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Mochi's body had moved on its own when he saw someone about to shoot Kakuchou.
Could he have shot the guys who tried that? Yes.
Would that save Kakuchou? Probably.
But what was done was done and now Mochi laid on the floor bleeding to death. He would have liked to choose a better life and see everyone he loved happy but that was impossible.
Mochizuki Kanji left this world with the wish to meet the loved ones he lost and for those he left behind to try and be happy even with him gone.
Why was he hearing a baby crying?
Shouldn’t he be dead?
What the fuck is going on?
Mochi slowly opens his eyes to find himself in an unknown room and the crying baby coming from the room beside the one he was in. He got up looking confused until his eyes landed in a mirror which showed to him that he certainly wasn’t on his body.
“Mom, Emma is crying again” a small voice said from the door making Mochi come out of hi-her shock
“I’m coming” she says and smiles at little Izana(Mochi had always knows his leader would have been a cute kids but this just confirms it)
Mochi made her way to the room Emma was in and winced a bit seeing how there is little to nothing on it beside the most basic and necessary things for a baby. She picked Emma up and saw that she needed her diaper changed and was also hungry so Mochi didn’t lose time and changed the baby’s diaper before sitting in the only chair of the room to breastfeed Emma.
As Mochi hummed and breastfeed Emma a torrent of memories started to appear on Mochi’s mind that if she hadn’t been used to pain it would have made her drop Emma.
“I’m Kurokawa Itsuki and you?”
“Karen Weller”
“Let’s give our best in this project then!
“Of course”
“I’m so happy for you, Karen!”
“But should I really accept it, Sakurako?”
“Of course! You have had this huge crush on Itsuki for years!”
“Ugh, if this goes bad I will blame you!”
*giggles* “Whatever you say, Kar”
*pushes Sakurako lightly* “Just go to your prince charming and leave me alone!”
“Oh! You're right, it’s almost time for my date with Makoto! See you later, Kar!
“Seeya, Saku!”
“Will you, Karen Weller, take Kurokawa Itsuki as your husband till the end of your days?”
“Will you, Kurokawa Itsuki, take Karen Weller as your wife till the end of your days?”
“With this I declare you husband and wife. You may kiss the wife!”
“Itsuki! Are you hearing me?!”
“Yeah, yeah!”
“So what did I tell you?”
“Something about money and a house”
“Ugh! You are a fucking bastard!” *leaves*
“I don’t know what to do anymore!”
“I’m sorry, Kar. If I hadn’t pushed you to date him you wouldn’t be passing by this”
“It’s not your fault, Saku. He promised me happiness but he is only giving me tears”
“Do you wanna stay with me and Makoto? I would thank some help taking care of Shin”
“If you guys don’t mind”
“Of course not, Kar, you are my best friend!”
“I’m sorry! He said he was single and I believed him”
*tears start to form on her eyes* “....That fucking son of a bitch!”
“I’m so sorry!”
“Don’t! This isn't your fault!”
“But if I probably had asked more about him or something you wouldn’t be like this”
“No, he had started acting like that two months after we got married. It really isn’t your fault, Atarah”
“Just…just let it be”
“...If you are sure, Karen”
“He is a quiet baby”
“Yeah, our Izana certainly is”
“Karen, you are helping me raise him so of course he is yours as much as he is mine”
“You are his mother too and I’m proud to say that, Karen”
“...Thanks, Atarah”
“I understand you, Karen, but take a deep breaths”
*trying not to cry* “I…why did Atarah disappear and Sakurako die? I need them, Makoto!”
“It’s okay to cry, Karen. This is too much for you to deal now with especially with the pregnancy”
“....Do you think they would hate us for this?”
“We were drunk, Karen, and I’m sure they would understand that everyone deals with grief differently even if our way wasn’t the best”
*sighs* “You are right”
“Come on, I promised father that we would be back soon to pick up the kids”
“Thanks for being a great friend”
“You don’t need me to thank me for that”
“I know, I just wanted to make sure you know how much I appreciate having you here”
“Same for me”
“I’m sorry, my son died in a car accident”
“No, no, no, no!”
