He is mine!

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Akashi Haruchiyo rarely got badly hurt or really sick.
It was a fact anyone who knew him for years knew about.
And another thing most knew about was that his childhood friends and sister had this sensor that activates whenever he got badly hurt and sick.
Said sensor was never wrong so they always listened to it.
Senju after she woke up from Sanzu's hit, went to fight Wakasa who she was used to fighting against with, even if not completely at this level but she was holding her own against him.
“Just give up, Senju” Wakasa says not really wanting to fight the kid he helped raising
“I will not give up” Senju said glaring at Wakasa
“You guys will lose” Wakasa sighed
“No, we wo-” Senju was about to say when she froze
“Senju?” Wakasa asks a bit worried
“Haru-nii is hurt!” Senju she says before she runs
“What?” Wakasa mumbles confused but tries to follow her
Mikey looked at Angry, the last one not down from the old Toman members, with no emotions in his eyes 
"Just give up" he says but Angry despite being afraid didn't back down
"I will not! Takemichi trust us and we won't let him down" Angry said and Mikey sighed, feeling tired from all this
"You made your choice" he says before he attacks Angry
When Mikey was about to knock Angry out like he did the others, he just stopped looking directly at some point.
"Mikey?" Angry calls confused
"He is hurt" Mikey mumbles before he just leaves
"What the hell?" Angry mutters but instead of going after Mikey he went to see if his friends were okay before going to help Mitsuya with Hanma
Sanzu wasn't supposed to get hurt but when Takemichi and Kakuchou appeared to stop him, well it was inevitable.
“Shit!” Sanzu cursed seeing that the injury he got was quite deep and he was losing a lot more blood than he expected from it
“Sanzu?!” Takemichi said worried same as Kakuchou since they didn’t expect the older boy to get this hurt with them trying to stop him
“What?” Sanzu asked glaring at them
“Are yo-” before Kakuchou could end asking Sanzu if he was okay, someone appeared out of nowhere
“Haru-niii!” Senju said going immediately to her brother’s side "What happened?! How did you get injured?! Do you need to go to the hospital?! Will you survive this?!" she asked worried
"Senju, calm down" Sanzu said trying to ignore the pain and blood
"No!" Senju said glaring at Sanzu "You rarely get seriously hurt or sick! I have the right to worry!" she adds and Sanzu sighs knowing she will not change her mind
"How the fuck did she guess he was hurt?" Wakasa, who had followed Senju, mumbled confused and surprised
Before anyone could say anything else Mikey also appeared out of nowhere and out himself in Sanzu's other side.
“Haruharu? How did you get hurt? Do I need to beat the shit out of someone? Who was the motherfucker behind you getting injured? How bad is the injury?” Mikey asks just like Senju did before
"Can you guys just stop worrying that much?!" Sanzu says rolling his eyes because he wasn't going to die because of the injury especially if they hadn't appeared an she could just pick the first aid kit he had hidden in the train
"What are you doing here?" Mikey asks when he finally notices Senju
"I should ask you the same thing" Senju says glaring at Mikey
"I came to help my Haruharu" Mikey says glaring back at Senju while Sanzu just looked done with everything
"No! I came to help my Haru-nii!" Senju growls
"Haruharu is mine!"  Mikey growls back
"Haru-nii is mine!" Senju says
"Haruharu belongs to Manman" Mikey says possessively
"No, Haru-nii belongs to Sensen!" Senju says not letting Mikey win
"I really want to know what is happening" Kakuchou said watching this scene with Takemichi and Wakasa
"You are not the only one" Takemichi says not understanding how did it come to this since nothing from the future brought up this protectiveness Mikey was showing towards Sanzu
"With you fighting than I may die" Sanzu grumbled but before he could shout to stop Mikey and Senju form fighting over him, he was picked up by someone else and taken out of there as fast as he was picked up
"Let's go to the hospital" the person who picked him up said and Sanzu relaxed in the arms of said person
"Thanks Take-nii" Sanzu mumbles
"It's my job as your older brother to take care of you especially when there are idiot fighting over who you belong to instead of how to deal with your injury" Takeomi said and Sanzu has to giggle at that even if it made him wince from the pain "Sleep for now. We will be in the hospital soon" Takeomi says kissing Sanzu's head and knowing the injury wasn't fatal so it was okay for Sanzu to sleep
"Okay, Take-nii" Sanzu says before closing his eyes and falling asleep
When Sanzu wakes up, he found himself in a hospital room with Takeomi there with him looking exasperated which was explained when the door suddenly opened with two voices still fighting over the same thing.
"No! He is mine!" Senju and Mikey said glaring at each other
"I belong to myself so shut up!" Sanzu said having enough of them
"But Haru-" both were about to say something but a glare from the two older Akashis made them shut up
Mikey and Senju gave up on their fight and just told Sanzu how the fight ended and that everyone was going to therapy, including them and Sanzu, to make sure nothing like this would happen again(or what happened in multiple futures).

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