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Uh, somehow he isn't scared of dying or surprised that this is how he will die.

But it isn't like anyone will suffer with his death anyways.

Sanzu already called the ambulance so Hanagaki wouldn't die from the bullet wounds and he pushed Mikey so he wouldn't fall down the building as Mikey had planned.

Now he is the one falling from the building.

How fun!

He died doing things for others....like always.

Sanzu is so fucking tired.

Relief, that is the only thing he thinks as his body is close to hitting the ground.

"Finally peace" were Sanzu's words before he hit the ground dying immediately from the fall




They didn't want to do this to this damaged soul but that soul was the only one able to stop the other universe from going down the same way this one did.

Akashi 'Sanzu' Haruchiyo should have had a bright future in this universe but something, they weren't sure what yet, messed it up and boy suffered a lot to the point he lost his will to live even if no one noticed it until it had been too late.

"Oh, little blossom, you deserve much better and now I will be sending you on mission that might also break you more" they sighed looking sadly to the soul that would soon join them in this space "I hope you can forgive me for what I will do but I was left with no choice

As they said that a bright light appeared in front of them to reveal a confused and tired Sanzu.

"Where the fuck is this?" Sanzu said who thought he could finally be in peace after so long but it seemed he was wrong

"Welcome, little blossom" they said and finally Sanzu looked at them "I have many names but I'm mostly called God, Fate and Destiny" they added and Sanzu froze

"And why am I meeting you?" Sanzu asked because while he may have done some horrible things he doesn't think any of them would lead to an immediate meeting with God

"Well..." God looks sadly at Sanzu "I wanted to give your soul your so desired rest but I need your help"

"...My help for what?" asked Sanzu

"There is an universe where you died that day while running away since you felt something bad was coming and decided to finally leave" Sanzu looks in shock but God continues "That wasn't supposed to happen as the scars also should never have happened in yours but something messed up with your future"

"And how would I help if my other self is dead?"

"I will try to send your soul to the body before that happens and I want you to save those died" God said

"Of course, it's always for the others" Sanzu mumbled with a smile that showed that he was already expecting something like this

"And I want you to live for yourself too" God added and Sanzu looked in disbelief at them "I will give you all the information and when you have no need to interfere on something you can live as you want and be whoever you want"

"How?" Sanzu asked because no matter how he thought about it, there was no way he could do both

"You will know once you arrive there" was God's simple answer "Good luck, little blossom" they said before Sanzu was involved in a bright light and disappeared

Once Sanzu was gone God glared at a certain space knowing that the thing had messed with this once more.

"I hope you can live with this" God said not knowing where Sanzu would end up "But know I have a thing to hunt and destroy" they declared before disappearing to do just that

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