“Please, calm down! It may affect the baby!”
“...He was the only one I had left beside the kids…”
“I know, cry everything you need”
*crying* “Why did they leave me, Mansuke-san?! I can’t deal with everything alone! I need them with me!”
*hugs her and pats her head* “Shhhh, deep breaths! I will take over mostly raising Shinichiro and Manjiro while you have Izana and little Emma. Don’t forget you still have me, you are like a daughter to me Karen”
“She is so cute”
“Will you be a good brother to her, Izana?”
“Yes! I will be the best brother ever!”
“I’m sure you will, Izana. Now go and call your grandpa so he can meet his new granddaughter”
“Of course, mom!”
“YOU will not approach them!”
“They are my kids, Karen, I have that right!”
“No! Izana may be your kid by blood but your name is nowhere on his birth certificate!”
“Try to keep me away from my son and I will make sure you will have to sell your body to survive and will never be able to see those brats!”
“You are a disgusting piece of shit, Kurokawa Itsuki!”
“You have been warned, Karen”
Mochi took a very deep breath once the memories stopped coming before he took a better look at baby Emma to calm down.
“It seems like there was much more behind the actions of one Kurokawa Karen” Mochi whispered before he made Emma burp and try to make her fall asleep once more
Once Mochi was back in her room she tried to think of a solution because if she remembered right Itsuki would try something when Izana would be six and Emma three which lead to Karen having to abandon them. She had no idea of what she should do until she remembered something Kakuchou had told her about his childhood friend.
“Bakamichi could have been an amazing fighter”
“What do you mean, Kakuchou?”
“His father comes from a powerful yakuza family”
“Really?! But didn’t Mikey mention once that Takemichi said his father was a militar?”
“As the second son Hanagaki Masaaki was chosen to be their connection to the government and he choose to join the military”
“He has a really powerful family”
“Yeah, he does”
“Well, I don’t lose much from trying to get help from him and that way I can make sure Kakuchou doesn’t end in the orphanage after he loses his parents” Mochi hums before she heard the door open once more
“I can’t go back to sleep, can I sleep here?” Izana mumbled looking at the floor
“Of course, Iza” Mochi smiles softly and pats the open space beside her to which Izana doesn’t lose time in laying next to his mother
“Goodnight, mom” Izana whispers
“Goodnight, sweetheart” Mochi says kissing his forehead and letting sleep claim her
“Are you sure you don’t need help?” Mansuke asked worried at Kari, he was confused why karen had suddenly wanted to change her name until she explained what Itsuki had told her, who was rocking Emma
“Yes, I just need you to take care of Emma and Izana for a bit” Kari said giving a small smile to the older man “I know someone who can help me and even if they don’t I know my kids will be safe with you” she adds and Mansuke sighs
“Very well but if it comes to the worst scenery try to at least contact me once a month so I know you are safe” the man said and Kari nodded at him
“Thanks for this, Mansuke-san” Kari thanked him and Mansuke shook his head
“You don’t need to thank me for anything” Mansuke said with an exasperated smile “I consider you my daughter and will do anything I can to help you” he adds and Kari can only offer him a smile, feeling a bit bad because she wasn’t really Karen but she would try to make sure he would not lose any of his grandkids like he did in her original timeline
Hanagaki Masaaki had seen a lot of things in his life, especially because he was born in a yakuza family, but he never expected to be stopped by a woman he didn't know when he arrived home after a long mission.
"Are you a new neighbour?" Masaaki asks the blonde woman in front of him
"No, but I need to talk with you" was the woman's answer and Masaaki could ignore and call the police but the seriousness in the woman's voice and his instinct told him to let her in and hear what she has to say
"Follow me" the man sighs and opens the door
Both enter the house being received by a young man with a crying baby in his arms who looks apologetic to Masaaki.
