Kitten Sanzu

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There were many unknown things about Akashi Haruchiyo but maybe the biggest one was that Sanzu resembled a cat in a lot of aspects and rarely did people notice unless they have been with him for years or if he does some certain actions that you go immediately 'He looks like a cat' so until before Kantou Manji was forged only four people knew about Sanzu being basically a cat which were Akashi Takeomi, Akashi Senju, Arashi Keizou and Imaushi Wakasa.




The fight with the other gang had been easy and Mikey alone had defeated them without much effort but he felt tired, mostly of the way his life was going but he had chosen it himself and he won't back down because this was the best way to obtain a happy ending for everyone.

"Mikey?" called Sanzu not liking how his king looked more tired and empty each day(and his instincts also wouldn't stop telling him to just lay in Mikey's lap and melt right there)

"Hmm?" hummed Mikey slowly looking at Sanzu and suddenly instead of seeing a dog in Sanzu, has the other boy had always been compared to for his loyalty to Mikey, he saw a cat and he couldn't stop his next actions

Sanzu froze when he saw Mikey raise his hand and let it fall on his head. He was so confused about what Mikey was doing until he felt Mikey caress his head and against his will he let his instinct take control of his body and he completely melted into Mikey's touch unknowingly purring

Koko had been to the side just playing on his phone when he suddenly heard a cat put but he knew that there was no cat in the apartment they lived in so he looked at where the sound was coming from to find what it was. What he saw shocked him but he didn't take long to turn the camera of his phone on and take a picture of cute looking Sanzu purring while Mikey caressed his head. He felt jealous of Mikey but didn't say anything before moving Sanzu to Mikey's lap and converting both of them under the watchful gaze of Mikey and Sanzu purring while lost in the affection given to him but what his instincts considered his catnip.




"I'm not dreaming, right?"


"He is supposed to be crazy and scary, not this adorable!"

"Do you want me to take him from your lap, Koko?"

*growl* "Don't even think about it, Sano Manjiro"


For the rest of that day Koko stayed in bed doing his work while he had Sanzu curled up on his lap purring happily. Mikey not wanting to watch this scene made his way to where he could find the new members of Kantou Manji(it was actually the members of Braham and Rokuhara who had decided to join them once their gangs were disbanded since Kantou Manji had won the 3 Deities fight) and see how good at fighting they were.




"KEEP YOUR FICKING DOG AWAY FROM ME, BITCH!" shouted Ran going to hide behind Mochi after Sanzu growled at him and almost bit him

"He isn't my dog" hummed Mikey not taking his eyes from the photo album Takeomi had given him recently and keeping petting Sanzu who was on his lap

"And Haru is more a cat than a dog" added Koko not taking his eyes from his work except for the few times he looked at one of the room's corner where you could see Takeomi growing mushrooms over not being Sanzu's favorite anymore

"What the fuck?" murmured Mochi finally question why the fuck he decided to continue in this life and if he would never have a normal day on it

"You know what? I will just ignore this and let Ran suffer" sighed Kakuchou leaving the room and not even looking back once

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