Just One More Chance

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He thought he had been going crazy.
Having to relieve the same, but at the same time different, 12 years for four times without any explanation wasn't normal.
Akashi 'Sanzu' Haruchiyo had no idea what was going on but he was unsure if he could last much longer living all this years once more especially after he saw his most precious friend commit suicide.
The first time Sanzu came back, he thought he had a chance to save his friends but the future ended up being the same beside there being the addition of a person he never met to Mikey's life.
The second time, was similar to the first one but it also broke Sanzu's heart to see his other childhood friend die
The third time, everything was going well until Tenjiku appeared and their leader, Izana, destroyed Mikey completely and he decided to kill all his friends(Sanzu had been an exception only because he had already been marked by Mikey once upon a time).
The fourth time….it was the one that maybe broke Sanzu the most, more people he cared about died including his baby sister and he didn't know how to deal with it so he chose to start taking drugs to forget all the loops he went through and how he had lost so many people.
Watching Mikey jump from the building was what completely broke Sanzu and when he found himself in the past again, this time a bit further in time so too late to save some people, he chose that if it had to come to it….he would be the one to kill everyone.
"Why are you doing this Sanzu?! Wasn't killing Mucho enough?!"
"You don't understand shit, Kakuchou!"
"Please, Sanzu, don't do this!"
"...I wasn't left any other choice, Hanagaki"
"...What do you mean?"
"Are you…?"
"Are you a time looper too?"
"What does he mean with that, Bakamichi?"
"I…I don't understand…do you time leap too?"
"Leap? You think I leap through time?!"
"Hey, calm down Sanzu"
"Shut up, Kakuchou!"
*confused* "Then do you know who is the other time leaper?"
*growling* "There is no other time leaper!"
"Just tell us what you mean with the time looper thing then!"
"I have fucking lived the same fucking 12 years four times and each time shit became worse! I lost every fucking person I love and was never given a fucking explanation for why this happened!"
"E-everytime I come back to the past you did the same?"
"Seems like it"
"I'm really confused about all this but why does Bakamichi calls himself time leaper and Sanzu calls himself time looper?"
"Well, I time leap from when I was 26 to when I was 14-16 with no memory of what it happened during those 12 years of difference since I didn't live through them"
"But I live through those 12 years and have memories of all that before I was dragged back to the past"
"I see…but what made you choose to kill everyone instead of saving them?"
"I'm tired"
"And? That's not reason for trying to kill all of us"
"When you have seen everyone you love die, there is a point where you break and think that if they all have to die then they should die at your hands"
"....But I want to save Mikey so I can't let you do that"
"It's too late for that, even if you save him now he will just feel empty for the rest of his life before deciding to commit suicide once more
"Once more?!"
"......In the last future, Mikey committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the bowling building"
"....And how are you so sure of that, Sanzu?"
"Because, Kakuchou, I have never left Mikey's side and know him better than anyone"
"....Is Mikey really a lost cause?"
"Unless you can go back in time before that day, then yes he is"

"But if you two work together, won't that be possible?"
"...That might work, Kaku-chan!"
"What do you say, Sanzu?"
"I…I just want to stop all of this but if it doesn't work I will continue with my plan"
"Okay! Let's shake hands"
"Good luck"
After Kakuchou said that, Takemichi and Sanzu shook hands but it wasn't Takemichi who felt himself black out this time the person to go back in time was someone else.
And hopefully he would be able to stop all this from happening.
Sanzu was in the past.
He didn't want to be here, he was just so tired of everything!
Why couldn't Takemichi be here in his place?! Couldn't Snazu catch a fucking break?!
"Haruchiyo! Why aren't you helping Senju with her homework?!" Sanzu heard from the door of his room and when he looked he saw Takeomi
He missed his older brother.
Takeomi had died in two futures and in the last one despite being beside him  he still kept a distance between them.
Sanzu wanted his brother back.
