Lose You To Love Myself

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It was those fucking stupid memories that made him realize the truth

He would never be loved by his family...no matter how hard he tried to be what they wanted

If it didn't work when he had been called Jiang Cheng, why would it work now?

He hated feeling like this but it was the truth

His siblings would always be everything his parents wanted no matter how Haruchiyo was the one following their dreams for them and acting like the child they always said they wanted him to be.

His siblings were always a pair despite him being Senju's twin

He was...the last choice in both lives

It was time...time for him to choose himself over people who would never love him as he loves them.

He had to lose them to love himself and...despite how painful and difficult it might be it was the best option for Haruchiyo

From this day on he will not be known as Akashi Haruchiyo any more!

He will be known as...Sanzu Haruchiyo.




Sanzu's day was going really bad, he had been trying to fight the want to call his parents or siblings especially because it had been already three months and none of them noticed he had left the house only with the money he had been guarding to go to college and a few of the things he considered important. He knew he wasn't important to them but he thought they cared at least a bit about him but then again he wasn't really lucky on being loved even in his past life, imagine on this one.

Then his teachers had been asking him constantly about his guardian since they had called them to inform them about his notes but no one answered(another thing that hurt him but not surprising) and he had no idea on what to answer so he said they probably where working and didn't have time for this(he ignored the pitiful looks he received from some teachers who knew how his parents left him to the side since they had already came to school to talk about Senju's notes).

And lastly some motherfucker thought it would be funny to pour his fucking drink down Sanzu's head just because of the fucking scars he got protecting Senju, let's that the drink had mint something he also fucking hated.

Sanzu wanted to kill someone but he forced himself to calm down slightly so he could endure the Toman meeting he still had to go and also hoped it would end fast but seeing that today wasn't his day that for sure wouldn't happen.


Since the meeting started most of the members had noticed that Sanzu seemed bit out of himself, well it was hard to notice since he always kept to himself but he had just vibe like he was close to exploding, and that got them worried since normally he was one of the calmest members of Toman and who sometimes took the role of leader when his and Mucho's division had to fight someone.

The captains and vice-captains maintained an eye on Sanzu during the whole meeting, especially Mikey and Mucho who were the ones that probably knew the pink haired boy the best. Once the end of the meeting arrived Mikey asked Sanzu to stay behind since he had some questions and Sanzu being the loyal subordinate agreed despite not being in the best mood.

"What do you need, Mikey?" asked Sanzu once the only ones present were the captains and vice-captains

"Are you okay?" bluntly asked Mikey making some facepalm at that

"I don't understand what you mean" said Sanzu because he really didn't because his family never noticed when he wasn't well so how could someone who have known him for only two months and a half

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