Mama Sakurako

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Sano Sakurako was an amazing woman.
She loved her kids above anything, even her husband.
Sakurako always had a big heart and was soft when it came to kids so it wasn't surprising that her biggest dream was having a big family.
Sadly her husband broke that dream when he came home drunk and confessed he cheated on her with multiple women and even got one of them pregnant.
Heartbroken, that was how she felt when he told her that but she didn't let herself get down on that because she still had her two adorable sons and also because she wanted to meet the woman who her husband got pregnant.
And that was the beginning of how Sano Sakurako became everyone's mother.
Karen was tired.
She was four weeks pregnant, had to work and take care of her husband's kid.
Well, Izana at this point was more hers than his parents and she loved him so much but it still hurt that her husband(because he and his mistress died before they could divorce) cheated on her with a random woman and she unknowingly became someone's mistress.
"Mama?" Izana called her looking worried and god he was little angel who was trying his best not to stress her since he found out she was pregnant
"Yes, little darling?" Karen asks with a tired smile
"There is a lady at the door with a baby and a kid" Izana answers and Karen looks confused because she didn't invite anyone unless it was some new neighbours or something
"Mama still has to take a quick shower so let them in and offer them some water/juice and snacks, okay?" Karen says softly and Izana nods and goes to do what she said after giving a quick kiss to her belly
Karen did what she told Izana and then made her way to the living where she froze because there in her couch was the woman she had hurt unintentionally by sleeping with her husband.
"Mama, look! Baby is cute!" Izana said pointing to the small baby in Sakurako's arms
"I can see that, little darling" Karen says forcing a smile on her face for Izana "May I ask why you guys come here?" she asks turning to Sakurako
"Shinichiro, why don't you go play with Izana?" Sakurako says looking at her oldest son instead of answering Karen
"Can we?" Izana says turning to Karen who sighed but nodded her head in agreement
"Remember to not leave the house and stay away from the back garden unless an adult is supervising you
"Yes, mama!" Izana says grinning before grabbing Shinichiro and leaving the room
With that the two women were left alone in the room with the sleeping baby.
"Can you answer me now?" Karen asks
"Sit down first, I know it isn't easy to be up so much as the pregnancy progresses" Sakurako says with a kind smile and Karen does that while feeling even more shitty about what she did to the woman in front of her
"So?" Karen says
"I want to know why you slept with Makoto" Sakurako says serious
"Mostly? I was drunk and missed my husband but if I had known Makoto came from the same tree as my husband, I wouldn't have slept with him" Karen sighs looking to the ceiling
"What do you mean by that?" Sakurako asks slightly confused
"Izana isn't my blood kid, he is my late husband's kid with his mistress" Karen explains and Sakurako hums in understanding
"So if you had known about me, you wouldn't have slept with him?" Sakurako asks curious
"Of course not, I wouldn't make someone else go through the same thing I did" Karen says because she hated cheating people more than anything
"What will you do with the baby?" Sakurako asks looking at Karen's belly who put her hand on it
"Try to raise her the best I can for as long as I can" Karen answers truthfully because she would need to work a lot more to make sure both if her kids had everything they needed and that plus raising said kids would affected her already fragile mental state
"You feel like you won't raise them till they are adults?" Sakurako says a bit confused
"Let's be real, my mental state was never the best since I did battle depression in the past and then the man I loved more than anything cheated on me and died leaving me his kid to raise" Karen started "Then I met Makoto and slept with, which ended up with me becoming the other woman when I never wished to do that to anyone, and now I have a baby on me. I still have to work, and will have to work even more as they grow up. So yes, I believe I won't be able to be there for them after certain point since my fragile mental state will break" she admitted without any fear
"I see" Sakurako says surprised about what she heard but made the decision she had made before visiting Karen become stronger "But what if I offered to help you with them?" she asks
"What do you mean?" Karen asked surprised and confused because she had hurt Sakurako and the woman was offering to help her with the kids
"I will admit that I was broken hearted when I found out what Makoto did but I always dreamed of having a lot of kids" Sakurako starts "And I know I can't have more since my doctor said that if I decide to have another baby there will only be one survivor between us, so I will try and help any kids I can" she says with a little sad smile
"....You know it will be hard, don't you?" Karen says softly "It wasn't easy for me to take care of Izana at the beginning because he made me remember that I was never enough for Itsuki" she explains better when she notices the confused look Sakurako sent her
"Even then I want to do it" Sakurako says sure of her decision "You can move to the Sano house so it will be easy to take care of the kids together" she adds since when she talked with Mansuke about this, the older man agreed especially because he was disappointed on how his son turned out to be
"...Can you give me some time to think about it?" Karen asks after some minutes in silence
"Of course, take all the time you need to make your decision" Sakurako says with a smile
"Thanks" Karen says as Izana and Shinichiro come back talking excited to them about what they had been playing
Two weeks later Karen and Izana moved into the Sano house where they were welcomed by everyone living there.
