Funny Moments

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Feral Makoto

Makoto was vibrating on his place behind Inui and Akkun while they waited for the fight to start. He never was one for fights(especially ones that he will lose) but he was feeling quite energetic which is surprising since with luck he slept for three minutes. Well whatever, he will just give his best once the fight starts and not let his friends down since he trusts so much in them.

"LET'S GO, SANO MANJIRO!" shouted Takemichi

"Come on!" Mikey said glaring at Takemichi and like that the fight started

The fight was a hard one for Toman since they only had 50 members but somehow a lot of members of Kanto were falling down without anyone knowing until Yamagishi froze.

"Shit!" cursed Yamagishi finally realizing why many Kanto members were going down

"Don't get distracted!" Pah-chin told Yamagishi while punching a guy that was going to attack Yamagishi while he was distracted

"But we have big problems!" Yamagishi whined

"Besides who are most of the Kanto members?" asked Senju confused what could be worse than Kanto being full of the strongest members of all gangs

"Much worse" Yamagishi answered her "WE HAVE A CAFFEINATED AND FERAL MAKOTO ON THE LOSE!" shouted Yamagishi so his friends would hear him over all this fighting

"Not again!" muttered Akkun trying to find Makoto in the middle of this chaos

"Eh? What is so important about this boy?~" asked Ran to Hakkai who looked confused about this

"I can deal with getting beaten up but I'm not dealing with a this or a crashing Makoto" Takuya declared because he prefers to end in the hospital than having to deal with that Makoto once more

"He can't be that bad?" said Mitsuya who was fighting side by side with Takemichi

"I fear a Makoto like this more than Mikey in his dark impulses" Takemichi said while looking like he was having war flashbacks

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Look guys! I found a lot of cats!" Makoto said running to his gang while pushing a big container full of raccoons

"Those are raccoons" Peh-yan said

"They are pretty cute" giggled Makoto while looking like he was contemplating something making his friends froze

"For everything in this world, please do not do what you are thinking about!" pleaded Akkun

"But it will be fun!" Makoto said grinning

"Only Hanma would think something like that is fun!" Takemichi said

"Oh? That piqued my interest!" Hanma said but the Mizo Middle gang just glared at him "No fun~" he pouted

"What the fuck is going on?" growled Mikey approaching where Makoto was

"Fucking hell! Couldn't you have stayed where you were?" cursed Takuya glaring Mikey who glared right back

"Oh! My! God!" shouted Inui looking at Makoto

"Oopsie!" giggled Makoto after making the container fall and the raccoons looking ready to kill

"Bitch, I'm gone!" Koko said disappearing because he won't deal with this, not now not ever

"Everyone run for yourselves!" Takemichi said picking up Makoto as fast his could and running away the moment the raccoons looked at everyone around them and put themselves in attacks position

"Goodbye!" Benkei said picking up Mikey and Sanzu and disappearing from the front of the raccoons with Wakasa right behind him who was holding Senju and Inui

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