Always Together

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Sanzu made the decision of leaving because he couldn't deal anymore with Takeomi's pressure on him to be the one to raise Senju alone and how anything that happened to her was his fault

For God's sake, they were twins! How could he know how to do all that alone when he was the same age as Senju?!

He left a letter behind for Senju and never looked back or made the move to stop the tears falling down his face for leaving his twin behind.

Leaving Senju behind was hard but he needed to do this. Sanzu made his way to Baji's house, the black haired boy offered to let him stay for some time while he looked for a place to stay even if before what happened that say Sanzu would have stayed with Mikey, where he was received by Aoi, Baji's mom, who despite not being happy with Sanzu's decision she still let him do it knowing how it was to feel caged somehow.

The days passed slowly since he left Senju until one day Baji said that he would bring someone who wanted to talk to him which made Sanzu nervous that maybe Shinichiro knew and would tell his brother or that Takeomi found out and would start his shit again.

Sanzu didn't expect that said person was his twin who screamed at him for leaving her but once she calmed down Senju told him she understood why did this and that he better stay in contact with her because she didn't want to lose him.

A week later Sanzu finally found a small apartment to stay in and informed the Bajis and Senju before moving out.

He continued in contact with Senju but lost it with Baji until Sanzu joined Toman after Mikey saw him one day.

No one, besides Baji and Aoi, knew that the twins were still in contact and were even more close than before.

That was until the final battle between Kanto Manji and Toman happened.




Toman and Kanto Manji observed each other waiting to see who would start the last fight. No one made a move until Senju looked at Wakasa and noticed something on his neck...well more specifically a hickey which made her jump on Sanzu.

"Senju?!" shouted Takemichi when he saw Senju jump Sanzu but he was ignored

"Haru, Haru, Haru, Haru, Haru" she said with a big grin looking at Sanzu who only had a raised eyebrow while Baji, who was on Kanto Manji's side, facepalmed when he remembered something about the twins "Tell me I wasn't the only one who saw it!?" she squealed and Sanzu looked amused at his twin

"The hickey on Wakasa's neck?" asked Sanzu making Wakasa look surprised since he didn't think it would be noticeable while the others looked at him until they found the hickey "It's a bit hard not knowing about it when my room is right next to their" he hummed

"Right next to your room?" said Ran confused but also curious

"Sanzu's room is next to Koko's and Mochi's" supplied Hanma already foreshadowing the chaos that might come

"Isn't Koko dating Smiley?" asked Senju confused and Sanzu only smirked while Mochi blushed and looked at the ground(Wakasa didn't even feel embarrassed, he only smirked at this because he is a feral little shit)

"You are worse than me" mumbled Koko but he was happy that everyone was ignoring that he was dating Smiley(he, himself, didn't know how it happened but he was happy with his salmon haired idiot)

"Uh, never expected that" muttered Benkei but then again he was never able to guess Wakasa's type correctly

"Since when do Haruchiyo and Senju talk?" asked Takeomi because last time he checked Sanzu had left their house and never continued contact with them

"Like a week after Sanzu left your house?" said Baji not really sure of the timeline but it was there for sure

"I-" Takeomi decided to keep in silence because him not knowing about this was his own fault

"Do you have more gossip?" asked Takemichi to the Akashi who just grinned and brought the blonde haired boy to their middle and started to tell him all the gossips they collected all this years

"Wait! Baji-san had a crush on Benkei?!" exclaimed Takemichi and Baji glared at his two childhood friends

"I thought he had one on Shin-nii" said Mikey confused

"That was me, not Baji" hummed Sanzu

"Gossip is very powerful" muttered Mitsuya watching how those four, and later Shion and Ran united them, continued talking about every gossip they knew trying to confirm if some of them was simple rumors or the truth

"This actually explains why Sanzu always smirks at everyone" mumbled Mochi because it really did since he seemed to know all their secrets from gossip

"I'm too sober for this so if you need my I will be drinking my guilty away in a nearby bar" informed Takeomi going away just to do what he had said

"Anyway, forgetting all this" said Senju looking at Sanzu "You still have to end telling me that story of what you found on the Haitanis' room" she said grinning and the two mentioned boys froze

"Of course, my darling twin" Sanzu grinned back

"They are twins?!" asked Angry since him and Smiley rarely had met another pair of twins

"Always have been" informed Baji "But a long time back the little shots were me, Mikey and Senju while Sanzu was the responsible one" he said with a nostalgic smile and Mikey nodded his head in agreement

"So..." started Sanzu "Those two have it really bad for those tw-" before Sanzu could continue the Haitani brothers jumped him and covered his mouth for him not to continue which made the twins laugh

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