"If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask" Mansuke said to Karen when they arrived
"Thanks, Sano-san" Karen thanked before she hit Izana softly in the head "Izana wait before you go look around, I taught you manners" she says and Izana pouted
"Yes, mama" Izana said pouting before turning to Mansuke "Thanks for letting us stay here, Sano-san" Izana said bowing to the older man
"Hahaha, you can call me Mansuke or grandpa, little one" Mansuke said and Izana grinned at him while Karen sighed knowing that her kids would be spoiled
"Iza!" Shinichiro said when he saw Izana "Let's go play!" he said making his way to the younger boy
"Can I, mama?" Izana asks looking at Karen who nods "Thanks!" he says before leaving with Shinichiro
"You can find Sakurako with Manjirou in the nursery" Mansuke says to Karen before he has to leave to work
Karen nods at that and makes her way to the nursery so she and Sakurako can talk a bit more about how they will take care of their kids together
"Sano Manjirou! Kurokawa-Sano Izana" was heard in the Sano house "What did I tell you about fighting?!"
"But Mama/Aunty!" the two mentioned boys say
"Don't Mama/Aunty me! Is this the example you wanna pass to your sister?!" Sakurako says glaring at the two boys who pout
"Sorry" they mumble and Sakurako sighs
"I really hope you guys are sorry and if you want to fight just go to the dojo" Sakurako says before making her way to the kitchen were Karen was teaching little Emma how to cook
"They were fighting again?" Karen asks without taking her eyes of her daughter who was cutting some fruit
"When aren't they?" Sakurako says
"And Shin-nii has a gang fight today" Emma reminds her two mothers who sigh knowing that they should prepare the first aid since Shinichiro will certainly get hurt
"Emma, if you ever decide to continue with fighting and even create your own gang please be careful and remember that if those fighting you can't fight clean then you should just do the same as them but worst" Sakurako said to her only daughter who grinned at that before going back to cutting the fruit while Karen shook her head in amusement
"What will we do with you, Shinichiro?" Sakurako sighs looking at the state her son and his friends came in
"Sorry, mom" Shinichiro says
"Only apologize if you won't do it again" Karen said entering the living room with the first aid "Take a sit in the couch, we will take care of your injuries" she adds looking at the other three boys being that she only recognizes Takeomi who is Shinichiro's childhood friend
"You don-" the tallest of the group tried to say but was interrupted
"Just sit, I won't let any kid go home injured!" Sakurako says and the three of them sit in the couch
"Treat Shin and Takeomi, I will take care of the other two" Karen informs Sakurako who offers her a small smile before going to her kid and his childhood friend
"You guys should learn to be more careful! What if next time one of you gets stabbed or shot?! What will I do if I lose one of my kids?!" Sakurako says as she started lecturing Takeomi and Shinichiro
"We apologize for worrying you mom/aunty" the two black haired boys says feeling a bit bad for stressing out Sakurako
"You should come to our house some other time" Karen says to Benkei and Wakasa, who presented themselves once Karen started taking care of their injuries, as she finished taking care of them "Sakurako probably already adopted you and she loves to spoil any of her kids" she adds, smiling amused at the look of utter confusion in the face of the two kids in front of her
"I can hear you, Karen" Sakurako says looking at her friend with a raised eyebrow
"And did I tell any lies? You basically declared Takeomi, Haruchiyo and Senju your kids when you first met them" Karen says and Sakurako pouts making the kids laugh
"Keizou is my favorite nephew" Karen declared during one of the times she and Sakurako drank and relaxed "He is the only one who knows how to cook" she adds making Sakurako laugh
"It certainly is a blessing having him here since only Emma and Haruchiyo know how to cook something without making it impossible to eat or burning something" the black haired woman agrees
"Ryoko should give up on trying to have Keisuke know how to at least make rice" Karen sighs not understanding how the other woman doesn't give up already when she lost three pans and five rice cookers to try and make Baji learn to make rice
"A mother's love is like that" Sakurako says and Karen rolls her eyes at that
