find her happiness in the arms of his now husband. She knew Kazutora would be happy and safe with Mitsuya, she remembered the lilac haired boy from the few times the Toman founders had sleepovers at her apartment in the past, and knew that her time would soon come so she said her last goodbye on the day of Kazutora's wedding because she wasn't sure if she would see him a last time before her time arrived.

"I love you, Kazutora, and I can't be more proud and happy of the man you became" she whispered hugging her second son who was crying because of her words and she could only smile softly

"I love you too, mom" whispered Kazutora and now Aoi was the one crying since the boy, now man, hadn't called her mom since the night he and Baji accidentally killed Shinichiro so having him call her that one last time really filled her heart with warm feelings


Three days after Kazutora and Mitsuya's wedding, during the newlywed couple's honeymoon, Kazutora received a call from Chifuyu telling him that Baji Aoi had died in her sleep on the night of the wedding.

Baji Aoi died with a smile on her life and was finally able to see her boyfriend and blood son again knowing that she left her last family member behind in safe hands who would love him and help him during his time grieving for her

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