A Teddy Bear's Tiger

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Benkei still remembered the first day he held his baby on his arms, well they had no connection by blood but when one of the workers of his orphanage told him to take care of the baby for a few minutes he felt an immediate connection to him, and Kazutora, his sweet little baby, was his world since that moment. He raised him and gave him all his love but unfortunately Benkei couldn't adopt him and a couple ended up adopting Kazutora.

Now Benkei felt a bit empty without his son(Benkei could never call him brother when he raised him as his son and Kazutora's first words were 'papa' and directed at him) but he continued going on hoping to see him again even if his friends always asked where was Benkei's little tiger he never answered and just looked sad so they stopped asking it and asked their little siblings to also stop asking about their friend who just disappeared.

Kazutora wasn't anymore by Benkei's side or the family he had when by his side but there was always the hope of seeing them again even if it took years for that to happen.




He was so nervous to meet Baji's friends. He knew Baji wouldn't take him to meet people who would make fun of him or anything like that but since he was adopted he had become a bit closed off and had a hard time interacting with others. Kazutora really missed his papa and family but this was his life now so he had to try his best to enjoy it.

"Tora, are you okay?" asked Baji worried for his friend

"Yeah, just nervous" answered Kazutora looking at the ground and Baji sighed and picked Kazutora's hand

"I will be there with you and if you feel uncomfortable even if only a bit you tell me and we immediately leave, okay?" Baji tried to reassure Kazutora who gave him a small smile

"Thanks, Kei" mumbled Kazutora and they continued on their way to the house of Baji's friend

While the two friends made their way to the Sano household, said friends of Baji were watching Mikey and his older brothers fighting over how he should or should not act once Baji brings the friend he wants them to meet.

"I will do whatever I want!" said Mikey pouting making Shinichiro roll his eyes and Izana growl while Emma was thinking how long it would take for her older brothers to give up since Mikey rarely listened to them(and the only one he ever listened to since Mikey hates to see him cry had just disappeared one day)

"Mikey, please, just try" Shinichiro said tired because Baji had said how his friends wasn't good with interacting with people and Mikey came too strong on people who were meeting him for the first time

"N-" Mikey was going to say before the door opened and Baji entered with a very familiar boy right behind him

It was someone the three blood related Sano siblings hadn't seen in a very long time(Izana just came to the family two years ago, five years after he disappeared).

Someone they missed so much.

The one person Mikey probably cherished more than his siblings and boyfriend.

"TORA!" shouted Mikey grinning which made his friends look confused to him while Kazutora looked up just to see one of his oldest friends

"Manjiro!" Kazutora ran to the boy and hugged him leaving behind a surprised Baji but also happy that even without knowing it he had found one of the people Kazutora always talked about and wanted to see again

"It's good to see you again, Tora-chan" said Shinichiro smiling softly at the boy between Mikey's arms

"You need to come shopping with me one of these days so we can reconnect, Tora!" added Emma and Kazutora smiled at both of them

Grandpa Sano who had just come back from the kitchen and saw that made a signal for the other kids to follow him and once they were in the garden he explained how the other three Sano knew Kazutora and why they reacted like that. Said Sanos' friends decided to let the four reconnect and hang out in the dojo helping Grandpa Sano or just talking between each other.




Benkei was a bit confused when Shinichiro told him to meet him on a park near the orphanage but he was used to this random decisions his best friend did so he just rolled with it hoping it would be for a good reason and not for a stupid one, again He was looking at his phone while waiting for Shinichiro so he didn't notice when someone stopped in front of him until someone called his name.

"Keizou! Look in front of you!" said Shinichiro and Benkei confused looked up just to be shocked to see his baby in front of him

"Hi, papa Kei!" said Kazutora nervous because he wasn't sure of how Benkei would react to seeing him again even after Shinichiro told a million times that Benkei also missed him and wanted to see him again

In a second Kazutora found himself being hugged by Benkei and only then did he break down and cry because he missed Benkei and all his friends since he was adopted and his adoptive parents didn't let him see them again. He was just happy to be back home because Benkei was and will always be his home.




"And tell me why I should give you both permission to date my son?" asked Benkei looking with a raised eyebrow to Senju who was sweating a lot from being nervous(and slightly afraid of Benkei) while her brothers, Shinichiro and Mikey tried hard not to laugh at the scene happening in front of them

"W-well..." mumbled Senju "I love him? ANd I want to cherish and protect him from the world...I don't know" added Sneju smiling nervously to Benkei who seemed to be seeing her soul before he laughed

"You have my permission just know that if you ever hurt him I will kill" Benkei said smiling and that terrified her more than him just looking at her soul

"Thank you!" Senju said before she ran out so she had time to change clothes before she met Kazutora and finally asked him out

"Did you have to scare her like that?" asked Wakasa amused walking to his lover's side

"I just wanted to be sure she wouldn't hurt my baby" said Benkei bringing Wakasa to his lap

"Me and Jirou will go and film the confession! See ya!" said Sanzu before him and his boyfriend left the house

"Well who would think that our families would get even more connected" mumbled Takeomi because really he wouldn't be surprised if Wakasa had had a sibling said sibling would date either Emma or Izana

"They for sure will" hummed Shinichiro just happy to see everyone happy again because he had missed this Benkei because the other one always looked like he had lost someone important but now with Kazutora back their lives had gotten better

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