"I love our kids but that isn't reason enough to let Izana or Mikey burn everything" Karen says and Sakurako laughs
"That's true" Sakurako agreed with her friends
"...I don't know how you deal with all these kids without getting stressed" Karen sighs looking at Sakurako who smiles softly at her
"I was raised in an orphanage and helped the workers with the other kids, I grew to love taking care of the kids and dreamt of having a lot of kids" Sakurako says with a fond look on her eyes
"I see" Karen hums "Should I prepare something special in my will? Like to make sure my money is shared equally by my three kids and their three million cousins?" Karen jokes and Sakurako giggles
"Maybe you should" Sakurako says and the two women go back to drinking and talking about random things
Sakurako, just as Karen expected, continued to adopt any kid their kids befriended and made sure they were all healthy and happy.
There was no member in the Black Dragons, Tenjiku and Toman who didn't know and adore Mama Sakurako and, since Karen was always beside her friend, Aunty Karen.
With those two working together, but mostly thanks to Sakurako, they were able to get any abused and neglectful kid away from their parents and take in any kid who needed a home like Kakuchou. Sakurako was living her dream and she couldn't wait to see how many more kids she would meet and adopt into her family.
When Sakurako first met Kazutora she immediately recognised the signs of abuse but didn't approach the kid knowing that he might not have a good reaction to a direct approach so she slowly started interacting with him to show that she was there to help him no matter what.
"I'm going to prepare some snacks and tea" Sakurako says as she gets up from watching Mikey play with his friends
"...Do you need help?" Kazutora, who had been quite distracted when playing with the others, asks softly
"Sure" Sakurako says offering him a kind smile
With that the two leave to the kitchen where Sakurako starts getting everything ready and then reaches Kazutora how to do some things he seems unsure on how to do.
"...Are moms supposed to be like this?" Kazutora asks as he prepares some bowls with chips
"Yes, they are" was Sakurako only answer and she doesn't try to pry about why he would ask her that
"And how are dads supposed to be like?" Kazutora says as he moves to grab Mikey's so adored taiyakis
"Hmm, dads are supposed to be people who protect you when someone tries to hurt you, push you to become the best of you without getting past your limits and will love you no matter what" Sakurako hums knowing that she basically described Mansuke who was the best father figure she ever had
"So a mother and father aren't supposed to hit you, neglect you or tell you that you will be just like the person who hurts you?" Kazutora, who had stopped doing what he had been doing before, asks while trembling slightly
"No, dear, they certainly aren't supposed to do that" Sakurako says softly and in seconds she has a crying boy in her arms
From that day until the day that the Hanemiya couple was given what they deserve for abusing and neglecting their kid, Kazutora lived with the Sanos and then was adopted by Pah-chin's parents who were more than happy to shower him in all the love he should have received since he was kid.
Since Sakurako first saw little Takemichi and Kisaki, she knew they would grow to be amazing but only on the hand of caring adults which they didn't seem to have a lot of.
Kisaki was the one who showed signs of very neglectful parents and that worried Sakurako because talking to him was the same as talking to an adult. He deserved to just be a kid so she got Emma to befriend him and bring him to play at their house as often as she could.
He flourished under Sakurako's care and Emma's encouraging words to the point he started making more friends like Hina, Hanma and finally Takemichi.
Takemichi was a sweetheart that reminded Sakurako and Karen a lot of Makoto and even Shinichiro said that once to Sakurako.
Neither were sure if Takemichi was Makoto's kid with another woman but no matter what Sakurako took him in when she noticed that his mother was rarely home and his grandma was too old to be following him around and take care of him.
Having been under Sakurako's love changed Takemichi, he became a lot calmer and didn't get into fights anymore because he hadn't to prove to anyone he was deserving of love.
