Shinichiro's Wife

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Takeomi looked confused to the pretty woman in front of him because he was sure he never met her but she did have the clearance to enter their headquarters so maybe one of the others knew her but still hadn't presented her to them.

"May I know your name?" Takeomi asked the woman

"Oh, sure! I'm Madarame Shion, it's a pleasure to meet you" the woman said smiling to Takeomi who nodded at that before opening the door for her

"I hope you enjoy your stay here" was the last thing Takeomi said to Shion before he left to report back to Shinichiro about his mission




Benkei was tired.

He loved his job but this mission really took most of his energy and he still had to go and report back to Shinichiro.

"I'm sorry" he heard a soft female voice from behind him and confused he looked to find one of the prettiest woman he has ever met(not more than his own fiance of course)

"Yes?" Benkei asked confused while trying to remember if he had ever seen this woman before

"Can you tell me where the kitchen is, please?" asked the woman

"Sure, ..." he was saying but stopped when he noticed that he didn't know the woman's name

"Madarame Shion" the woman said

"Follow me, Madarame-san" Benkei said and started guiding Shion to the kitchen

"Thanks for your help" she thanked once they arrived in the kitchen

"You're welcome" Benkei said before leaving to finally give his report to Shinichiro




Wakasa sometimes asked how his chaotic girlfriend survived all these years but he also wanted to thank whatever deity permitted that because he was completely in love with her even if they have only been together for six months.

"I will go pick something to eat" Wakasa sighed knowing that staring at his sick girlfriend won't change so he might as well go pick some food for them

He made his way to the kitchen but as he got closer he noticed an amazing smell which confused him because despite how amazing most of them were at things, cooking wasn't one of them even if some of them could cook rice without burning it.

"You are beautiful, like a dream come alive, incredible. A centerfold miracle, lyrical" Wakasa heard someone sing as he approached and entered the kitchen "You saved my life again. And I want you to know, baby"

Of course he was surprised when he saw a woman he had never seen in his life cooking, not just for one or two people but for more, in their kitchen like it was her own. Despite being confused he just thought that she probably was the girlfriend of one of their other friends or a lower member of th Black Dragons. Without interrupting the woman he picked some easy things to eat and water before leaving to see if Hanma, his girlfriend, was already awake to at least eat something without giving any thought about the woman he just saw.




Madarame Shion never was the lady everyone wanted her to be and she sincerely gave no fucks about it even when her father said that either she starts acting like a lady or leaves his house to never return.

She thrived in the streets not bowing down to anything, not even when she went a week or longer without eating anything. She was a survivor and the scars in her body proved that.

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