"Sorry, uncle. Takemichi today isn't really happy" the young man says
"It's okay, Yuusuke" Masaaki says because it was normal for Takemichi to miss his mom who had died a month ago in an accident
"Has he been like that for long?" the woman asked
"Yes, since aunt died he has been like this" Yuusuke answers
"She was breastfeeding him, right?" she asks and both men nod at that "Give it here. It was sudden change for him and his body must not be accepting the pharmacy milk completely beside him missing his mother" the woman explains and Yuusuke looks at his uncle for a second but give Takemichi to the woman
"You can go home, Yuusuke. I plan to stay home for some months this time" Masaaki says and Yuusuke just nods before picking up his things and leaves "May I know your name?" he asks not looking at the woman since she had turned away to breastfeed Takemichi
"Born Karen Weller but when I married I became Kurokawa Karen" she answers with some hate in her voice when she says her married surname "Right now I plan to change my name to Kari" she adds
"Kari?" Masaaki says confused
"Yes" Kari hums
"Is that behind the reason why you wanted to talk to me?" he asks after thinking for a bit and Kari sighs
"In a way" she says and Masaaki hear his son burp "Here, I think you would prefer to make your own son fall asleep" Kari says turning to him and offering Takemichi to Masaaki
"Ah, yes" he says and picks up his son
Masaaki guides Kari to the living room and leaves her there while he tries to make Takemichi sleep and once he did it he left Takemichi sleeping on his bed before returning to the living room.
"So tell me why you came to me" Masaaki said once he sat in front of Kari
With that she started to talk about her past(as Karen) especially her last talk with Itsuki plus mentioning that someone once mentioned that Masaaki would be able to help her if needed.
"I see…." Masaaki mumbles, surprised by what he heard and extremely disgusted by Kurokawa Itsuki "But what do you really need from me?"
"I want you to marry me and adopt my kids and godsons. If they fall under your family's protection Itsuki can't mess with them and if he does it would be easier to find them and destroy Itsuki" Kari says serious and Masaaki hums at that
"Give me some time to think about this and talk with my family about it" Masaaki says and Kari nods at that
"When you make your decision, you can probably find me in the Sano dojo" Karo says getting up and offers him a smile before she leaves
A month later Masaaki went to the Sano dojo with his son to find Karo and give her his decision about what she told previously.
"Good morning" an old man said when he saw Masaaki enter the dojo "I'm Sano Mansuke, the owner of the dojo. Do you need help with anything?" he says giving a small smile at Masaaki and Takemichi
"Yes, Kari said I could find her here" Masaaki says
"Oh, you are looking for Kari?" Mansuke says slightly surprised but Masaaki can see that the old man is protective if the blonde woman "She is in the house with the kids, go through the back and you will immediately see it" he says pointing tot he door that leads to the back of the dojo
"Thank you" Masaaki nods before he makes his way to the house with Takemichi
"I hope your plan works, Kari" Mansuke sighs before he sees his students starting to arrive
Kari was watching Izana play with Shinichiro while she had both Emma and Mikey sleep peacefully on the baby car that was next to her. She was lost in thoughs of what these kids could have had before if not for the actions of Kurokawa Itsuki and also who else she needed to help once she could.
"Mom, someone is ringing the bell" Izana said taking Kari out of her mind
"Coming!" Kari says loudly enough to be heard outside but not for the babies to wake up "Keep an eye on Emma and Manjiro, okay?" she adds looking at Shinichiro and Izana who nod at her
Kari goes to the door and opens it to find Masaaki and baby Takemichi there. She lets them enter and offers to put a sleeping Takemichi beside Mikey and Emma, which Masaaki accepts, before either sit and start talking about Masaaki's decision and what they had to plan for the future.
Hanagaki Kari watched her kids play with their friends in the Sano’s house back garden. It had been strange finding herself married to Hanagaki Masaaki but she did it for the kids and Masaaki wasn’t a bad person. She liked this life, much calmer than Karen’s or Mochi’s for sure, but she knew there are still some things she has to take care of that involves the kids she was watching right now.