"Haruchiyo, don't ignore me!" Takeomi said approaching Sanzu and that broke the dam and he started crying
"Nii-san!" Sanzu said hugging Takeomi who was shocked by this because he couldn't remember the last time Sanzu cried and acted like this so he just picked his baby brother up and rocked him
"Shhh, kitty cat, Nii-san is here" Takeomi whispered to Sanzu worried about what could have made his baby brother react like this
"Eh? What is little Haruchiyo doing here?" Shinichiro asked when he saw Takeomi come to the BD meeting with Sanzu in his arms
"He isn't well, I hope you don't mind him being here" Takeomi said because since that day that Sanzu broke down, he wouldn't leave Takeomi's side unless Senju called for him
“Sure, we are just be talking about how things have been in our territory and not much more” Shinichiro said now also worried about Sanzu
"So this is Haruchiyo?" Wakasa asks, arriving with Benkei, looking at Sanzu
"He is a cute kid" Benkei commented as Sanzu hugged Takeomi more
"Yeah, kitty cat really is" Takeomi hums with a small smile
"Let's hurry this up then" Shinichiro said, happy that his friend was finally seeing that Sanzu still needed him
With that Shinichiro started the meeting and everyone just took one look at Sanzu but ignored him knowing that their leaders would have said something if the kid couldn't be there or was in danger. The meeting had been fast and at the end the four BD and Sanzu went to a nearby coffee shop while Takeomi and Shinichiro waited for the time to pick up their siblings from school.
"Do you want something to eat, kitty cat?" Takeomi asks looking at Sanzu
"...Cheesecake" Sanzu answers softly
"Are you sure?" Takeomi asks remembering that Sanzu never really liked cheese
"Yes" Sanzu confirms and Takeomi nods at that before asking for a slice of cheesecake for Sanzu
"Shin-nii" Mikey calls his brother as he and Baji enter the living room
"Is something wrong?" Shinichiro asks worried since his brother had been quite energetic since they were finally done with making the plane
"Haru is acting strange" Baji answers and both Shinichiro and Takeomi look strangely at that
"What do you mean?" Takeomi asks already getting up to see his baby brother who must be with Senju and Emma
"He just reacted strangely when he saw my toy plane" Mikey says pouting since he wanted to play with his friends with the toy plane
"That's strange" Shinichiro agreed
"I will go talk with him to see what may have reacted like that" Takeomi says getting even more worried about Sanzu since he had been acting much differently since that day he just broke down crying when he saw Takeomi
Takeomi went to find his brother but wasn't able to ask him what was wrong because Sanzu happily playing with the two girls and he couldn't remember the last time he saw him like that. He let his brother be but he still asked himself what might have happened to make Sanzu change so much.
Sanzu wasn't okay.
It was so difficult to see all these people he already knew, and hurt at some point, and act like he didn't know how their life would end.
He was going to break down and feared that whenever he did it, the person with him would call him crazy.
…That person wouldn't be wrong, after everything that happened to him Sanzu knew he wasn't mentally okay and probably would never be.
Was it wrong that he just wanted to enjoy his days until things started going like he knew? For as much as he wanted to save everyone, Sanzu was tired and didn't want to see those he loved die again or lose themselves in their grief and guilt.
Mansuke worked a lot to make sure his grandchildren had everything they needed so he wasn't the best to know when something wasn't really well with them.
But…when he saw Sanzu during one time he was visiting Mikey to help him with homework, he knew that something had happened.
The look in the kids eyes was the same he had seen in soldiers who had lost the people they loved as war went on and that was a look that no child, especially one so young, should have.
One day, while everyone was distracted, he took Sanzu to the side and asked him what happened.
The kid just took one look at Mansuke before he broke down and told him everything.
Mansuke had  a hard time believing it but he knew Sanzu wasn't lying because he would never be this affected if it was all a lie.
"It's okay, little one, I'm here and I will help you" Mansuke comforts the younger kid, because that was what Sanzu was even if he lived for longer than Mansule ever will, who looked even more fragile after everything he was told
Mansuke did as he promised Sanzu and helped him give a much better and happier future to someone but also helped Sanzu get better mentally.
The first change they made was to visit Izana in the orphanage and talk to him about how he felt about being adopted by Mansuke and if he is okay with it.
"...You want to adopt me? Even if I share no blood relations with Emma?" Izana asks after Mansuke explains that he wants to adopt him but if Izana accepts it may take some time since they have no blood relations
"Of course, just because you share no blood with her that doesn't make you any less her brother" Mansume says
"Could you also adopt Kakuchou?" Izana asks after thinking about what Mansuke said for a bit
"I can see if I can but if I don't maybe Aoi will do it" Mansuke says since he would have basically four kids under his care so the social assistant may be against him adopting one more
"Thanks you" Izana whispers and Mansuke just offers him a smile before he has to leave with Sanzu
After that Sanzu tried to find and befriend the Shibas, Kisaki, Takemichi, Hanma and Kazutora so they wouldn't end up like before since Mansuke made sure that all of them knew that if they needed something to come to him even if no one ever believed them before on what they would tell him.
