Children's Promise, Future's Happiness

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"I will marry you guys when we grow up!" exclaimed a little kid with black hair and bright blue eyes to his two best friends

"Really?" asked shyly a boy with also black hair and blue eyes

"Yep!" said the first boy again grinning at the other one

"So Tetta-chan will be our smart wife!" said the only girl who had salmon hair and eyes a bit darker than her hair color

"But I'm a boy" murmured the second boy

"Still!" continued the girl so the boy only nodded before both were engulfed in a hug by the first boy

They had been just little kids when they promised to marry each other but their parents, being the chaotic shits they had always been since they themselves were kids, took it a step further and really compromised them with each other.

While it may have been a kids stupid words...neither of the three involved on it minded it once they grew up.

Because it was no secret how much Hanagaki Takemichi, Tachibana Hinata and Kisaki Tetta love each other and wish to spend their whole lives side by side.




"So many dog food" mumbled Mochi watching Toman's 6th division trio being a disgustingly sweet couple

"Dog food?" asked Chifuyu looking at the older boy confused

"It's a chinese saying about when a couple is being so sweet and showing it to the world" hummed Sanzu has if he wasn't in Mucho's lap while said boy played with his hair(but no one reached the 6th division couple levels)

"Makes sense" mumbled Peh-yan before going back to his talk with Shion about the best way for him to confess to Yasuda our show his feelings to her

"How long have Michi, Hina and Kisaki been together?" asked Emma curious to Mikey who shrugged

"Never asked" answered Mikey since he was never interested in knowing that even if he was slightly jealous that his crush was already dating someone

"Just get over him" sighed Draken looking at his friend before going back to watch his lovers, Hakkai and Mitsuya, talk about fashion and modeling with the Haitani siblings

"Not so easy" pouted Mikey but he knew Draken was telling the truth




"Sorry for intruding!" Toman captains and vice-captains said while entering Kisaki's mansion since they, together with Tenjiku, had been invited to a sleepover by Hina in Kisaki's house

"No problem, sweeties!" Kisaki's father said laughing "I'm just happy to finally meet my son's friends" he added

"But you already know Hina and Michi" mumbled Kisaki to his father

"Yes, but you guys have been promised since the day little Michi exclaimed he would marry you guys followed by little Hina saying your would be their smart wife" Kisaki's father teased Kisaki who blushed and hides his face in Hanma's chest who was right behind Kisaki

"PROMISED?!" shouted everyone making Kisaki's father laugh even more while the mentioned couple was either grinning(Takemichi), proud of this(Hina) or whining in embarrassment(Kisaki)

"Go put your things in the living room and I will tell you their love story while we eat some snacks me and Tetta prepared before you guys arrived" Kisaki's father said and no one lost a second in doing what he said curious to know more about the couples story beside the dog food they give them everyday

"The perfect wife" giggled Hina hugging Kisaki from behind while Takemichi stole a quick kiss from the younger boy

"I hate you guys" whined Kisaki but he had a small smile on his face because for much his lovers and dad could be little shits he loved them




"And with this I declare you married!" announced the priest watching the two couple sharing a sweet kiss before looking at their friends and families with the biggest smiles anyone has ever seen

With this everyone started to leave the church and made their way to where the wedding party was going to happen with the recently married couples making a quick stop in their apartments so the 'wives' could change out of their dresses to something more comfortable.

"I'm still surprised that Koko was able to make Mikey fall for him" hummed Inui leaning into his boyfriend, Chifuyu, while looking at the two couples dancing(if we could call it a dance when it was three people dancing together)

"Me too" Chifuyu agreed since a lot of them had been surprised when Koko and Mikey told them they were dating

"The only thing I can think of that made Mikey fall for Koko is food" Emma said from where she was eating some cake with Izana, her boyfriend, and Kakuchou

"It was" Izana said and the others looked at him curiously "It seems like Koko had been training for a long time on how to make Mikey's favorite sweets and that was what made Mikey realize how much Koko loved him and that he was falling for Koko" he added and the others nodded their heads having a better understanding of how the couple started

"Wait! But outside of those we buy at stores, Mikey only accepted the ones Shin-nii made so how did he accept Koko's?" asked Senju remembering the time she had done some after Shinichiro died to make Mikey better but he rejected them saying he only ate those Shin's made and the ones in the stores

"Shin-nii left the receipts with me so I could give them for the person I considered right for Mikey" answered Sanzu coming back from dancing with Mucho

"You always were Shin's favorite outside of his siblings" hummed Benkei with a soft smile

"Guys! It's time to take a photo!" shouted Takemichi since they had decided to take a photo with all their friends and family instead of one with just the couples

With that everyone made their way to where the couples were and positioned themselves around the two couples and they took a lot of photos with different poses and even some making faces. Everyone had big smiles that day, especially the two couples since this was the day they promised to be together forever even if they didn't need any wedding to show their lover(s) that they would stay with them forever.

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