One Night

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Takeomi was so fucked up!

He knew he should have been careful but he let his omega and emotions take control of him and now here he is.

Baby, he was going to have a baby and he had no idea who the father was but knew his baby sister and friends would do anything to find the person who impregnated him

(Maybe Haruchiyo would have done the same had he not died at the 3 Deities War to protect his sister and king).

God, he hoped he could be a good parent for his baby.

And also hoped that no one would end up killed once he told the news to Bonten.




"Omi-nii!" Senju said once her older brother had entered the living room

"Senju" Takeomi said smiling at his baby sister

"What did you want to tell us?" asked Koko because Takeomi ahd requested all of them to come to the living room since he had something to tell them

"Hahaha, well..." Takeomi was unsure of how to do this

"Don't be afraid of telling us anything" Kakuchou said and Takeomi sighed just hoping that they would have a good reaction

"I'm pregnant and don't know who the other father is!" he said as fast he could but in a way everyone could still understand what he was saying


"Guys?" Takeomi called afraid


Takeomi was really hoping for much but this is better than being mad at him and immediately going in a murder spree




"Remind me to never get drunk enough to sleep with someone and to always were protection or ask the person who I sleep with to do that" mumbled Mochi to Ran who just nodded his head in agreement, both wincing when they heard Takeomi scream once more

"Or just choose to have the baby at the hospital" Kakuchou said because he couldn't understand why Takeomi would choose to have his baby at home

"Look at the positive side" Rindou said and everyone looked at him with a raised eyebrow "It isn't us who will have their hands broken" he said and everyone agreed with him, feeling a bit bad for Senju and Mikey who decided to be by Takeomi's side while he delivered the baby

They only had to wait one more hour before Takemichi, the one who was acting as the doctor since he had taken a small course on that, appeared with a small baby in his arms.

"Meet our new member, Akashi Haruo!" Takemichi said smiling softly to the small baby while the others gathered around him to meet Takeomi's baby







While all this happened in Bonten, on the other side of the city a light haired man was having constant headaches and strange dreams involving people he didn't know.

"How long has this been going, Imaushi-san?" asked the doctor

"The dreams for almost 9 months but the headaches only started last month" Wakasa answered and the doctor noted something in its book before talking

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