Sanzu felt more close to them than he ever did to Baji and Mikey.
Maybe it was because between all of them they all had abusive and neglectful parents and had to raise themselves or their siblings basically alone? He wasn't sure but he was happy to have someone to connect with especially because he was still dealing with everything that happened to him in all the timelines.
"Haru-nii! Your friends are here!" Sanzu hears Senju call from the living room
"Coming!" Sanzu says and makes his way to where they were
He still loved Baji and Mikey but Sanzu had learnt to live with their indifference before so it was a bit difficult to not favour his new friends over them.
The Inui case was a bit more difficult to solve, not as much as the Terano one, but Mansuke and Sanzu always kept an eye on the Inui house in case the day the fire started came.
It had been by luck that when Sanzu and his siblings were making their way to the Sano house that they passed by the Inui house and noticed the fire and Koko entering so Takeomi told them to call the firefighters while he went to help Koko.
Thankfully, beside some burns, everyone came out alive and healthy from that situation. Sanzu hoped that Inui and Koko's life would be better from now on.
Sanzu tried hard to not think about them because it made him think of Mucho who had broken Sanzu's heart so many times (he still didn't know why he felt himself trust him every time when he knew he would end up broken hearted once more, maybe Ran was right and Sanzu was a masochist).
He knew he also had to help them, or at least get them to meet Izana and Kakuchou, but he was unsure on how to do that especially when his feelings kept trying to get in the way when he tried to think of something to help them.
"Just let destiny make its job, Haruchiyo" Mansuke said when Sanzu came to him about this "You, yourself, said that the Toman members are meeting each other without your influence so I'm sure the same will happen with them" he explained and Sanzu thought about it for a bit
"Thanks, grandpa" Sanzu says softly because the older man is right
"Now, how about we go and help Emma with dinner?" Mansuke asks and Sanzu nods at that since he enjoyed the time he spent with the youngest Sano
Things were going well and Sanzu had helped everyone he could with the help of Mansuke, now he could only let the rest on destiny and time's hands while hoping that everything would end well without anyone having to suffer (beside Sanzu who was hiding well from everyone about how much he was suffering with nightmares about previous timelines).
“Haruchiyo? Why are you still awake?” Takeomi asks when he sees Sanzu in the living room looking outside while drinking some tea
"Nightmares" was Sanzu's answer because there was no way he could have kept his nightmares completely hidden from his siblings but they just thought he had them three times a month and not almost everyday
"I see" Takeomi says sitting in front of Sanzu "Wanna talk about it?" Takeomi asks
And maybe Sanzu would have said no in another time.
But he just wanted to let out how hurt he was to someone else who wasn't Mansuke without revealing everything.
"I dreamed of everyone dying multiple times and I wasn't able to save them" Sanzu says not looking once at his brother "Everytime the deaths became worse than the last one" he added
"Come here, kitty cat" Takeomi said opening his arms and Sanzu didn't lose him in hugging his brother
Takeomi had never been the best with words but his hugs always made Sanzu feel better and safe so he thanked to be able to have them once more
"Come on, little Haruo, come to Mama" Emma says to a little pink haired baby with golden eyes
Haruo, the baby, slowly got up and with very shaky steps made his way to his mother who picked him up and kissed his whole face once he reached her.
"He is a strong little boy" Senju comments with a soft smile while her husband, Draken, films all this
"Just like his father" Mikey comments with a sad smile
"Haru would be proud of Haruo for sure" Emma says while looking at her baby who takes a lot from Sanzu
"Papa?" Haruo says and everyone looks surprised at him
"Did he just say papa?!" Izana asks surprised because Haruo never got to meet his father and none of them ever called Sanzu by that when talking about him to Haruo
"And it is his first word…" Hina, Izana and Takemichi's wife, says even more surprised
"Papa! Papa lo'e ma a'd 'e" Haruo giggles and Emma can only hug her baby close with tears in her eye
"Mama also loves papa and Haruo a lot" Emma whispers
"Haruchiyo could never leave us completely alone, he needs to make sure we are all safe and happy" Takeomi says bringing his husband, Mucho, closer in a hug
"It does sound like him" Mansuke comments from the couch, a but sad Sanzu never got to meet his own kid
Akashi 'Sanzu' Haruchiyo left this world at the age of 24 when protecting Emma, his girlfriend, and Takemichi from a killer who chose them as his next victims. He never got to meet his kid, marry Emma or live long enough to see everyone's dreams come true but that didn't stop him from watching his family be happy even if he wasn't alive anymore.

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