“Haruchiyo, can you come here?” she calls and the pink haired boy looks confused at her but goes to where she was
"Did you need something, Kari-san?" the boy asked once he was in front of the blonde woman
"I have been noticing some things and I want you to answer some questions" Kari explains softly
"Okay?" Haruchiyo says still confused
With that Kari started to ask him about how Takeomi seemed to treat him and how Haruchiyo acted differently when Senju came to play with the Sanos with him from when he came alone.
"I see" Kari mumbles not liking what she heard but she would intervene on this "I will talk with Takeomi then, you are also his baby brother and if he has so much pressure on him he could have come to me, Masaaki or Mansuke instead of taking it out on you" she adds smiling at the little boy before patting his head "Now go back to play with your friends" Haruchiyo smiled at her before he went back to his friends
Izana was 12 when he noticed that he looked nothing like his siblings, grandpa, dad and mom. He hated how his classmates always commented on it so one night, those nights him and his mom passed reading a book or watching a movie together, he decided to ask Kari why he looked so different.
"Why do I not like you guys?" Izana asked and Kari sighed like she knew this day would come
"I was born Karen Weller and came to Japan with my parents as a kid" Kari started and despite being confused what this ahd to dow with him, Izana let her continue "I was in university when I met this boy named Kurokawa Itsuki with whom I fell in love with" she and a distant look when saying this "We dated and got married, I thought he would give me the happened he promised but…" she bit her lip at that
"He hurt you?" Izana mumbled and Karo nodded at that with a sad smile
"He changed out of nowhere and was not the man I fell for" Kari hummed and picked her phone to show him a photo of her and man with his white/silver hair together "He was a big piece of shit and cheated of him with another woman, one who didn't know he had a wife" Kari said but Izana didn't understand why he didn't notice nay hate of resentment directed at the other woman "Atarah, that is her name and she was a sweet and incredible woman. She didn't know about me but once she did, she came to me and told me everything and apologized even if she was just another victim who fell for Itsuki. Atarah was pregnant when she found about it and I offered her to stay with me, we were planning on raising her baby together" she patted Izana's head who wa looking surprised at her
"I….I'm your ex-husband's kid with another woman?" Izana mumbled
"Yes but like Atarah said, you are my kid as much as you were hers so don't think I don't consider you my son or that your siblings will think differently just because you share no blood" she said softly and hugged Izana who hugged her back
"....Thanks for telling me the truth" Izana mumbled in Kari's neck who just hummed and kissed his forehead
Masaaki watched amused his son and wife playing around as they came back from visiting his parents. His parents had accepted Kari's plan but still didn't trust her but once they met her she charmed them especially when they found out she could fight. While they didn't marry for love, Masaaki was happy that he married Kari.
"Can we bring the others next time?" Takemichi asked Kari
"If they want to" Kari answered because she had given the choice to her kids about wanting to come visit the older Hanagaki couple or not but they chose not to
"I hope they do!" Takemichi grinned and Kari laughed because Takemichi seemed to have always been this happy kid with a lot of hope
"My parents would be more than happy to meet your siblings and friends" Masaaki said and Takemichi grinned at him
They continued talking between each other before Masaaki noticed that his wife had been silent and had stopped to look at something so knowing that she had this strange sensor to when a kid was being abused, neglected or something like that he looked in the same direction as her. He didn't like one but what he saw and maybe they already had too many kids(technically only five but they took care of any of their kids' friends as their own so they already had a lot) but some more wouldn't affect them anyways.