"Michi, hurry up! Mama Sakurako Sakurako waiting for us!" Sakurako heard Kisaki shout from the street and knew two of her kids were coming to hang out with her
"I'm coming!" she heard Takemichi shout and then silence came before she heard giggles signaling that Takemichi caught up to Kisaki and started to tickle him
Sakurako loved Shinichiro's little friend, he was pretty and very kind.
Inui Seishu, despite looking quite apathetic, unless he was with his best friend Koko or his sister Akane, was an amazing kid and Sakurako adored visiting Shinichiro's shop and talking to him.
"They are rarely home because of work so Nee-san was the one to raise me and Koko" was Inui's answer when Sakurako asked him about his and Koko's parents
"I see, if any of you ever need anything don't be afraid to come to me" Sakurako says before kissing Inui's forehead Inui's leaving since she had to make dinner that day as Karen, Izana and Emma had gone on vacations to meet Karen's parents
She just didn't expect that said time would come so soon and with her almost losing one of her kids, because anyone connected to any of those she declared her kids was her kid too, but it did.
Mikey and Sakurako had been making their way to the grocery store when Sakurako noticed the smell of shock so they went to see what was wrong only to find the Inui house burning.
"Mikey call the firefighters and then Shinichiro and Karen! I will go see if Seishu and Akane are in the house!" Sakurako says giving her back to her son and running to the house at the same time as Koko did it
They were able to save both Inuis even if the siblings would forever have a mark of what happened that day. Seishu and Akane moved with the Sanos after that day and Sakurako made sure their injuries were well taken care of and that they knew they were welcomed into the house.
"Really, Iza? You had to bring yours and Mikey's gangs to your petty fights?" Karen asks looking at her oldest kid who pouts
"But they deserved it, mama!" Izana says and Karen sighs
"Just because you both adore Takemichi and Kakuchou and the two are closer to each other than you and Mikey doesn't mean you need to do this, Iza" Karem explains calmly and Izana, still pouting, nods knowing that his mother was right
"Can I ask something?" Ran, a member of Tenjiku and another of the kids Sakurako adopted once she met, asked looking a bit confused but also curious
"Anything" Karen answers while finishing taking care of Izana's injuries who was the last member of Tenjiku that she had to take care just like Sakurako must be finishing taking care of every Toman member and also lecturing Mikey
"Why does Izana refer to you by mama and Sakurako-san by aunty and Shinichiro in reverse while Mikey and Emma call both of you by mama?" Ran asks since that was something that had been in everyone's mind a lot
"Oh! You were never told about how all of this came to be, right?" Karen says "Sakurako probably will tell you later but to answer your question, Izana was raised only by me and Shinichiro only by Sakurako till a certain age and they felt more comfortable calling us like that while Mikey and Emma were raised by both of us so they refer to us by mama" she explains and they all nod understanding this better
The next week Sakurako got all her kids to have a picnic with them, since they didn't all fit in the Sano house, at a nearby park and decided to tell the story of how she came to be a Sano, met Karen and saw her family grow just like she always wanted.
"Papa cheated on you? But you always tell us good things about him" Mikey says confused
"Just because someone cheats on you, doesn't mean you will stop loving them" Sakurako explains having already expected that question
"I don't think I would have taken that so well as you did, mama" Yuzuha says because if her lover cheated in her, she would be devastated and take a long time till she was able to get up from that fall
"Everyone is different, Yuzu-chan" Sakurako smiles at her second oldest daughter
"Is the story behind my birth similar?" Izana asks looking at Karen
"You could say so but the difference is that you weren't born from me, not like that changes anything since you are and will always be my kid" Karen answers and Izana smiles at that
“So he might be my dad too?” Takemichi asks remembering the photo Sakurako once showed them of Sano Makoto
“And ours?” Smiley and Angry ask because they were also similar to Sano Makoto even if Smiley had the same hair color as their mother while Angry had the same hair color as Mansuke’s late wife
“Maybe but that doesn’t change that you are all my kids” Sakurako says and the three nod at that because she was right
With that they continued eating while the kids asked random questions to their mother and aunt just to get to know more about their life and how they turned into the strongest woman they had ever met especially Sakurako.

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