Emma's Smile

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Sano Emma was in love with Ryuuguuji 'Draken' Ken.

It was no secret and almost everyone knew.

Except...Draken himself.

She tried everything for him to notice her or to seduce him but nothing seemed to work. It was starting to get tiring because no matter how Emma looked at it, Draken seemed to only pass time with her because she was Mikey's little sister and nothing more.

Emma...she just wanted him to at least tell her to her face he didn't feel the same but it didn't happen.

So she gave up.

There was no reason for her to continue trying when her efforts meant nothing.

Will it be easy? Of course not, Emma had been in love with Draken since she was ten so it was five years of loving him.


She will do her best to move on and try to find a new love or at least find a passion so she could forget about the boy who broke her heart.

Sano Emma would become a new girl and leave behind her love for Ryuuguuji 'Draken' Ken no matter what.







First things first, Emma will change her appearance.

She is not doing it just because of Draken, she had been wanting to do this for a long time but this gave her a reason to finally do it.

Emma wasn't sure of what to do and she didn't have any girl friends to ask for help which led her to the only person she knew would help her and not tell her brother.

Imaushi Wakasa.

She hadn't seen him a lot since Shinichiro died but he always said she could come to him for anything and he always had a good fashion sense so it was a plus point in her book.

When she finally found his number, Emma called him and told him what she needed and they planned to meet next weekend when Wakasa was free.




The weekend arrived faster than Emma expected but she couldn't wait to have her makeover and with that start her way to getting over Draken.

Wakasa and Emma met at the entry of the shopping mall and then made their way to Sendo Hair Salon, a family owned salon and quite famous beside being the one Wakasa goes to, where they would change Emma's hair and then move to buy some new clothes.

"Do you have any idea of what hairstyle you want?" asked Wakasa to his late best friend's sister

"I want it shorter but otherwise I have no idea" Emma said inclining her head trying to think of some hairstyle she might have seen and want but nothing came to her mind

"You can always let Sendo-san choose something, she never let me or any of her clients down" Wakasa said and Emma gave him a smile liking that idea

Soon they arrived in the hair salon where they were received happily by Sendo-san who asked what Emma wanted and after hearing Emma saying that she would leave it in her hands beside wanting her hair shorter, the woman smiled and guided her to a chair and started her work.

"Mom, I'm back!" a boy said entering the salon being followed by another boy

"Welcome back, Atsushi!" Sendo-san said, smiling at the first boy "Are you here to re-dye your hair, darling?" she asked looking at the second boy who blushed and looked at the ground

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