"Takemichi, why don't you go play in the park?" Masaaki asks pointing to the park really close to where the kids in help were
"Of course, dad!" Takemichi said and didn't lose a second to go and play in said park
"Thanks" Kari says but Masaaki only pats her back as they make their way to where three kids were being beaten by two adults "Excuse me" she called trying to keep herself calm
"Yes?" the man said glaring at the couple who disturbed him
"Can we know why you are hitting these kids?" Masaaki asked pointing to the three black haired kids
"They just need to learn to not embarrass us" the only woman said
"I see then I hope you don't mind if we contact the police" Kari said and the two adults looked at her in rage and fear
"You have no reason to do it! They are your kids and we can do whatever we want!" the man growled and was going to hit Kari but Masaaki stopped him
"Kari, why don't you take the kids to meet Takemichi and call the police? I will keep an eye in them" Masaaki looks at his wife who who nods at that
Kari slowly encouraged the three black haired kids and guided them to where she could see Takemichi look at them curiously but waiting for them to come to him.
"Mom, who are they?" Takemichi asks curious once they arrived where he is
"Shuji" the oldest boy says and Kari was slightly surprised by this since she knew about nothing about Hanma's past
"And you two?" she asks the other two who hold strongly to Hanma before answering
"Tetta" the youngest one says which actually explains why Hanma was so protective of Kisaki "And he is Tora" he points to the other boy
"Are you siblings?! I have a lot of siblings!" Takemichi says a bit excited
"Not by blood" Hanma says "My parents sold me to those two while Tora and Tetta were kidnapped by them" he explains and Kari winces knowing that this also explained some things she had noticed in the past when it comes to Hanma
"I suppose the police will contact your parents but if you have nowhere to go or don't want to go back to your parents, you are more than welcome on our family" she says softly and offering a small smile to the three kids
Two weeks later Masaaki and Kari had three more kids and they knew the number would just keep growing but neither cared if they could bring happiness to these kids' lives.
"A new sibling?" -Emma
"Seems like it" -Kisaki
"I hope it is a girl…" -Tora
"Me too!" -Senju
"I don't think so, the name I heard sounded like a male one" -Shuji
"I don't care as long as they don't take Mom's attention from me!" -Mikey
"Manjiro, stop acting like a brat! Mom and dad love all of us equally no matter how many kids they adopt or take in" -Shinichiro
"M'kay" -Mikey
"When do you think they will have their own kid?" -Draken
"That's a good question" -Ran
"...Would they love them above us?" -Rindou
"No" -Izana
"How are you so sure?" -Sanzu
"Only two of us share blood with them and even then they treat and love us equally so if they had a kid of their own it wouldn't change that" -Izana
"That's true" -Wakasa
"Oh! The new sibling arrived!" -Baji
"So?" -Takeomi
"His name is Terano Minami but he prefers to be called South, he is half-brazillian and recently came to Japan. It was supposed for him to come live with his grandparents but they are unable to do it because of old age" -Benkei
"Let's go meet him!" -Emma
"Sure, let's meet in the hallway" -Izana
"We are on our way!" -Takemichi
“Be careful, Makomo!” Kari said to her youngest kid who was trying to catch her brother
“I will, mom!” the little girl said grinning at her mother before continuing to try and catch Mikey
“She really takes after her siblings in energy” Masaaki said amused and Kari sighed because really she hadn’t expect to basically adopt(officially or not) all those people she knew when she had been Mochi or to end up falling in love with Hanagaki Masaaki
“She sadly does” Kari ends up saying with a small smile “Good thing none of them mind spending time with her” she adds quite happy that none of the kids thought they loved Makomo above them
“They will for sure spoil her” Masaaki agrees as they watch their other kids and friends join Makomo and Mikey playing “I’m happy I choose to help you as you had planned” he adds softly and brings his wife closer to him
“Me too” Kari hums and kisses her husband softly “Now let’s make sure our kids don’t spoil Makomo too much”
“Whatever my beautiful and sweet wife says” Masaaki says, laughing once he notices Kari blush
“Shut up, you idiot!” Kari growls before she starts walking to where Emma was talking with South as they tried not to laugh as everyone chased Mikey who tripped in a rock making everyone trip over him
Kari liked how this future was going and she really hoped that happiness would continue to surround her, Masaaki and their kids. She never again wanted to see any of them die or be so broken after losing so many people they loved and you can be sure that Hanagaki Kari would do anything to keep her kids away from that sadness and pain.

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